Rights group says Saudi Arabian border guards fired on and killed hundreds of Ethiopian migrants

They did sign the universal declaration of human rights and are very proud of it. You're pretty ignorant about Saudi Arabia. Every city has it's gays and mostly they are ignored. The Saudis have the death penalty for pedophilia, not homosexuality.

You probably don't realize that public behavior whether you are gay or not is
very conservative.

Why did Saudi Arabia not sign the Declaration of Human Rights? Why did Saudi Arabia not sign the Declaration of Human Rights? [Get the Answers at BYJU’S]

Maybe you would think different if you had not cut off your dick so Trudy could carry it around in his purse.
Wow. Here's a parachute. Drop your neanderthal behind into Saudi Arabia. You look at a fully covered woman the wrong way it may be YOUR weiner on the cutting board.
The Bushes used to have the Bin Ladens over for dinner.

In the mid-nineties, the Saudi Binladens joined the House of Saud, former secretary of state James Baker, and former president George H.W. Bush in investing and controlling the Carlyle Group, a private equity firm based in Washington D.C. The connections between Riyadh and D.C., between the Qasr Al Hukm and the White House, contracted as the world approached the new millennium."

Boy, I ain't found that pic I'm thinking of yet. Google tends to bury stuff.

It was in the newspaper. H.W. Bush was president and there's a big chandelier.

The Bush administration wasn't tricked into thinking the Saudis or the bin Ladens were our enemies.
That preposterous. Everyone knows that George W. Bush was the one who masterminded the blowing up of the World Trade Towers.

That was right after he stole the 2020 election from Al Gore.
Is that why you voted for Bush twice?
Shooting unarmed humans, arresting female human right activists, arbitrary state murder of citizens, death penalty for being gay, not even one Jewish person in the nation because they fear for their lives. "Human Rights"...

There are plenty of Jews in Arabia.. I ran into 6 in Riyadh 20 years ago.

There's no death penalty for homosexuality.

You're really ignorant. Have you ever been out of Canada?
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Border guards in Saudi Arabia have fired machine guns and launched mortars at Ethiopians trying to cross into the kingdom from Yemen, likely killing hundreds of the unarmed migrants in recent years, Human Rights Watch said in a report released Monday.

The rights group cited eyewitness reports of attacks by troops and images that showed dead bodies and burial sites on migrant routes, saying the death toll could even be “possibly thousands.”

The United Nations has already questioned Saudi Arabia about its troops opening fire on the migrants in an escalating pattern of attacks along its southern border with war-torn Yemen.

A Saudi government official, speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak publicly, called the Human Rights Watch report “unfounded and not based on reliable sources,” without offering evidence to support the assertion. Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who allegedly make tens of thousands of dollars a week smuggling migrants over the border, did not respond to requests for comment.

Their kingdom, their rules.

They take their border/immigration very seriously.

Like here the solution to border jumpers is neither Christian nor constitutional, but it may be necessary to save the Republic.
No problem. A couple more Billion Dollars to Kushner and he will make it all go away.
"Their rules". This is the same country that did not sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because it betrayed Sharia Law. You don't need to murder unarmed people, they can simply not allow them entry and can be sent along their way. Is this what brave people do? It's cowardly. They bully gay people, Christians, Jews, any outsiders. I thought the were evolving into a more civilized society, perhaps, not...
IMVO (in my vaulted opinion) the most important scene in the movie "Lawrence of Arabia"
depicted the shooting of a famished vagrant by an arab prince for the sin of taking a sip
of water from the prince's well. YUP--that's arabian civilization---generation to generation.
My hubby was born in a shariah shithole. In our city in the "hoods" there are storefront
mosques. Hubby will cross the street just to avoid getting NEAR one. <<<that's family
legacy for the survivors of arabian HOSPITALITY
IMVO (in my vaulted opinion) the most important scene in the movie "Lawrence of Arabia"
depicted the shooting of a famished vagrant by an arab prince for the sin of taking a sip
of water from the prince's well. YUP--that's arabian civilization---generation to generation.
My hubby was born in a shariah shithole. In our city in the "hoods" there are storefront
mosques. Hubby will cross the street just to avoid getting NEAR one. <<<that's family
legacy for the survivors of arabian HOSPITALITY
Why is your husband in the hood?
Is that why you voted for Bush twice?

Actually I only voted for him once. I was still a Democrat up until his second term.

Prior to that, I was so politically uninformed that I actually wrote in Jesse Jackson against Bill Clinton, during a primary.
Why is your husband in the hood?
Parts of the city----go thru to get here or there----you ask a really idiotic
question. Another anecdote. For years I got to my hospital job by train and
a walk thru a "hood"-----then I got to evaluate about one bullet to the brain
per month emanating from the same "hood". I asked a cop-----"I walk from 'train
station' down XXXXX avenue every day to get to XXXXX hospital--and NEVER SEE
A POLICEMAN despite an average of one murder by gunshot there per week. He
answered "you WALK down XXXX avenue? I wouldn't take a squad car down that
street" well---ya gotta go, you go. The Ethiopians gotta go and the HOUTHIS?
well----it is something like a sunni/ shiite thing---arabian culture. As to KSA
donations to Yemen----Yemen is MOSTLY SUNNI and somehow the shiites are
an underclass. Ask KAMALA what they should do
Parts of the city----go thru to get here or there----you ask a really idiotic
question. Another anecdote. For years I got to my hospital job by train and
a walk thru a "hood"-----then I got to evaluate about one bullet to the brain
per month emanating from the same "hood". I asked a cop-----"I walk from 'train
station' down XXXXX avenue every day to get to XXXXX hospital--and NEVER SEE
A POLICEMAN despite an average of one murder by gunshot there per week. He
answered "you WALK down XXXX avenue? I wouldn't take a squad car down that
street" well---ya gotta go, you go. The Ethiopians gotta go and the HOUTHIS?
well----it is something like a sunni/ shiite thing---arabian culture. As to KSA
donations to Yemen----Yemen is MOSTLY SUNNI and somehow the shiites are
an underclass. Ask KAMALA what they should do
Your bitterness clouds your judgment.

Surada sounds like the kind of girl who's never had to walk through an area where you stand the chance of being shot in the face. The white privilege is strong in that one.
I have been cautious in my travels. Is that privilege or judgment?
I have been cautious in my travels. Is that privilege or judgment?
You have what lots of people do not have---to wit, CHOICE. And
you have been in places where you have lots of PRIVILEGE that
many many people DO NOT

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