Rightwing Textbooks teach slavery was immigration

Well...kinda. However...if courts were to determine that because slaves were brought to the continent under conditions of duress, illegally. Those courts may also determine that they, or more importantly their subsequent progeny are not actually citizens. Therefore, they are here illegally, and must all be deported back to the Gold Coast of Africa.

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Get your black ass on the boat Tyrone!

Yer goin back to the motherland!

Have fun eatin mudpies and catchin malaria!
Come to think of it the courts could determine all European invaders are illegal immigrants and boot your ass back to whatever impoverished mushroom garden it fell out of right?
I disagree...owning another human is the very definition of bad. Rest assured the owners never made it to heaven.
No, they are whites like you who congregate in forums talking racust bullshit then whining about being called racists.
I define racism as a belief in the genetic inferiority of a certain race

You have no basis to call me a racist based on the true meaning of the term

what pisses you off is that I dont make excuses for the failure of black people

I hold blacks accountable for their own actions or lack of action
Come to think of it the courts could determine all European invaders are illegal immigrants and boot your ass back to whatever impoverished mushroom garden it fell out of right?
Nope...we pioneered this great nation...not savage red indians or African mud pie munchers.
I am completely against mislabeling or improperly redefining something to advance your agenda - like calling slavery black immigration or calling illegal aliens undocumented immigrants.

I agree, but we have no reason to think that anyone did call slavery "black immigration"

Claims by a Nazi hate site without any sort of proof just don't convince me.
I grew up believing all that stuff. It's nothing new. At least now there is a chance of hearing the real story. In 1960s-70s Alabama I didn't stand a chance.
I grew up in Ohio and attended high school in the early to mid 1960s. We were taught slavery was the cause of the Civil War and it was evil. We learned the Civil War was fought to free the slaves.

The Union Army or the Northern Army were the good goys and the Rebel Army or the Confederate Army were the bad guys.

History is often like news today. It is usually propaganda.
I don't agree with that at all, not all slave owners were di

I don't agree, it's not true that all slave owners were bad people. Just like black slaves, many were brought up to not recognize a difference. Britain brought us slavery, among others, we grew out of it. The 60s were 60 years ago.

Current conditions for many blacks is like former slaves & owners, they don't know any different than poor, especially while inside unstable cities run by Democracks, drugs, left-propaganda & excuses, with they marketing racism, and unstable families.

Poor doesn't discriminate, BTW. IMO poor blacks would do themselves a favor by quitting drugs, throwing a rubber on it, graduating high school, and serve in the Marines. If they can't fix them nothing can. At least old school, they may have pussed down with progressives.
If you were white and owned a slave, you were a bad person. I say that because the blacks who owned slves purcased family members ostensibly freeing them. IMO, your opinion about blacks and what we should do is ignorant. Having to deal with racism causes people todo drugs. Throwing a rubber on it when whites has more unwed births than blacks had total births, 965 percent of whites graduate high school, 93 percent of blacks do. So everything you say doesn't fit the reality we live.

This silly democrat cities shit is retarded. City councils are generally bi partisan so there ar no democratic or republican cities. The 60' were 60 years ago and white racism still exists. It's time whitees like yu stopped lying about how things are. Every day we read racist comments like the ones you made and the very people making those comments are quick to lie about how racism is a thing of the past.
I agree, but we have no reason to think that anyone did call slavery "black immigration"

Claims by a Nazi hate site without any sort of proof just don't convince me.
The information is correct. It contained proof. What you don't want to believe doesn't matter.
If you were white and owned a slave, you were a bad person. I say that because the blacks who owned slves purcased family members ostensibly freeing them. IMO, your opinion about blacks and what we should do is ignorant. Having to deal with racism causes people todo drugs. Throwing a rubber on it when whites has more unwed births than blacks had total births, 965 percent of whites graduate high school, 93 percent of blacks do. So everything you say doesn't fit the reality we live.

