Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


And that nonsense above will continue to keep the GOP a small party nationally.
Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


And that nonsense above will continue to keep the GOP a small party nationally.

his views represent a tiny minority of the GOP. The problem you lefties have is that the alinsky and ayers views represent the majority of the dem party.
opinion, not fact.

More fact than your claim of changing orientation. The feelings don't stop just because you stop doing them.

Maybe for a small percentage (including you), but not for all as you are trying to claim.

Sexual orientation in a lot of cases is choice over any type of genetics.

However this is about forcing the church to accept you as being gay and your wanting to force the church to "marry" your partner.

It is not about "rights", it is about forcing an institution to accept you even though it is not there belief. Although you may have better luck with Islam.

LOL, she would be stoned to death in an islamic country.
Sorry bout that,

1. But God will not be mocked, and Gods will will.


and you have the right to express your views on this and any other topic.

the liberals would silence you and anyone else who does not parrot their socialist Godless agenda.

I am more tolerant of gays than you are, and thats fine. But the left wants govt mandated thought control and punishment for anyone who dares not spout the leftist agenda.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. But God will not be mocked, and Gods will will.


and you have the right to express your views on this and any other topic.

the liberals would silence you and anyone else who does not parrot their socialist Godless agenda.

I am more tolerant of gays than you are, and thats fine. But the left wants govt mandated thought control and punishment for anyone who dares not spout the leftist agenda.

1. Yes we all have a right and responsibility to stand up and be counted on this issue.
2. The liberal agenda is what's killing America as it was, what thing the liberals want to birth too, will kill America.
3. Everyday these liberals push this country closer to the cliffs edge.
4. Everyday we get closer to them being the ones who end up being killed off first before we go over.
5. This country is worth fighting for, so far its been real tame, and some point that will end I predict.
6. When all's lost guess who will end up taking that long walk out on a short pier?
7. Revolutions have been fought for less, wait and see I would suggest.
8. Not that I am for it, but the way things are going it would not surprise me when it starts.

More fact than your claim of changing orientation. The feelings don't stop just because you stop doing them.

Maybe for a small percentage (including you), but not for all as you are trying to claim.

Sexual orientation in a lot of cases is choice over any type of genetics.

However this is about forcing the church to accept you as being gay and your wanting to force the church to "marry" your partner.

It is not about "rights", it is about forcing an institution to accept you even though it is not there belief. Although you may have better luck with Islam.

LOL, she would be stoned to death in an islamic country.

Said with a gleam in Redfish's eye.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. But God will not be mocked, and Gods will will.


and you have the right to express your views on this and any other topic.

the liberals would silence you and anyone else who does not parrot their socialist Godless agenda.

I am more tolerant of gays than you are, and thats fine. But the left wants govt mandated thought control and punishment for anyone who dares not spout the leftist agenda.

1. Yes we all have a right and responsibility to stand up and be counted on this issue.
2. The liberal agenda is what's killing America as it was, what thing the liberals want to birth too, will kill America.
3. Everyday these liberals push this country closer to the cliffs edge.
4. Everyday we get closer to them being the ones who end up being killed off first before we go over.
5. This country is worth fighting for, so far its been real tame, and some point that will end I predict.
6. When all's lost guess who will end up taking that long walk out on a short pier?
7. Revolutions have been fought for less, wait and see I would suggest.
8. Not that I am for it, but the way things are going it would not surprise me when it starts.


I agree, a revolution or sesession may be inevitable.
Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


And that nonsense above will continue to keep the GOP a small party nationally.

his views represent a tiny minority of the GOP. The problem you lefties have is that the alinsky and ayers views represent the majority of the dem party.

You and SirJames are the alinsky equivalents of the far right.

I am mainstream GOP and you are the small minority.

The social nonsense will not be allowed to interfere with the election of mainstream Republicans.
We see the wild reactionary far right craziness above by redfish and SirJames.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

This may come as a shock to you, but some people are naturally revolted by the act of homosexuality. For some of us, it has nothing to do with religion.

Also, some of us prefer certain political beliefs not because we want to "win elections", but because we feel it's the best way to govern a society. I would rather not compromise my beliefs and lose an election, than win an election by compromising my beliefs.

