Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Let's face it the far left only has three issues that they think they can nail the other side with and this one of them.

It is the far left way to force others to believe as they do.

As I have pointed out on other threads "marriage" (in the eyes of the church) is a religious bond. ANd thus belongs to religion. However Civil Unions are far more legally binding than marriage.

So if people want to enter a Civil Union it has not8hing to do with religion and is far more legally binding.

Let the church have their "marriage" and that way things can truly progress. The church is scared that the government will force them to perform and accept gay "marriage" (and rightful so given the actions of the far left) and thus causes the problem.

If the far left was not so hell bent on forcing religion to accept this then maybe this would not be such a hot button issue for the far left. However they know they can push button with one of three topics and that is all they have left these days.

So who is against Civil Unions being in place of "Marriage"?

Great! I'm all for it. The thing is, it has to apply to you too. It can't be legal marriage for the straights, civil unions for the gheys.

I am married and in a civil union so I am fine with it. I know you are not, but hey don't let that far left hatred stand in your way.

That's where you're wrong. I'm perfectly fine with Civil Unions. I'm not fine with separate but equal. Marriage for straights and civil unions for gays is the definition of separate but equal and in case you weren't aware, that was declared unconstitutional.
Either is okay especially since you can't change your sexual orientation....but that's not part of the "gay agenda"...

Actually one can change their sexual orientation it is the far left that tells them they can not, they must be gay and they must follow the far left without question or you will be cast out.

No, you can modify your behaviors, the orientation remains.

opinion, not fact.
Great! I'm all for it. The thing is, it has to apply to you too. It can't be legal marriage for the straights, civil unions for the gheys.

I am married and in a civil union so I am fine with it. I know you are not, but hey don't let that far left hatred stand in your way.

That's where you're wrong. I'm perfectly fine with Civil Unions. I'm not fine with separate but equal. Marriage for straights and civil unions for gays is the definition of separate but equal and in case you weren't aware, that was declared unconstitutional.

thanks for finally admitting that it is all about the word marriage, not equality or fairness or acceptance or tolerance or anything else.

you want the government to force the majority of the country to call your gay hook up a marriage.
Either is okay especially since you can't change your sexual orientation....but that's not part of the "gay agenda"...

Actually one can change their sexual orientation it is the far left that tells them they can not, they must be gay and they must follow the far left without question or you will be cast out.

No, you can modify your behaviors, the orientation remains.

So if a person is attracted to females and then discovers they are attracted to males, did they change their orientation or not?
I am married and in a civil union so I am fine with it. I know you are not, but hey don't let that far left hatred stand in your way.

That's where you're wrong. I'm perfectly fine with Civil Unions. I'm not fine with separate but equal. Marriage for straights and civil unions for gays is the definition of separate but equal and in case you weren't aware, that was declared unconstitutional.

thanks for finally admitting that it is all about the word marriage, not equality or fairness or acceptance or tolerance or anything else.

you want the government to force the majority of the country to call your gay hook up a marriage.

Exactly it is all about a word.
Actually one can change their sexual orientation it is the far left that tells them they can not, they must be gay and they must follow the far left without question or you will be cast out.

No, you can modify your behaviors, the orientation remains.

opinion, not fact.

More fact than your claim of changing orientation. The feelings don't stop just because you stop doing them.
No, you can modify your behaviors, the orientation remains.

opinion, not fact.

More fact than your claim of changing orientation. The feelings don't stop just because you stop doing them.

Maybe for a small percentage (including you), but not for all as you are trying to claim.

Sexual orientation in a lot of cases is choice over any type of genetics.

However this is about forcing the church to accept you as being gay and your wanting to force the church to "marry" your partner.

It is not about "rights", it is about forcing an institution to accept you even though it is not there belief. Although you may have better luck with Islam.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes homosexuals are societies unspoken burden of guilt, no one likes homos, everyone is a loser being next to a homo, the guilt we should cast off, its not our sin, its not societies sins, its the homos sins.
2. We don't have to take your homo crap, I refuse too.
3. Best thing the homo could do for its agenda is step back into the closet of life.
4. And keep silent of all this guilt they burden themselves with.
5. To blaze it abroad is unwise.

