Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

I find the inclusion of any sexuality content in any game highly offensive and im an avid gamer. I play games to escape reality for awhile not have politics and other crap shoved in my face. And the offensive part is because children play these games. Peter Molenuex (Fable Series) is the worst and I suspect he likes children, and not in a good way. Sex in video games is just creepy.

So don't follow the romantic story lines if you don't want to, they aren't essential.

Relationships are political?

Some games flaunt political messages. Wasn't talking sexuality only. Games are to escape life not emulate it. Oh, and some games force the sex nonsense, while others glorify the seedyness of some of it. There are ways to be tasteful but most developers go for shock value because it excites an immature audience. For instance in the last Fable 2 boys or 2 girls could goto bed together, have VERY noisy sex and wake up pregnant. And that is the kind of in your face shit that irritates me because the game is targeted at kids.

Fable is rated M (Mature)..so it's not for "kids".
Yeah. How'd that work out for the baker who didn't want to cater to gays?

It worked put according to Public Accommodation laws for the state.

Never understood the "reasoning" behind people who insist people who don't want to work for them should work for them.

That's just begging for an ugly wedding cake.

So get all the PA laws repealed...but don't bitch because they apply to gays too.
So don't follow the romantic story lines if you don't want to, they aren't essential.

Relationships are political?

Some games flaunt political messages. Wasn't talking sexuality only. Games are to escape life not emulate it. Oh, and some games force the sex nonsense, while others glorify the seedyness of some of it. There are ways to be tasteful but most developers go for shock value because it excites an immature audience. For instance in the last Fable 2 boys or 2 girls could goto bed together, have VERY noisy sex and wake up pregnant. And that is the kind of in your face shit that irritates me because the game is targeted at kids.

Fable is rated M (Mature)..so it's not for "kids".

Cigarettes weren't for kids either but the marketing was aimed at them on occasion so your point is moot. Eventually someone stepped in with more regulations because of it. Either way my point stands
Some games flaunt political messages. Wasn't talking sexuality only. Games are to escape life not emulate it. Oh, and some games force the sex nonsense, while others glorify the seedyness of some of it. There are ways to be tasteful but most developers go for shock value because it excites an immature audience. For instance in the last Fable 2 boys or 2 girls could goto bed together, have VERY noisy sex and wake up pregnant. And that is the kind of in your face shit that irritates me because the game is targeted at kids.

Fable is rated M (Mature)..so it's not for "kids".

Cigarettes weren't for kids either but the marketing was aimed at them on occasion so your point is moot. Eventually someone stepped in with more regulations because of it. Either way my point stands

No it doesn't. People obviously want this content or they wouldn't put it in and it is not for kids based on regulation.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

This may come as a shock to you, but some people are naturally revolted by the act of homosexuality. For some of us, it has nothing to do with religion.

Also, some of us prefer certain political beliefs not because we want to "win elections", but because we feel it's the best way to govern a society. I would rather not compromise my beliefs and lose an election, than win an election by compromising my beliefs.

We don't "pick fights" in order to alienate us. We simply believe in standing up for what we feel is right, and stand against what is wrong.

Conservatives are not the running around trying to throw queers in jail. It's the queers and queer enablers that are pushing their pro-gay agenda into us, as well as children. The only thing conservatives are doing is standing up for their own beliefs, and saying "NO, we will not change our beliefs". We will not accept or recognize "gay marriage" in order to make queers and their liberal pimps feel better about themselves.

That's an interesting position.

I find people with severe acne somewhat revolting and don't even get me started on severe obesity. Should we shun them as well?

Point is "your" personal feelings about someone else should not be a factor in making public policy unless that person is in some way affecting the freedom or rights of others.

Morbidly obese people usually are shunned already.

No one's freedom or rights are being affected by not formally recognizing gay marriage. They have the freedom to perform the religious ceremony in any state.
Fable is rated M (Mature)..so it's not for "kids".

Cigarettes weren't for kids either but the marketing was aimed at them on occasion so your point is moot. Eventually someone stepped in with more regulations because of it. Either way my point stands

No it doesn't. People obviously want this content or they wouldn't put it in and it is not for kids based on regulation.

