Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.

2011 - Gallup poll shows that U.S. adults estimate that 25% of Americans are gay or lesbian.

52% of American Adults estimate that at least one in five Americans are gay or lesbian

35% estimate that more than one in four are Gay

Very Few put the figure at less than 15%.

The actual number ....... LESS THAN 4% are Gay !
The only reason why so many allegedly educated {or indoctrinated as the case may be} and supposedly informed American Adults believe that so many of their countrymen are perverts is Gross over representation and coverage by the Media, both in Entertainment Fiction {Soaps, Sitcoms, Movies..} and News coverage.

Almost any show currently airing on television features at least one homosexual. Daytime talk shows, Soaps, and comedies are rampant with out of closet card carrying homosexual characters. In addition, all these characters are not permitted to display character flaws, they are either wealthy, educated, and happy OR depressed and oppressed by perceived mistreatment from normal people.
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I ask again...when one says he/she is a "practicing homosexual", what is it that is being practiced....and do they ever get good at it?
The actual number ....... LESS THAN 4% are Gay !

A figure pulled directly from your fourth point of contact. The fact is that you have no idea how many people are gay because we don't have to tell you if we are or not.

The only reason why so many allegedly educated {or indoctrinated as the case may be} and supposedly informed American Adults believe that so many of their countrymen are perverts is Gross over representation and coverage by the Media, both in Entertainment Fiction {Soaps, Sitcoms, Movies..} and News coverage.

Almost any show currently airing on television features at least one homosexual. Daytime talk shows, Soaps, and comedies are rampant with out of closet card carrying homosexual characters. In addition, all these characters are not permitted to display character flaws, they are either wealthy, educated, and happy OR depressed and oppressed by perceived mistreatment from normal people.

Most everyone knows someone who is gay or lesbian. Many have loved ones or family members who are gay or lesbian. That is what's happening, not some conspiracy where gays have taken over your airwaves.

You need to watch more TV if that's all you've seen of gay characters on television.

I must say, I've been pleased to find same sex options for my gaming characters in both Skyrim and Dragons Age. Times they have changed...for the better.
It would make more sense to change the mechanics that demand these candidates raise such bloated warchests in the first place, in my view.

Yeah, that would help too.

Funny, like so many other things it seems the majority of people want, we still can't get it done. Why? Because big money pays legislators to ignore the will of the VOTERS.

That's not it either; not in my view anyway.

When 4 out of 10 of us don't vote during the most compelling of elections, "big money" needn't lift a finger. It still does, of course but we could right the ship in 20 years if we would get involved in politics outside of complaining about it. In the past, I have split my ticket locally. I never quite understood the guys who split their ticket nationally--why vote for Obama then tie his hands with a Congress that disagrees? Why vote for Bush then elect Pelosi's bunch?

For what you said; the "will of the voters" is pretty much being carried out. We have 51-49% elections so we're voting for gridlock whenever we're not gerrymandered into districts.... Democrats occuply 58% of the Senate or something like that?
But its important to remember that 51-49% is only 60% of the population at best. We need to get the other 40% invovled, active, and engaged.

How? How do you get them involved? Know what the turnout in my county was for this last Election? 25%. It was 79.25% in Nov 2012, but 25% for the local election...the one electing our City Council and School Board Members...25 fucking percent.
There is so much to go after the Democrats about and way enough to
lay at Obama's doorstep.

Stay away from the stupid shit.
Don't give the other side a sound bite that get's played over and over by the MSNBC crowd.

They are still playing Romney's "binder full of women" for God's sake...
Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?

Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


Your god has nothing to do with my legal marriage.
What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

Listen to the Homophobic chick slinger.

You can't stop the self-loathing until you come out of the closet yourself.

If she admits she's a lesbian, then she'll be able to let the gay shit go.

She's just one angry pent up bitch -- no changing her mind.
Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


Another Homophobe who won't admit he just loves the smell of a man's ass.
What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

Listen to the Homophobic chick slinger.

You can't stop the self-loathing until you come out of the closet yourself.

If she admits she's a lesbian, then she'll be able to let the gay shit go.

She's just one angry pent up bitch -- no changing her mind.

Please...do not give me the visual of LGS as a lesbian. TIA
Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


Another Homophobe who won't admit he just loves the smell of a man's ass.

If, like me, you disagree with everything Chesswarsnow says why not just say so? Your silly little insult cheapens you, not him.
Let's face it the far left only has three issues that they think they can nail the other side with and this one of them.

It is the far left way to force others to believe as they do.

As I have pointed out on other threads "marriage" (in the eyes of the church) is a religious bond. ANd thus belongs to religion. However Civil Unions are far more legally binding than marriage.

