Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

But that is just it. The government is making it our business. Why should government be involved in marriage at all? That is the question.

Because state governments write the marriage laws, administered by state courts. It’s in essence contract law, and can no more be separated from state governments than any other type of contract law, or laws regulating speed limits, or licensing physicians.

And the 14th Amendment requires the state to allow all persons access to all of that state’s laws, including marriage law.

If conservatives would simply obey the Constitution and its case law, then this pointless controversy wouldn’t be an issue at all.

The 14th Amendment has never, ever applied to marriage laws. We can see this plainly in the differences in age requirements, blood tests, and differing exclusions. First cousins may marry in one state, but not in another. 16-year-olds may marry in one state, but not in another.

You might want to check your facts. Look up Loving v Virginia.
You're really not interested in moving past this are you...?

Oh yeah, when will the right move past it? I guess when they need gay votes again.:eusa_whistle:

What 3.4 % of the population at most. get serious..their just dinky toy tools of the liberal lefts agenda.

I find radical gays loud, intolerant and obnoxious, doesn't everyone?

Serious? You are the party of the Log Cabin Republicans, located in all 50 states, largest gay political organization in the World, and one of your best donors. Each retard candidate has crawled on their knees to beg for the gay cash. Apparently your leaders finds the sound level just fine. You must be a weirdo and out of touch, an uniformed con grasping for straws as you fall into the abyss. My word! Your party left you behind to save themselves. LMAO!!:eusa_angel:
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What makes them evil is thinking that equality means the same thing as "the same as".

[ih-kwol-i-tee] Show IPA

noun, plural e·qual·i·ties.
the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.

1. equivalency, parity, correspondence, sameness; justice, fairness, impartiality.

(slams down mic).
I'm 25 and I don't seem to think that way. Red herring much?

You will be an outlier as younger Americans question the hatred being directed at gays by our churches.
When gays were firmly in the closet, it was easy to direct hatred at them. Now that they are in the open, more and more Americans are saying........they are not so bad

The demonization of gays is driving people away from the Republican party. E same will happen to he more extremist churches

Actually, the demonization of religion by PR wonks is driving the divisions in the country deeper and will lead to no good.

It will be interesting to watch stage II of the assault on religion by the self-righteous decadent.

Religions are doing a good enough job on their own of sealing their future

Those most radical in their hatred of gays will be abandoned
Oh yeah, when will the right move past it? I guess when they need gay votes again.:eusa_whistle:

What 3.4 % of the population at most. get serious..their just dinky toy tools of the liberal lefts agenda.

I find radical gays loud, intolerant and obnoxious, doesn't everyone?

Serious? You are the party of the Log cabin Republicans, located in all 50 states, largest gay political organization int he World, and one of your best donors. Each retard candidate has crawled on their knees to beg for the gay cash. Apparently your leaders finds the sound level just fine. You must be a weirdo and out of touch, an uniformed con grasping for straws as you fall into the abyss. My word! Your party left you behind to save themselves. LMAO!!:eusa_angel:

Your silliness, twisted logic and desperation has no effect on me... okay, well...you do make laugh..:eusa_shhh:
You will be an outlier as younger Americans question the hatred being directed at gays by our churches.
When gays were firmly in the closet, it was easy to direct hatred at them. Now that they are in the open, more and more Americans are saying........they are not so bad

The demonization of gays is driving people away from the Republican party. E same will happen to he more extremist churches

Actually, the demonization of religion by PR wonks is driving the divisions in the country deeper and will lead to no good.

It will be interesting to watch stage II of the assault on religion by the self-righteous decadent.

Religions are doing a good enough job on their own of sealing their future

Those most radical in their hatred of gays will be abandoned

That's good news as the most radical is islam.:eusa_hand: We both can only hope everyone becomes sane. :eusa_pray:
I agree the Republican party needs to allow people to marry who they wish.

This isn't a good issue to run against.

Okay, you're trying and that's a good thing but...


That's just wrong.

