Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Yeah, after you made it clear that "They will be forced (churches marrying gays) by public opinion, though."

They will be. The churches will adapt or die. With majorities in all but the Evangelical religions supporting marriage equality, they will start marrying gays and lesbians to survive.

That's the only way it's going to happen. Churches will not be required to marry gays anymore than they've been required by law to marry ANYONE.

Listen to yourself. You don't seem to think that way about the mosque nearest you? I find your attitude to be hypocritical. Funny how Islam will survive without having to capitulate to your demands.

Your hatred and willingness to subjugate people forcefully via "public opinion" is beyond words.

LMAO!!! Are you implying that church doctrine doesn't bend to socitial public opinion? I can give you examples if you think otherwise. Witch burning, eating fish on friday, shaving arm pits & legs, crotch, stop wearing hats, make up, short dresses, swim suits, dinner prayers, prayers in schools, Halloween, etc.
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I'm 25 and I don't seem to think that way. Red herring much?

LOL, right because you represent the majority of young people. Honestly, now I understand this obtuseness. It's the idiocy of youth I guess.

You don't know jack about us. Ha, now the namecalling starts. Running out of points are we?

Not at all, you just refuse any logic. I know that under 30 the opposition to gay marriage all but disappears. Yours is NOT the position of the majority of people, let alone young people.
Historically, the percentage of Americans who said they had no religious affiliation (pollsters refer to this group as the "nones") has been very small -- hovering between 5 percent and 10 percent.

However, Putnam says the percentage of "nones" has now skyrocketed to between 30 percent and 40 percent among younger Americans.

Putnam calls this a "stunning development." He gave reporters a first glimpse of his data Tuesday at a conference on religion organized by the Pew Forum on Faith in Public Life.[...]

While these young "nones" may not belong to a church, they are not necessarily atheists.

"Many of them are people who would otherwise be in church," Putnam said. "They have the same attitidues and values as people who are in church, but they grew up in a period in which being religious meant being politically conservative, especially on social issues."

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

I'm 25 and I don't seem to think that way. Red herring much?

You will be an outlier as younger Americans question the hatred being directed at gays by our churches.
When gays were firmly in the closet, it was easy to direct hatred at them. Now that they are in the open, more and more Americans are saying........they are not so bad

The demonization of gays is driving people away from the Republican party. E same will happen to he more extremist churches

Actually, the demonization of religion by PR wonks is driving the divisions in the country deeper and will lead to no good.

It will be interesting to watch stage II of the assault on religion by the self-righteous decadent.
They will be. The churches will adapt or die. With majorities in all but the Evangelical religions supporting marriage equality, they will start marrying gays and lesbians to survive.

That's the only way it's going to happen. Churches will not be required to marry gays anymore than they've been required by law to marry ANYONE.

Listen to yourself. You don't seem to think that way about the mosque nearest you? I find your attitude to be hypocritical. Funny how Islam will survive without having to capitulate to your demands.

Your hatred and willingness to subjugate people forcefully via "public opinion" is beyond words.

LMAO!!! Are you implying that church doctrine doesn't bend to socitial public opinion? I can give you examples if you think otherwise. Witch burning, eating fish on friday, shaving arm pits & legs, crotch, stop wearing hats, make up, short dresses, swim suits, dinner prayers, prayers in schools, Halloween, etc.
what? you try to kiss a girl with hary arm pits or legs...ewww gross. just threw up in thy mouth a little bit. what guy would want a ape girl?
In my entire life, I have never seen a church held legally responsible for anything that their members did or did not do under the law, with the exception of defrauding the public with financial schemes. (punishable under racketeering laws)

I have, on the other hand, seen the catholic church refuse to marry people because:
1. They did not go through the required indoctrination
2. They are divorced
3. They seek to marry outside their parish without their home parish priest's approval.
Historically, the percentage of Americans who said they had no religious affiliation (pollsters refer to this group as the "nones") has been very small -- hovering between 5 percent and 10 percent.

While these young "nones" may not belong to a church, they are not necessarily atheists.

"Many of them are people who would otherwise be in church," Putnam said. "They have the same attitidues and values as people who are in church, but they grew up in a period in which being religious meant being politically conservative, especially on social issues."