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opinion, not fact.

More fact than your claim of changing orientation. The feelings don't stop just because you stop doing them.

Maybe for a small percentage (including you), but not for all as you are trying to claim.

Sexual orientation in a lot of cases is choice over any type of genetics.

However this is about forcing the church to accept you as being gay and your wanting to force the church to "marry" your partner.

It is not about "rights", it is about forcing an institution to accept you even though it is not there belief. Although you may have better luck with Islam.

It goes a lot further than forcing institutions to accept you even if it is not their belief. It's about forcing everyone, every individual to accept you even though it is not their belief.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

No, don't stop. Keep your hate an prejudice on display for everyone to see. It defines who you are and what you stand for. Come on, if you didn't announce your hatred for everyone to see, you could be accused of having no integrity.

No suprise that you would rather the gays be hated and/or mistreated than to lose a weapon against another party.

You are a despicable partisan douchebag
this is what the uber wealthy (the REAL constituents of the Repub party) get for relying on "The Base AKA- SOCONs" to win elections.
The actual number ....... LESS THAN 4% are Gay !

A figure pulled directly from your fourth point of contact. The fact is that you have no idea how many people are gay because we don't have to tell you if we are or not.

The only reason why so many allegedly educated {or indoctrinated as the case may be} and supposedly informed American Adults believe that so many of their countrymen are perverts is Gross over representation and coverage by the Media, both in Entertainment Fiction {Soaps, Sitcoms, Movies..} and News coverage.

Almost any show currently airing on television features at least one homosexual. Daytime talk shows, Soaps, and comedies are rampant with out of closet card carrying homosexual characters. In addition, all these characters are not permitted to display character flaws, they are either wealthy, educated, and happy OR depressed and oppressed by perceived mistreatment from normal people.

Most everyone knows someone who is gay or lesbian. Many have loved ones or family members who are gay or lesbian. That is what's happening, not some conspiracy where gays have taken over your airwaves.

You need to watch more TV if that's all you've seen of gay characters on television.

I must say, I've been pleased to find same sex options for my gaming characters in both Skyrim and Dragons Age. Times they have changed...for the better.

I find the inclusion of any sexuality content in any game highly offensive and im an avid gamer. I play games to escape reality for awhile not have politics and other crap shoved in my face. And the offensive part is because children play these games. Peter Molenuex (Fable Series) is the worst and I suspect he likes children, and not in a good way. Sex in video games is just creepy.
Sorry bout that,

1. This whole homo agenda is just a pig with a dress on.
2. Its always going to be a pig, *always*.
3. No matter what the liberal media does, or the politicians do, or the court decides, homos are all pigs, and deserve no respect or acceptance from anyone.

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yep. See. :up: chesswarsnow & other SOCONs won't stand for it. Its going to be a drag on your people's party- "staying pure".

Bad idea. Keep the social issues in the social realm, not the political realm.

Boy, talk about shooting yourselves in the foot.

Republicans believe the same things they believed in high school

Gays are bad, commies are out to get us, Gubmint is evil

They are not going to change
Sorry bout that,

yep. See. :up: chesswarsnow & other SOCONs won't stand for it. Its going to be a drag on your people's party- "staying pure".

1. The kingdom of heaven is lined with those of pure heart.
2. Hell is stacked to the ceiling with those whom compromised their beliefs or lack thereof.
3. America being on the brink of destruction its time people like me said their peace.
4. Men of faith stand and guard the city, we watch how society ruins itself.
5. Its time this shit stops.

What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

I'd just like to point out that Gramps is 100% correct and you telling him to keep his mouth shut about telling "his party" to drop the gay hate crap is a bit ironic seeing as the "gay haters" literally try and use Government to tell people "gays" how they can live their life... Not through words but actual laws.

This is why I can't be in the republican party, a guy says really great thing on Government then they have to talk about God, and why it's ok to be a power hungry progressive who uses Government to control other peoples lives in a way they see fit because of their belief in god.

Let Dems abort themselves out of society, let gays not breed themselves into society. You will win either way, just not in your lifetime.

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