Content is not always based on need or request. Peter Molenuex has taken severe condemnation for much of the sexual content he adds in HIS games. And to your point, anyone who wants simulated sex between boys or girls is a sick fuck. I suspect you haven't played the games and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or else you're one of the sick fucks that thinks sex between children is ok to simulate or even desire.
This is another case of faux outrage over "rights" that are based on propaganda and fear mongering than on fact.

There are two camps trying to force their belief's on the masses and both are wrong to do so.
It worked put according to Public Accommodation laws for the state.

Never understood the "reasoning" behind people who insist people who don't want to work for them should work for them.

That's just begging for an ugly wedding cake.

So get all the PA laws repealed...but don't bitch because they apply to gays too.
I wasn't, in case you didn't notice.

I don't have much respect, however, for people who force others to violate their beliefs because they want to be little bitches.

I really hope they get a hideous cake.
So why are civil marriages called marriages? Seems to me that ship has sailed...unless you want to go back and change all those civil laws, statutes, etc. that have the word "marriage" in them. Is that what you want the government to do?

the gay agenda has a goal of being able to teach children that being a homosexual is equal to being a normal human being. They want kids to be told that they can go whichever way they want, that either is OK.

Tolerance is one thing, indoctrination is quite another.

Live your gay lifestyle, no one really cares. Just don't demand that the government force the rest of us to accept it as normal---------because it is not normal.

Either is okay especially since you can't change your sexual orientation....but that's not part of the "gay agenda"...


I'm curious. Since gays haven't mentioned it and you seem to know, what is the "gay agenda"?
We on the right will agree to downplay the gay crap when those on the left do the same thing.

I think you should continue to fight against same-sex marriage, and continue to dis blacks and Hispanics.....it's good for your party. Stand up for what you believe.....
How about the Left stops targeting younger and younger kids with it?... Creepy bastards!


How about the Left stops targeting younger and younger kids with it?... Creepy bastards!



Guy, in my sheltered Catholic upbringing, I knew what a gay person was when I was 12.

You guys seem to think that kids aren't nearly as bright as they are... or you've forgotten what it was like to be a kid yourself.
Cigarettes weren't for kids either but the marketing was aimed at them on occasion so your point is moot. Eventually someone stepped in with more regulations because of it. Either way my point stands

No it doesn't. People obviously want this content or they wouldn't put it in and it is not for kids based on regulation.

Content is not always based on need or request. Peter Molenuex has taken severe condemnation for much of the sexual content he adds in HIS games. And to your point, anyone who wants simulated sex between boys or girls is a sick fuck. I suspect you haven't played the games and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or else you're one of the sick fucks that thinks sex between children is ok to simulate or even desire.

No, I have no idea what you're talking about and I'd like a link to that which you refer. What game shows sex between children? You'll have to excuse me if I have a hard time believing that to be true.
the gay agenda has a goal of being able to teach children that being a homosexual is equal to being a normal human being. They want kids to be told that they can go whichever way they want, that either is OK.

Tolerance is one thing, indoctrination is quite another.

Live your gay lifestyle, no one really cares. Just don't demand that the government force the rest of us to accept it as normal---------because it is not normal.

Either is okay especially since you can't change your sexual orientation....but that's not part of the "gay agenda"...


I'm curious. Since gays haven't mentioned it and you seem to know, what is the "gay agenda"?

And that nonsense above will continue to keep the GOP a small party nationally.

By small you mean like 2% behind the "biggest" party in the country? While I agree that hatin on gays is full retard, you sir are a different version of "full retard" yourself. And in 2012 the Republican party grew by a million, the Dem party died by 4 million. Do some research before you post Jake, it might save you from coming across as an ignorant dumb fucking progressive.

The GOP was still the minority and was defeated for the Presidency and lost seats to the Senate Dem majority as well as losing GOP house seats.

Your "gain" was still a continuing loss.

You out yourself as a far right reactionary shill acting like a counter alinksy.

We don't need that shit in the Republican Party.

I agree. I wish I had two choices when it is time to cast my ballot. I'm not a democrat. Ralph Nader said something along the lines of "The only difference between the two major political parties is how fast they drop to their knees to worship big business." That is a para-phrase.

But the GOP has gotten so far away from protecting rights and is now going active in trying to restirct the rights of others...there is only one political party (for now). How long will the Dems be a vialble alternative?

Who knows.

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