Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

1. Law

Can anyone spot the discrimination written into he law within the first paragraph?
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

How bout you let people pick and choose what battles they want to fight instead of dictating to us?


Because if you're paying attention, this kind of bullshit fight is hurting the Repubican party, not helping it.

The 2010 midterm election mantra from the GOP was "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs", remember? And all they have done since is focused on abortion and gay marriage.

Pathetic. Buh-bye, GOP. It was fun watching you crash and burn, though.
Hate.. hate exists on both sides. But I see more of it from the left... Black guy becomes a Republican, he becomes an Uncle Tom. Woman becomes a Republican, she is a sell out. Democrat becomes a Christian, he is a bigot.

See where I'm going with this?

…and of course the left sees more of it on the right.

The difference is we don’t see anyone on the left advocating same-sex couples be denied their equal protection rights; we don’t see the left advocating homosexual acts be criminalized; we don’t see the left advocating immigrants be denied their due process rights; and we don’t see the left advocating Islam be ‘banned, denying Muslims their First Amendment rights – all motivated solely by hate.

When was the last time anyone even suggested criminalizing a homosexual act? Can you give and example of how a gay person was denied due process? I assume you are familiar with the Americans killed by the drone program. Is that the denial of due process to which you post? Again, who is trying to band Islam?
Who insisted that the GOP hates fags (your words, not mine, but I did correct your grammar, again), other than the left? There's a big difference between not accepting homosexuality and hating a person... I mean we know this is part and parcel of the left these days... you're either with us or fuck off.

No, I believe hate is the correct term

Otherwise they would allow them to go about their lives without constant harassment...

No......you cannot serve your country
No.......you cannot marry the person you love

Hate seems the only logical explanation

Yes, you could always serve your country just keep your proclivities to yourself and other interested parties.

Yes, you could always marry. And if not marrying someone of another sex then your marriage would be whatever you want it to be. You don't need the state's permission to commit to another person.

How callous.......thanks for sharing
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

How bout you let people pick and choose what battles they want to fight instead of dictating to us?


Because if you're paying attention, this kind of bullshit fight is hurting the Repubican party, not helping it.

The 2010 midterm election mantra from the GOP was "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs", remember? And all they have done since is focused on abortion and gay marriage.

Pathetic. Buh-bye, GOP. It was fun watching you crash and burn, though.

What do you expect 1/3 of our government to do? It was made infinitely clear that the Democrats were going to do whatever they wanted and DID. What major intiative of Obama didn't pass? Stimulus? Passed. Jobs Bill, Passed, TARP, continued, Wall Street Reform, passed.

I am not sure why standing for traditional marriage invokes such BS. It is possible to be for traditional marriage AND do something about jobs. But with 2/3s of the government working against the 1/3 it would seem to me it should be the 2/3s getting the load of the blame.
Hate.. hate exists on both sides. But I see more of it from the left... Black guy becomes a Republican, he becomes an Uncle Tom. Woman becomes a Republican, she is a sell out. Democrat becomes a Christian, he is a bigot.

See where I'm going with this?

…and of course the left sees more of it on the right.

The difference is we don’t see anyone on the left advocating same-sex couples be denied their equal protection rights; we don’t see the left advocating homosexual acts be criminalized; we don’t see the left advocating immigrants be denied their due process rights; and we don’t see the left advocating Islam be ‘banned, denying Muslims their First Amendment rights – all motivated solely by hate.

Speaking with bias, aren't we? Did your demagogues teach you to spout that crap? Why are we always the hateful ones, Clayton?

Perhaps you and your party should perform a lot of self introspection before you accuse anyone of being hateful.
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No, I believe hate is the correct term

Otherwise they would allow them to go about their lives without constant harassment...

No......you cannot serve your country
No.......you cannot marry the person you love

Hate seems the only logical explanation

Yes, you could always serve your country just keep your proclivities to yourself and other interested parties.

Yes, you could always marry. And if not marrying someone of another sex then your marriage would be whatever you want it to be. You don't need the state's permission to commit to another person.

How callous.......thanks for sharing

WTF are you talking about? Reality to you is callous? If you remember correctly it was Clinton that started DADT and he signed DOMA into law. So don't give me your BS sob story that somehow gays were banned from the military or couldn't marry. It is all BS.
Excuse me but did he address you personally in his O/P? No, he didn't. Your screen name isn't anywhere in his post. Sounds like you're the one with the problem.

She just gets testy when her right to insist that her party hate fags is challenged

Who insisted that the GOP hates fags (your words, not mine, but I did correct your grammar, again), other than the left? There's a big difference between not accepting homosexuality and hating a person... I mean we know this is part and parcel of the left these days... you're either with us or fuck off.