This silly democrat cities shit is retarded. City councils are generally bi partisan so there ar no democratic or republican cities. The 60' were 60 years ago and white racism still exists. It's time whitees like yu stopped lying about how things are. Every day we read racist comments like the ones you made and the very people making those comments are quick to lie about how racism is a thing of the past.

Did I read that right, racism is why blacks do drugs? I guess whites just have a different reason, good one IM2.

You're being dishonest about birth rates. The reason for more white unwed births is there are far more white people. The percentage of out-of-wedlock births for non-Hispanic whites is 21.9 percent, but for non-Hispanic blacks it's 69.3 percent. For Hispanics it's 41.6 percent, and for American Indians 59.3 percent.

I don't see your point about high school

ILMAO at city councils are reason PROG cities aren't run by PROGS, give me a break. Fuck off on your white racism BS, I just as well call you a black racist and it would more likely fit. ILMAO at you suggesting my comments are racist. Fuck you're a pussy.
Did I read that right, racism is why blacks do drugs? I guess whites just have a different reason, good one IM2.

You're being dishonest about birth rates. The reason for more white unwed births is there are far more white people. The percentage of out-of-wedlock births for non-Hispanic whites is 21.9 percent, but for non-Hispanic blacks it's 69.3 percent. For Hispanics it's 41.6 percent, and for American Indians 59.3 percent.

I don't see your point about high school

ILMAO at city councils are reason PROG cities aren't run by PROGS, give me a break. Fuck off on your white racism BS, I just as well call you a black racist and it would more likely fit. ILMAO at you suggesting my comments are racist. Fuck you're a pussy.
he only does percent of population when it supports his point which means almost never.
If you were white and owned a slave, you were a bad person. I say that because the blacks who owned slves purcased family members ostensibly freeing them. IMO, your opinion about blacks and what we should do is ignorant. Having to deal with racism causes people todo drugs. Throwing a rubber on it when whites has more unwed births than blacks had total births, 965 percent of whites graduate high school, 93 percent of blacks do. So everything you say doesn't fit the reality we live.

This silly democrat cities shit is retarded. City councils are generally bi partisan so there ar no democratic or republican cities. The 60' were 60 years ago and white racism still exists. It's time whitees like yu stopped lying about how things are. Every day we read racist comments like the ones you made and the very people making those comments are quick to lie about how racism is a thing of the past.

Every black slave was initially sold into slavery by a black man.

Does that make all blacks bad people?

You're such a racist moron.
The information is correct. It contained proof. What you don't want to believe doesn't matter.

The propaganda furthers your racist agenda. No, there was no "proof" nor even evidence. It was a hit piece on Bob Jones University, full of innuendo and demagoguery and utterly devoid of cited facts.
The KKK started out as the military wing of the Democrat party, and had many Democrat politicians as it’s founders. I wonder if the Democrat produced racist CRT books will mention that little tidbit of factual historical information inside them.
Wrong. And you don't get to determine what we get upset about. Slaves were not immigrants and thereis nothing correct in those descriptions.
Nobody said slaves were immigrants. However, any non-citizen is refered to, by the law, as an "alien".
No, they weren't paid in cash...lol. You're thinking of the company store system that existed in the North.
Who says Confederate scrip was cash? The fact remains, a lot of blacks did immigrate to America in the 1700s and 1800s.

The terms and conditions of their work or employment or to what extent they were pressed into slave labor by force or deception is another matter. Slavery always comes into existence degree by degree.

For every man with an associate degree, another man "has it made" as a mob boss. For every man with a bachelor's degree another man is a registered sex offender. For every man with a master's degree another man is a slave, and for every man with a doctoral degree, another man is circumcised or castrated.

Of course women are getting these degrees, too, in the same system, sliced and diced, C-sectioned and birth controlled, and both men and women must have their wisdom teeth and tonsils removed under this medieval educational system. Sorority going on, stick it to the man, and have the men whine about Men's Rights etc.

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