We don't "pick fights" in order to alienate us. We simply believe in standing up for what we feel is right, and stand against what is wrong.

Conservatives are not the running around trying to throw queers in jail. It's the queers and queer enablers that are pushing their pro-gay agenda into us, as well as children. The only thing conservatives are doing is standing up for their own beliefs, and saying "NO, we will not change our beliefs". We will not accept or recognize "gay marriage" in order to make queers and their liberal pimps feel better about themselves.
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And that nonsense above will continue to keep the GOP a small party nationally.

his views represent a tiny minority of the GOP. The problem you lefties have is that the alinsky and ayers views represent the majority of the dem party.

You and SirJames are the alinsky equivalents of the far right.

I am mainstream GOP and you are the small minority.

The social nonsense will not be allowed to interfere with the election of mainstream Republicans.

No, Jake. you are mainstream far left pretending to be a republican so you can hurl failed left wing talking points. We know who and what you are. stop pretending.
Maybe for a small percentage (including you), but not for all as you are trying to claim.

Sexual orientation in a lot of cases is choice over any type of genetics.

However this is about forcing the church to accept you as being gay and your wanting to force the church to "marry" your partner.

It is not about "rights", it is about forcing an institution to accept you even though it is not there belief. Although you may have better luck with Islam.

LOL, she would be stoned to death in an islamic country.

Said with a gleam in Redfish's eye.

:lol: thats funny.
Sorry bout that,

1. We should never let gay marriage go, even the pope has made comments he can not judge homos, which is a cop out on Christianity.
2. Homos are not equal, or to be given a pass for this sin, sin is not for man to forgive, its Gods job.
3. Bottom line humans are not God, and its not wise to act like God, the Pope abandoning God is a shocker, but guess what the Pope is human and can make mistakes in judgment.
4. God can not accept homos, and never will, God will judge you, and those who play God, God isn't going to look at those mercifully, who should know his will.
5. Being a homo is going against how God created creation, he will not agree with this sort of perversion not now, not never.
6. God does not make mistakes, man does, man does not forgive, God does.
7. To Christians everywhere, from the least to the greatest, get yourself straight, and stop supporting the homo agenda.
8. For if you cover the sin of a sinner, you act of God, you are mistaken, you are not God, what is next maybe you cover the sins of a baby killer, mass murderer, Hitler was just misunderstood?


And that nonsense above will continue to keep the GOP a small party nationally.

By small you mean like 2% behind the "biggest" party in the country? While I agree that hatin on gays is full retard, you sir are a different version of "full retard" yourself. And in 2012 the Republican party grew by a million, the Dem party died by 4 million. Do some research before you post Jake, it might save you from coming across as an ignorant dumb fucking progressive.
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Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

This may come as a shock to you, but some people are naturally revolted by the act of homosexuality. For some of us, it has nothing to do with religion.

Also, some of us prefer certain political beliefs not because we want to "win elections", but because we feel it's the best way to govern a society. I would rather not compromise my beliefs and lose an election, than win an election by compromising my beliefs.

We don't "pick fights" in order to alienate us. We simply believe in standing up for what we feel is right, and stand against what is wrong.

Conservatives are not the running around trying to throw queers in jail. It's the queers and queer enablers that are pushing their pro-gay agenda into us, as well as children. The only thing conservatives are doing is standing up for their own beliefs, and saying "NO, we will not change our beliefs". We will not accept or recognize "gay marriage" in order to make queers and their liberal pimps feel better about themselves.

That's an interesting position.

I find people with severe acne somewhat revolting and don't even get me started on severe obesity. Should we shun them as well?

Point is "your" personal feelings about someone else should not be a factor in making public policy unless that person is in some way affecting the freedom or rights of others.
We on the right will agree to downplay the gay crap when those on the left do the same thing.

Equal rights for the GLBT community is not only a political winner for the left, it's the right thing to do as Americans.

I bring it up whenever I can. Is it divisive? If you're for shunning parts of the population then, yes, I guess inisistance upon equal rights for all is a divisve topic for you.


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