RIGHTWINGERS: My bad; I want back in; Democrats....you're full of it

Rightwingers: MY BAD.

That's it. The response to this nonsense in Ferguson has made me wake the fuck up. In particular, the outright hate and bias that the left has shown towards police has pissed me off, and made me realize why....for all those years....I sided with the right. This will be a bit of a rant maybe, but whatever.

Good. You're too wishy washy to be a reliable vote anyway. Anyone who changes their political party from a current event like this is too impressionable.
This time next week Bucs will be back to blowing the Obamas, both Michelle and Barry

Nope. You underestimate how important the treatment of police are to my political leanings. I was personally wounded, badly, on that job, and a dear friend and brother in blue lost his life. Its emotional to me. And I've never seen such bias cop hate that I see from the left this week.

You seem to think that questioning the killing of an unarmed person is "hate". Sounds like you're back to the old 9/11 days where questions were labeled as love for the terrorist
Welcome back, Bucs. This event is so distasteful that is most likely changing the minds of many. Think of the independents that are now riding the conservative horse to the ballot box in November!
Welcome back, Bucs. This event is so distasteful that is most likely changing the minds of many. Think of the independents that are now riding the conservative horse to the ballot box in November!
only the ones who are not real Independents....if one event can change your mind,what happens when the next event happens?....real Independents are tired of both Parties....period....
Welcome back, Bucs. This event is so distasteful that is most likely changing the minds of many. Think of the independents that are now riding the conservative horse to the ballot box in November!
only the ones who are not real Independents....if one event can change your mind,what happens when the next event happens?....real Independents are tired of both Parties....period....

This event is so wrong. Between the looting, the police assault and the crowd ignoring this fact as if it didn't happen, the biased Democratic leadership... all of this on top of the ruined city of Detroit after years of Democratic control... and a president who cannot grasp the foreign or domestic policy leadership of our country...

It adds up.

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