Hmmmm....Try Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell just for starters. Oh, they never used the word "hate" but they came awfully close.

And see how Bush stacked the DOJ with people from the low-brow Regent University while you're at it.
Who insisted that the GOP hates fags (your words, not mine, but I did correct your grammar, again), other than the left? There's a big difference between not accepting homosexuality and hating a person... I mean we know this is part and parcel of the left these days... you're either with us or fuck off.

LOL! Don't attempt to blame the left for the right's own sins. The right decided they hated the gays along with the chorus right leaning Christos. And you would have to be a low information righty not to know your own hateful bigoted history. For once in your life accept responsibility for your own partys actions.

Oh, so what was the left thinking when they blamed Bush for everything?

I'm on the Left and I didn't and don't blame Bush for everything. You just got some splash back from your broad brush.
Yes, you could always serve your country just keep your proclivities to yourself and other interested parties.

Yes, you could always marry. And if not marrying someone of another sex then your marriage would be whatever you want it to be. You don't need the state's permission to commit to another person.

How callous.......thanks for sharing

WTF are you talking about? Reality to you is callous? If you remember correctly it was Clinton that started DADT and he signed DOMA into law. So don't give me your BS sob story that somehow gays were banned from the military or couldn't marry. It is all BS.

Callous? You bet your ass

You expect gays not to be able to talk about their loved ones while heterosexual soldiers can openly discuss their wives? How about married gay soldiers

Your second point about gays being allowed to marry people of the opposite sex is just too nonsensical to reply to.
LOL! Don't attempt to blame the left for the right's own sins. The right decided they hated the gays along with the chorus right leaning Christos. And you would have to be a low information righty not to know your own hateful bigoted history. For once in your life accept responsibility for your own partys actions.

Oh, so what was the left thinking when they blamed Bush for everything?

I'm on the Left and I didn't and don't blame Bush for everything. You just got some splash back from your broad brush.

Eh? Project much?
How callous.......thanks for sharing

WTF are you talking about? Reality to you is callous? If you remember correctly it was Clinton that started DADT and he signed DOMA into law. So don't give me your BS sob story that somehow gays were banned from the military or couldn't marry. It is all BS.

Callous? You bet your ass

You expect gays not to be able to talk about their loved ones while heterosexual soldiers can openly discuss their wives? How about married gay soldiers

Your second point about gays being allowed to marry people of the opposite sex is just too nonsensical to reply to.

Alrighty folks, RW just admitted reality is callous! Come one come all!
How bout you let people pick and choose what battles they want to fight instead of dictating to us?


Because if you're paying attention, this kind of bullshit fight is hurting the Repubican party, not helping it.

The 2010 midterm election mantra from the GOP was "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs", remember? And all they have done since is focused on abortion and gay marriage.

Pathetic. Buh-bye, GOP. It was fun watching you crash and burn, though.

What do you expect 1/3 of our government to do? It was made infinitely clear that the Democrats were going to do whatever they wanted and DID. What major intiative of Obama didn't pass? Stimulus? Passed. Jobs Bill, Passed, TARP, continued, Wall Street Reform, passed.

I am not sure why standing for traditional marriage invokes such BS. It is possible to be for traditional marriage AND do something about jobs. But with 2/3s of the government working against the 1/3 it would seem to me it should be the 2/3s getting the load of the blame.

There have been political minority parties for the past 200 years.......yet, things still got done. It involves something called compromise

This is the first minority party intent on shutting down the government because they can't run it

Because if you're paying attention, this kind of bullshit fight is hurting the Repubican party, not helping it.

The 2010 midterm election mantra from the GOP was "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs", remember? And all they have done since is focused on abortion and gay marriage.

Pathetic. Buh-bye, GOP. It was fun watching you crash and burn, though.

What do you expect 1/3 of our government to do? It was made infinitely clear that the Democrats were going to do whatever they wanted and DID. What major intiative of Obama didn't pass? Stimulus? Passed. Jobs Bill, Passed, TARP, continued, Wall Street Reform, passed.

I am not sure why standing for traditional marriage invokes such BS. It is possible to be for traditional marriage AND do something about jobs. But with 2/3s of the government working against the 1/3 it would seem to me it should be the 2/3s getting the load of the blame.

There have been political minority parties for the past 200 years.......yet, things still got done. It involves something called compromise

This is the first minority party intent on shutting down the government because they can't run it

Soooooo what are you smoking and drinking today?
Who insisted that the GOP hates fags (your words, not mine, but I did correct your grammar, again), other than the left? There's a big difference between not accepting homosexuality and hating a person... I mean we know this is part and parcel of the left these days... you're either with us or fuck off.