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

This is four years old.
Have anything newer?
I'm not finding the same research outcomes as this study states.
What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

Because if I can't call out my own I have no business bitching at the other side. I'm not a fucking drone. If you don't like it find the ignore feature and utilize it.

Trust me, Gramps, calling out the Wingnuts on their Wingnuttery is a losing proposition. I've been doing it for six years now. It really doesn't work.

The ironic thing is, they aren't even the majority in the GOP.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

I agree with you in principle, but here's the problem.

The GOP's strenghth comes from exploiting these social issues to distract average working folks from their own economic interests.

"Hey, what happened to all the good manufacturing jobs?"

"Look, there's two gay dudes trying to get married!!!"

If the GOP stopped talking about guns and gays and abortion and God, all they'd have to talk about is why the rich need to not pay taxes and why you should be happy working for less so they can have another Dressage Horsie.

Can't see that being a political winner for them.
Historically, the percentage of Americans who said they had no religious affiliation (pollsters refer to this group as the "nones") has been very small -- hovering between 5 percent and 10 percent.

While these young "nones" may not belong to a church, they are not necessarily atheists.

"Many of them are people who would otherwise be in church," Putnam said. "They have the same attitidues and values as people who are in church, but they grew up in a period in which being religious meant being politically conservative, especially on social issues."

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

This is four years old.
Have anything newer?
I'm not finding the same research outcomes as this study states.

So provide what you've found that counters this. There has been a huge change in public opinion regarding marriage equality. Are you finding churches are adjusting and being more inclusive to embrace their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters?
Historically, the percentage of Americans who said they had no religious affiliation (pollsters refer to this group as the "nones") has been very small -- hovering between 5 percent and 10 percent.

While these young "nones" may not belong to a church, they are not necessarily atheists.

"Many of them are people who would otherwise be in church," Putnam said. "They have the same attitidues and values as people who are in church, but they grew up in a period in which being religious meant being politically conservative, especially on social issues."

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

This is four years old.
Have anything newer?
I'm not finding the same research outcomes as this study states.

So provide what you've found that counters this. There has been a huge change in public opinion regarding marriage equality. Are you finding churches are adjusting and being more inclusive to embrace their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters?

I know this may come as a shock, but it's true. The fact that people can manipulate the media does not give them carte blanche to dictate to religious groups. People have the right to believe and behave as they wish and the nattering of barbarians will not change it, though I'm sure they will continue to try.
Learn to read nitwit. NO WHERE in my post did it say what you should or should not believe. It did say PICK YOUR BATTLES. It is YOU who is trying to silence me. My voice and opinion is as valid as yours when it comes to our platform.

Like I said if you don't like it IGNORE.

Now shut the fuck up and give Johnny a blow job like a good little patriotic bitch.

Your blowjob comment is old geeze BS.. but carry on loser..

BTW- telling everyone: Check your christian morality bullshit at the door -- Is telling people what to fucking do, moron.. You're probably drunk again no doubt.

I see you can't find the ignore button. Let me help you....

Does this old loser have a life? Who the hell comes on a political forum and drones on and on about his welfare wife?? GRAMPS that's who.. We've heard so much whining from your drunk lips, one would think you yodel farts!

You two were meant for each other.


You should take this show on the road. It certainly shows why the Ds keep winning.

BUT, you don't dare stop whining about gays and women imaginary welfare queens, cuz if you did, someone just might notice that the Rs don't do a fucking thing except work against jobs and economic recovery.



Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your little lover's spat. By all means, carry on.

This is four years old.
Have anything newer?
I'm not finding the same research outcomes as this study states.

So provide what you've found that counters this. There has been a huge change in public opinion regarding marriage equality. Are you finding churches are adjusting and being more inclusive to embrace their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters?

I know this may come as a shock, but it's true. The fact that people can manipulate the media does not give them carte blanche to dictate to religious groups. People have the right to believe and behave as they wish and the nattering of barbarians will not change it, though I'm sure they will continue to try.

What are you talking about? Did you reply to the wrong post?
Churches adjusting doctrine to accommodate gays might be a contributory reason for empty pews. After all that's the reason the episcopaliens and presbyterians completely split.