So if people want to enter a Civil Union it has not8hing to do with religion and is far more legally binding.

Let the church have their "marriage" and that way things can truly progress. The church is scared that the government will force them to perform and accept gay "marriage" (and rightful so given the actions of the far left) and thus causes the problem.

If the far left was not so hell bent on forcing religion to accept this then maybe this would not be such a hot button issue for the far left. However they know they can push button with one of three topics and that is all they have left these days.

So who is against Civil Unions being in place of "Marriage"?
Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


Sorry, guys like you are in the extreme minority. I agree with Gramps 100% - social conservatives are messing up the party.

Believe whatever God stuff you want, just don't push it on me.

Hail Beelzebub.
Let's face it the far left only has three issues that they think they can nail the other side with and this one of them.

It is the far left way to force others to believe as they do.

As I have pointed out on other threads "marriage" (in the eyes of the church) is a religious bond. ANd thus belongs to religion. However Civil Unions are far more legally binding than marriage.

So if people want to enter a Civil Union it has not8hing to do with religion and is far more legally binding.

Let the church have their "marriage" and that way things can truly progress. The church is scared that the government will force them to perform and accept gay "marriage" (and rightful so given the actions of the far left) and thus causes the problem.

If the far left was not so hell bent on forcing religion to accept this then maybe this would not be such a hot button issue for the far left. However they know they can push button with one of three topics and that is all they have left these days.

So who is against Civil Unions being in place of "Marriage"?

So why are civil marriages called marriages? Seems to me that ship has sailed...unless you want to go back and change all those civil laws, statutes, etc. that have the word "marriage" in them. Is that what you want the government to do?
We on the right will agree to downplay the gay crap when those on the left do the same thing.

There in lines the problem you want the far left to show self restraint, that is not possible all you need to do is read this thread.

They claim that others are forcing their views on them, but in reality they are doing it. Hypocrisy is one of the far left's main trait. All extremist organizations are like this, but unfortunately the far left sees themselves as moderates, which causes even more problems.
Let's face it the far left only has three issues that they think they can nail the other side with and this one of them.

It is the far left way to force others to believe as they do.

As I have pointed out on other threads "marriage" (in the eyes of the church) is a religious bond. ANd thus belongs to religion. However Civil Unions are far more legally binding than marriage.

So if people want to enter a Civil Union it has not8hing to do with religion and is far more legally binding.

Let the church have their "marriage" and that way things can truly progress. The church is scared that the government will force them to perform and accept gay "marriage" (and rightful so given the actions of the far left) and thus causes the problem.

If the far left was not so hell bent on forcing religion to accept this then maybe this would not be such a hot button issue for the far left. However they know they can push button with one of three topics and that is all they have left these days.

So who is against Civil Unions being in place of "Marriage"?

So why are civil marriages called marriages? Seems to me that ship has sailed...unless you want to go back and change all those civil laws, statutes, etc. that have the word "marriage" in them. Is that what you want the government to do?

So you are against civil unions and want to force the churches to accept gay "marriage".

Well that is typical of the far left. Force your beliefs on others.

Then again I guess that whole separate of church and state thing is just another far left talking point and only applies in some areas, but not all.
Let's face it the far left only has three issues that they think they can nail the other side with and this one of them.

It is the far left way to force others to believe as they do.

As I have pointed out on other threads "marriage" (in the eyes of the church) is a religious bond. ANd thus belongs to religion. However Civil Unions are far more legally binding than marriage.

So if people want to enter a Civil Union it has not8hing to do with religion and is far more legally binding.

Let the church have their "marriage" and that way things can truly progress. The church is scared that the government will force them to perform and accept gay "marriage" (and rightful so given the actions of the far left) and thus causes the problem.

If the far left was not so hell bent on forcing religion to accept this then maybe this would not be such a hot button issue for the far left. However they know they can push button with one of three topics and that is all they have left these days.

So who is against Civil Unions being in place of "Marriage"?

So why are civil marriages called marriages? Seems to me that ship has sailed...unless you want to go back and change all those civil laws, statutes, etc. that have the word "marriage" in them. Is that what you want the government to do?

the gay agenda has a goal of being able to teach children that being a homosexual is equal to being a normal human being. They want kids to be told that they can go whichever way they want, that either is OK.

Tolerance is one thing, indoctrination is quite another.

Live your gay lifestyle, no one really cares. Just don't demand that the government force the rest of us to accept it as normal---------because it is not normal.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

No, don't stop. Keep your hate an prejudice on display for everyone to see. It defines who you are and what you stand for. Come on, if you didn't announce your hatred for everyone to see, you could be accused of having no integrity.

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