Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Earlier this year (a few months ago) one of the major movers and shakers in the "Liberal Media" industry went with the usual story line. What is interesting is how in the world anyone can take these people seriously.

Conservatives nationwide should prepare for the next left wing media assault: promoting Barack Obama's Liberal agenda, portraying Democrat Hillary Clinton as a moderate and scorch-earthing any and all conservatives that show interest in challenging Mrs. Clinton in 2016, says Brent Bozell of Accuracy in Media in his thoughts on the State of the Media:

Bozell Liberal media will bolster Obama and Clinton attack conservatives - Illinois Review

We know the NYT wingnut fed hit job on Hillary, now we have this sort of crap: the author says the Clintyon allies are going nasty -- yet the article shows anything but "Nastiness"

Look for more of this as the campaign season goes forward. One of the main reasons I was of the opinion that Hillary should not run in 2015, was that this sort of thing would rear it's nasty head. Her legacy is great. I feared she would get it destroyed but another presidential campaign as her last hurrah. Now that she has decided to run I will back her. The more they attack her the more my support solidifies.

The media sucks. They fed the Vince Foster bullshit. They fed the faux 'outrage' over Monica -- a bj from an intern? OMFG call the Pope! Oh wait, he's busy ignoring bj's by priests

During her listening tour in New Hampshire on Monday, Clinton aimed to rise above the fray surrounding her foundation, calling the book and the Republican rigamarole around it a “distraction.” But the circulation of the memo shows that the Clinton campaign and its allies are willing to get into a nasty fight over Clinton’s record—just from behind the scenes.
Clinton Campaign Seeks To Discredit Critical Book By Linking It To GOP

So where is this imaginary liberal media bolstering of Clinton?
“In general New York Times has been sloppy,” Dean said. “Particularly their political writers. I use theTimes as an example in journalism classes, because by the fifth paragraph in any political story…they’re substituting their judgment for news.”

Scarborough Slams NY Times Naked Agenda on Christie Coverage Mediaite

“They have had a naked agenda again today on driving this story,” Scarborough said, of a headlineabout the persistence of the Bridgegate scandal in pestering Christie on the campaign trail. “For that to be the headline of a major national figure going to New Hampshire is embarrassing.”

“Especially when the article doesn’t back it up,” co-host Mika Brzezinski added. (In the following hour of the program she noted that Bridgegate had made Christie a more polished pol.)

Scarborough added that he’s not usually one to criticize the Times, though he is consistent when he does:

So what would be different from the last 15 years?
Liberals will support Obama and Clinton, but attack conservatives? Holy shit. Bozell must be a political genius. :lol:

I can't believe this twat has any relation to William F. Buckley.
It is not for media to be unbiased. It is for readers to use their intelligence.
There is no liberal media, truth just has a liberal bias.
If a republican abused the power of sos the way Hillary did. The news outlets would be reporting it 24/7.
Perhaps but then again so much went under-reported during the Bush administration that I think something else is at play when the press lays off the White house. Perhaps they want to keep their AF1 seat in the WH press corps?
There is no liberal media, truth just has a liberal bias.
If a republican abused the power of sos the way Hillary did. The news outlets would be reporting it 24/7.
Perhaps but then again so much went under-reported during the Bush administration that I think something else is at play when the press lays off the White house. Perhaps they want to keep their AF1 seat in the WH press corps?
Your kidding right? When Bush was president. Every little thing he did was scrutinized. When he went to his ranch, the media reported on it negatively. Obama takes extravagant vacations. He flies solo, Michelle flies separately. Then the damn dog gets his own flight, and the media is silent, hell they support it. Liberals memory sucks.
There is no liberal media, truth just has a liberal bias.
If a republican abused the power of sos the way Hillary did. The news outlets would be reporting it 24/7.
Perhaps but then again so much went under-reported during the Bush administration that I think something else is at play when the press lays off the White house. Perhaps they want to keep their AF1 seat in the WH press corps?
Your kidding right? When Bush was president. Every little thing he did was scrutinized. When he went to his ranch, the media reported on it negatively. Obama takes extravagant vacations. He flies solo, Michelle flies separately. Then the damn dog gets his own flight, and the media is silent, hell they support it. Liberals memory sucks.
Who gives a fuck what the president does in his "free time" ? If the "liberal media" had done it's job Bush would have never been able to start the Iraq war.
There is no liberal media, truth just has a liberal bias.
If a republican abused the power of sos the way Hillary did. The news outlets would be reporting it 24/7.
Perhaps but then again so much went under-reported during the Bush administration that I think something else is at play when the press lays off the White house. Perhaps they want to keep their AF1 seat in the WH press corps?
Your kidding right? When Bush was president. Every little thing he did was scrutinized. When he went to his ranch, the media reported on it negatively. Obama takes extravagant vacations. He flies solo, Michelle flies separately. Then the damn dog gets his own flight, and the media is silent, hell they support it. Liberals memory sucks.
Who gives a fuck what the president does in his "free time" ? If the "liberal media" had done it's job Bush would have never been able to start the Iraq war.
The Clinton's had something to do with that, and you want to vote that back into office.
There is no liberal media, truth just has a liberal bias.
If a republican abused the power of sos the way Hillary did. The news outlets would be reporting it 24/7.
Perhaps but then again so much went under-reported during the Bush administration that I think something else is at play when the press lays off the White house. Perhaps they want to keep their AF1 seat in the WH press corps?
Your kidding right? When Bush was president. Every little thing he did was scrutinized. When he went to his ranch, the media reported on it negatively. Obama takes extravagant vacations. He flies solo, Michelle flies separately. Then the damn dog gets his own flight, and the media is silent, hell they support it. Liberals memory sucks.

Every move Obama makes gets torn apart and examined every which way, and attacked in every way feasible by the rightwing propaganda machine.
There is no liberal media, truth just has a liberal bias.
If a republican abused the power of sos the way Hillary did. The news outlets would be reporting it 24/7.
Perhaps but then again so much went under-reported during the Bush administration that I think something else is at play when the press lays off the White house. Perhaps they want to keep their AF1 seat in the WH press corps?
Your kidding right? When Bush was president. Every little thing he did was scrutinized. When he went to his ranch, the media reported on it negatively. Obama takes extravagant vacations. He flies solo, Michelle flies separately. Then the damn dog gets his own flight, and the media is silent, hell they support it. Liberals memory sucks.

Let's compare Bush media attitude versus Obama media attitude.

MSM job is to Bash the President"
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.
He-Could-Go-All-The-Way Today Cheers Obama s Football Play

MSM Job to Bash the President..."
But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball,
Newsweek s Evan Thomas Obama Is Sort of God

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