If churches want to alienate their congregations to placate 2% of the population it's the decision they make.
Churches adjusting doctrine to accommodate gays might be a contributory reason for empty pews. After all that's the reason the episcopaliens and presbyterians completely split.

If churches want to alienate their congregations to placate 2% of the population it's the decision they make.

I still personally hope for the day that people no longer feel the need to beg an imaginary sky pixie for grace.

But these churches are probably getting with the program. In 20 years, Homophobia will be as embarrassing to people as racism is today. And no one will want to admit they were part of it.
Because if I can't call out my own I have no business bitching at the other side. I'm not a fucking drone. If you don't like it find the ignore feature and utilize it.

But that is just it. The government is making it our business. Why should government be involved in marriage at all? That is the question.

Because state governments write the marriage laws, administered by state courts. It’s in essence contract law, and can no more be separated from state governments than any other type of contract law, or laws regulating speed limits, or licensing physicians.

And the 14th Amendment requires the state to allow all persons access to all of that state’s laws, including marriage law.

If conservatives would simply obey the Constitution and its case law, then this pointless controversy wouldn’t be an issue at all.

The 14th Amendment has never, ever applied to marriage laws. We can see this plainly in the differences in age requirements, blood tests, and differing exclusions. First cousins may marry in one state, but not in another. 16-year-olds may marry in one state, but not in another.

The liberal talent for reading meaning into text is prodigious and amazing.

The effrontery involved in trying to sell bullshit like that to the general public is appalling.

Wishing a thing does not make it so.
I know what I was thinking, try him for war crimes and hang his sorry ass, but what has that to do with you attempting to blame libs for the rights sins? Did you think we twisted your party's arm, forced you to drink in hate? LMAO! As late as 911 your lustrous grandma banger Falwell tried to blame gays for the terrorist attacks. Trent Lott claiming gays could be cured with holy water. The texas RNC convention denying gays entrance, and calling their own Log Cabin Republican gays, perverts, pedophiles, cross dressers, NAMBLA members, etc. Bush Sr. being chastised for speaking at a gay college. Libs didn't do that to you dude. LMAO!! :cuckoo: You guys got a long history of gay hate.

You're really not interested in moving past this are you...?

Oh yeah, when will the right move past it? I guess when they need gay votes again.:eusa_whistle:

What 3.4 % of the population at most. get serious..their just dinky toy tools of the liberal lefts agenda.

I find radical gays loud, intolerant and obnoxious, doesn't everyone?
Listen to yourself. You don't seem to think that way about the mosque nearest you? I find your attitude to be hypocritical. Funny how Islam will survive without having to capitulate to your demands.

Your hatred and willingness to subjugate people forcefully via "public opinion" is beyond words.

LMAO!!! Are you implying that church doctrine doesn't bend to socitial public opinion? I can give you examples if you think otherwise. Witch burning, eating fish on friday, shaving arm pits & legs, crotch, stop wearing hats, make up, short dresses, swim suits, dinner prayers, prayers in schools, Halloween, etc.
what? you try to kiss a girl with hary arm pits or legs...ewww gross. just threw up in thy mouth a little bit. what guy would want a ape girl?

Churches adjusting doctrine to accommodate gays might be a contributory reason for empty pews. After all that's the reason the episcopaliens and presbyterians completely split.

If churches want to alienate their congregations to placate 2% of the population it's the decision they make.

Yeah, go with that...

7 Reasons Catholics Leave the Church

#2 behind the sex scandal?

2. The church’s stance on homosexuality

The second most cited reason for leaving the church was that former worshipers felt homosexuals were unwelcome in the church.

As recently as March 9, Pope Benedict XVI denounced what he categorized as the “powerful” gay marriage lobby in the United States. In the same speech he noted these views would be seen as “countercultural” to young people, but told bishops to not back down to “powerful political and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage."

When those surveyed were asked if there were any religious beliefs in the Catholic Church that troubled them, a number cited views on same-sex marriage. “The church’s view on gays, same-sex marriage, women as priests and priests not marrying, to name a few,” said one respondent, explaining her departure from the church.

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