Rightwing Textbooks teach slavery was immigration

Rightwing “whitey?”

That word betrays your hate for white people

having white skin is not the key to successful government or life

but white values, culture and religion have made America the envy of the world

minorities who adopt those qualities do very well whenever they try
Stop whining. That shit gets old. Right wing whitey is not all white people and stop trying to make whitey a slur. Whites name their children whitey. You talk about rappers using the n word but there ain't no black parents naming their children N word Smith or N word Jones. But you got a plaque of Whitey Ford sitting in the baseball Hall of fame. So just stop with the false equivalences, grow up, then understand that white supremacy has been documented and it ain't pretty.

There are no white values. White culture? This dysunctional bullshit we live in? White religion? No such thing. Those like you fear us getting equality because you think we will indeed start adopting white values and make you slaves for a couple hundred years, take all your money and make it illegal for you to have any money, property, or educaion. Murder, theft, deceit have been white values. Nobody wise adopts those things.
The Dems run the same old slavery as before the Civil War with all that affirmative action and feel-good hate crime legislation. It's all about the "rights" of chain-gang "employees" beholden to Democrat corporate America.

Gee whiz. Now you've got an extreme feminist girlfriend telling "Her-Story." Are you patronizing the ladies appropriately at work or are you going to be arrested on a Democrat sexual harassment charge? Like the black man who whistled at the white girl across the street.

You're wearing a ball and chain around your ankle and yet you never cease to defend your Democrat masters.
Don't you get tired of repeating lines that don't work?
Of course you do

your words are dripping with hate for white people and America while whites are in the majority
I don't hate whites who are not racists. So stop whining that he hate whitey shit because I rrefuse to tolerate your racism.
Rightwing “whitey?”

That word betrays your hate for white people

having white skin is not the key to successful government or life

but white values, culture and religion have made America the envy of the world

minorities who adopt those qualities do very well whenever they try
I don't hate whites who are not racists. So stop whining that he hate whitey shit because I rrefuse to tolerate your racism.

Speak of the devil, there's one now. Racism is very important to IM2, gives him a purpose and excuse.

Perhaps the greatest entertainer of all time. My parents knew him, and my mother always said Sammy was the best. She's not wrong, that guy could play any instrument and was born to be a showman.

He was Jewish, or at least practiced the religion. He said many Jews held animosity toward him for his practice of the religion. I know who the inner circle is, take a wild guess which side of center those Jews are? That would be those who vocally support equality, parroting & hypocrite Demonicrats.
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Right wing whitey is not all white people
Yeah right

and “ni@@er”, jigaboo, ect does not mean all blacks when directed at one specific person

but they do coarsen the conversation nevertheless

and words that libs are quick to object to
In your world racists are whites who are not giving away free shoe shines
No, they are whites like you who congregate in forums talking racust bullshit then whining about being called racists.
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Speak of the devil, there's one now. Racism is very important to IM2, gives him a purpose and excuse.

Another white racist talking about what race is supposed to mean for somebody black.
The quotes in the first paragraph are correct, especially the part about aliens. The law refers to immigrants as aliens. You people puck the dumbest shit to get upset about.
Wrong. And you don't get to determine what we get upset about. Slaves were not immigrants and thereis nothing correct in those descriptions.
You’re obsessed with race. Usually racists obsess over race.

You're gaslighting. That's a tactic racists use in these discussions. We as black people don't get to ignore race. Because if we do, we end up trusting whites who take us hunting and we die.
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Every last slave owner was a scumbucket. They were disgusting Americans of whom I have zero respect for. Every last one. And I am white.
Every last slave owner was a scumbucket. They were disgusting Americans of whom I have zero respect for. Every last one. And I am white.
And that's nice. Now how about we talk about the 160 years after slavery>
How about textbooks simply read how slave owners were very bad Americans who were too lazy to do an ounce of work so they had to use a whip to hurt their workers whom they hated. That's accurate.
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I don't agree with that at all, not all slave owners were di
And that's nice. Now how about we talk about the 160 years after slavery>

I don't agree, it's not true that all slave owners were bad people. Just like black slaves, many were brought up to not recognize a difference. Britain brought us slavery, among others, we grew out of it. The 60s were 60 years ago.

Current conditions for many blacks is like former slaves & owners, they don't know any different than poor, especially while inside unstable cities run by Democracks, drugs, left-propaganda & excuses, with they marketing racism, and unstable families.

Poor doesn't discriminate, BTW. IMO poor blacks would do themselves a favor by quitting drugs, throwing a rubber on it, graduating high school, and serve in the Marines. If they can't fix them nothing can. At least old school, they may have pussed down with progressives.
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