Consenting adults do not ALLOW other consenting adults to do anything because they don't have the right to NOT allow behavior just because they don't like it.

THAT's the essence of what's wrong with the right. They actually believe they have the right to control women, gays, blacks.

That's why they should be voted out of office even if you don't like whatever the behavior is.

One day it could be you and your behavior they're coming after.
Why is it so important to homosexuals what the church thinks?

Gays will make it up anyway. Then tell the churches what to think. Or, rather what they are thinking.

It must have come as quite a shock after imagining that the Catholic church was on the cusp of changing to find out that two Popes came out against same sex marriage.
Churches adjusting doctrine to accommodate gays might be a contributory reason for empty pews. After all that's the reason the episcopaliens and presbyterians completely split.

If churches want to alienate their congregations to placate 2% of the population it's the decision they make.

Yeah, go with that...

7 Reasons Catholics Leave the Church

#2 behind the sex scandal?

2. The church’s stance on homosexuality

The second most cited reason for leaving the church was that former worshipers felt homosexuals were unwelcome in the church.

As recently as March 9, Pope Benedict XVI denounced what he categorized as the “powerful” gay marriage lobby in the United States. In the same speech he noted these views would be seen as “countercultural” to young people, but told bishops to not back down to “powerful political and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage."

When those surveyed were asked if there were any religious beliefs in the Catholic Church that troubled them, a number cited views on same-sex marriage. “The church’s view on gays, same-sex marriage, women as priests and priests not marrying, to name a few,” said one respondent, explaining her departure from the church.

This is the time of the self absorbed, spoiled generations that consider religion a grocery store to pick and choose what their weak minds have absorbed. Established religious institutions have been under constant assault by the liberal agenda and what's worse have left the faithful for what's popular to fill the pews..

Not that the faithful have given up, the bible and faith are still popular but a distaste for organized religion seems be on the rise, especially, in the liberal bastions of moral decay.
You're really not interested in moving past this are you...?

Oh yeah, when will the right move past it? I guess when they need gay votes again.:eusa_whistle:

You mean Mr. No Drama Obama, who switched his stances on gay marriage at least four times during his political career? He was against it before he was for it, remember?

Or do you conveniently forget things that don't suit you?

Funny how that's all you've got...a politician being....a politician. :lol:
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

Here's another tip, right wingers (or pretend right wingers) leave your bigotry about "Christian morality" at the door. The pretend right wingers seem to be more concerned about the democrat homosexual base than real right wingers.
Churches adjusting doctrine to accommodate gays might be a contributory reason for empty pews. After all that's the reason the episcopaliens and presbyterians completely split.

If churches want to alienate their congregations to placate 2% of the population it's the decision they make.

Yeah, go with that...

7 Reasons Catholics Leave the Church

#2 behind the sex scandal?

2. The church’s stance on homosexuality

The second most cited reason for leaving the church was that former worshipers felt homosexuals were unwelcome in the church.

As recently as March 9, Pope Benedict XVI denounced what he categorized as the “powerful” gay marriage lobby in the United States. In the same speech he noted these views would be seen as “countercultural” to young people, but told bishops to not back down to “powerful political and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage."

When those surveyed were asked if there were any religious beliefs in the Catholic Church that troubled them, a number cited views on same-sex marriage. “The church’s view on gays, same-sex marriage, women as priests and priests not marrying, to name a few,” said one respondent, explaining her departure from the church.

This is the time of the self absorbed, spoiled generations that consider religion a grocery store to pick and choose what their weak minds have absorbed. Established religious institutions have been under constant assault by the liberal agenda and what's worse have left the faithful for what's popular to fill the pews..

Not that the faithful have given up, the bible and faith are still popular but a distaste for organized religion seems be on the rise, especially, in the liberal bastions of moral decay.

Why "in the liberal bastions?" I don't see that in the article. What I do see is where the church comes into communitys the children are raped and the women are disenfranchised to create local moral decay.:eusa_shhh:

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