LOL! Don't attempt to blame the left for the right's own sins. The right decided they hated the gays along with the chorus right leaning Christos. And you would have to be a low information righty not to know your own hateful bigoted history. For once in your life accept responsibility for your own partys actions.

Oh, so what was the left thinking when they blamed Bush for everything?

I know what I was thinking, try him for war crimes and hang his sorry ass, but what has that to do with you attempting to blame libs for the rights sins? Did you think we twisted your party's arm, forced you to drink in hate? LMAO! As late as 911 your lustrous grandma banger Falwell tried to blame gays for the terrorist attacks. Trent Lott claiming gays could be cured with holy water. The texas RNC convention denying gays entrance, and calling their own Log Cabin Republican gays, perverts, pedophiles, cross dressers, NAMBLA members, etc. Bush Sr. being chastised for speaking at a gay college. Libs didn't do that to you dude. LMAO!! :cuckoo: You guys got a long history of gay hate.
What do you expect 1/3 of our government to do? It was made infinitely clear that the Democrats were going to do whatever they wanted and DID. What major intiative of Obama didn't pass? Stimulus? Passed. Jobs Bill, Passed, TARP, continued, Wall Street Reform, passed.

I am not sure why standing for traditional marriage invokes such BS. It is possible to be for traditional marriage AND do something about jobs. But with 2/3s of the government working against the 1/3 it would seem to me it should be the 2/3s getting the load of the blame.

There have been political minority parties for the past 200 years.......yet, things still got done. It involves something called compromise

This is the first minority party intent on shutting down the government because they can't run it

Soooooo what are you smoking and drinking today?

Single barrel Bourbon
Hate.. hate exists on both sides. But I see more of it from the left... Black guy becomes a Republican, he becomes an Uncle Tom. Woman becomes a Republican, she is a sell out. Democrat becomes a Christian, he is a bigot.

See where I'm going with this?

…and of course the left sees more of it on the right.

The difference is we don’t see anyone on the left advocating same-sex couples be denied their equal protection rights; we don’t see the left advocating homosexual acts be criminalized; we don’t see the left advocating immigrants be denied their due process rights; and we don’t see the left advocating Islam be ‘banned, denying Muslims their First Amendment rights – all motivated solely by hate.

Straw man alert!
LOL! Don't attempt to blame the left for the right's own sins. The right decided they hated the gays along with the chorus right leaning Christos. And you would have to be a low information righty not to know your own hateful bigoted history. For once in your life accept responsibility for your own partys actions.

Oh, so what was the left thinking when they blamed Bush for everything?

I know what I was thinking, try him for war crimes and hang his sorry ass, but what has that to do with you attempting to blame libs for the rights sins? Did you think we twisted your party's arm, forced you to drink in hate? LMAO! As late as 911 your lustrous grandma banger Falwell tried to blame gays for the terrorist attacks. Trent Lott claiming gays could be cured with holy water. The texas RNC convention denying gays entrance, and calling their own Log Cabin Republican gays, perverts, pedophiles, cross dressers, NAMBLA members, etc. Bush Sr. being chastised for speaking at a gay college. Libs didn't do that to you dude. LMAO!! :cuckoo: You guys got a long history of gay hate.

You're really not interested in moving past this are you...?
Hate.. hate exists on both sides. But I see more of it from the left... Black guy becomes a Republican, he becomes an Uncle Tom. Woman becomes a Republican, she is a sell out. Democrat becomes a Christian, he is a bigot.

See where I'm going with this?

…and of course the left sees more of it on the right.

The difference is we don’t see anyone on the left advocating same-sex couples be denied their equal protection rights; we don’t see the left advocating homosexual acts be criminalized; we don’t see the left advocating immigrants be denied their due process rights; and we don’t see the left advocating Islam be ‘banned, denying Muslims their First Amendment rights – all motivated solely by hate.

When was the last time anyone even suggested criminalizing a homosexual act? Can you give and example of how a gay person was denied due process? I assume you are familiar with the Americans killed by the drone program. Is that the denial of due process to which you post? Again, who is trying to band Islam?

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) denied due process, the right of gays to marry. On February 23, 2011, the White House directed the U.S. Department of Justice to stop defending DOMA in court. So 2 years ago.

Hard to criminalize a homo-act when heteros are face deep in the same practices.

The law says the president determines who is an enemky combatant & can be killed. I would call it denial of due process, just like putting a reward on ben laden "dead" or alive.
I see that some posters are having their lives riuned because gays can marry. My heart goes out to them, especailly since they also seem to think that it is an assault on their religion. I suggest that they switch to Unitarian, or even Episcipalian churches. Those and others embrace gays, and these people can still get in to heaven. Granted, it will be a different part of heaven, because God has segregated those who are intolerant of gays into a special area. There are no rainbows there, though.

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