Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

How about the Left stops targeting younger and younger kids with it?... Creepy bastards!



Guy, in my sheltered Catholic upbringing, I knew what a gay person was when I was 12.

You guys seem to think that kids aren't nearly as bright as they are... or you've forgotten what it was like to be a kid yourself.

12 is one number... Kindergarten is another...

Stay away from Kids with Adult Sexual Deviancy... It's fucking Creepy. :thup:


Either is okay especially since you can't change your sexual orientation....but that's not part of the "gay agenda"...


I'm curious. Since gays haven't mentioned it and you seem to know, what is the "gay agenda"?


Man and Man/Woman and Woman is not Naturally Equal to Man and Woman.

Be Angry at Nature. :thup:


Sorry bout that,

1. Being a homo brings an inherent guilt, the reason for this will never change, its because God is against it.
2. God will always be against it.
3. No matter what society does anywhere on the planet to put a seal of approval on being a homo the guilt and disgust will always be there.
4. Perversion will always be perversion, no amount of white washing it will change that.
5. There are lots of perversion society should never try to accept as normal, being homo is top on list.
6. Giving *legal marriage* is a huge mistake, it gives them the feeling of normalcy.
7. Its a crime against humanity to turn a blind eye towards this perversion.

What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

Listen to the Homophobic chick slinger.

You can't stop the self-loathing until you come out of the closet yourself.

If she admits she's a lesbian, then she'll be able to let the gay shit go.

She's just one angry pent up bitch -- no changing her mind.

Please...do not give me the visual of LGS as a lesbian. TIA

Ahhh big fat sweaty bulldyke thinks LGS is scary to look at.....:lol:
a few of us have seen what you look like and it fucking scary.
What a coincidence, I was listening to Martian radio W123mars, and the commentary was about the right wing in America. One listener noted this thread as proof American conservatives are not very far along the evolutionary chain. The idea of sin given the behavior of their own representatives struck this martian as hypocritical at best. The wondered, given important topics such as poverty and hunger during our holidays, why the conversation is always about the trivial. Of course many Americans wonder too.
Sorry bout that,

1. Being a homo brings an inherent guilt, the reason for this will never change, its because God is against it.

Nope, only feel guilty when I eat chocolate.

2. God will always be against it.

God created "it".

3. No matter what society does anywhere on the planet to put a seal of approval on being a homo the guilt and disgust will always be there.

No, that's mostly going away...thanks to societies changing attitude. Sure, there are still some douchebags like you out there ready to heap enough shit on a kid to make them want to commit suicide, but it's nothing like it was "back in the day".

4. Perversion will always be perversion, no amount of white washing it will change that.
5. There are lots of perversion society should never try to accept as normal, being homo is top on list.

One man's perversion...it's a very subjective term. You don't have to accept gays, just give us equality and leave us the fuck alone.

6. Giving *legal marriage* is a huge mistake, it gives them the feeling of normalcy.

No, we give ourselves the "feeling of normalcy". We decided that your silly rules of what is "normal" don't apply. Left handers and red heads aren't "normal", but we don't prevent them from legally marrying the consenting adult partner of their choice.

7. Its a crime against humanity to turn a blind eye towards this perversion.

Ooh, time for punishment?

What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

Listen to the Homophobic chick slinger.

You can't stop the self-loathing until you come out of the closet yourself.

If she admits she's a lesbian, then she'll be able to let the gay shit go.

She's just one angry pent up bitch -- no changing her mind.

Please...do not give me the visual of LGS as a lesbian. TIA

Get that Kilt out of your Mooseknuckle... Nobody can understand you.


Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

This may come as a shock to you, but some people are naturally revolted by the act of homosexuality. For some of us, it has nothing to do with religion.

Also, some of us prefer certain political beliefs not because we want to "win elections", but because we feel it's the best way to govern a society. I would rather not compromise my beliefs and lose an election, than win an election by compromising my beliefs.

We don't "pick fights" in order to alienate us. We simply believe in standing up for what we feel is right, and stand against what is wrong.

Conservatives are not the running around trying to throw queers in jail. It's the queers and queer enablers that are pushing their pro-gay agenda into us, as well as children. The only thing conservatives are doing is standing up for their own beliefs, and saying "NO, we will not change our beliefs". We will not accept or recognize "gay marriage" in order to make queers and their liberal pimps feel better about themselves.

Ok....I can buy that. But I can never understand why some people think and talk so very much about something that revolts them.

I am revolted by the idea of morbidly obese people getting it on....but I don't talk about it, I don't spend a great deal of time thinking about it....nor do I try to regulate it.

Cant have sex with a mirror in the room. :lol:

Man and Man/Woman and Woman is not Naturally Equal to Man and Woman.

Be Angry at Nature. :thup:



Under the law we are in 16 states and counting. Can't wait to file our first Federal joint tax return.

The Law and the SCOTUS once said that Slavery was OK...

Doesn't make it Right, does it.

But the FACT Remains:

Man and Man/Woman and Woman is not Naturally Equal to Man and Woman.

And you are Expecting Special Rights for your Chosen Deviation... You are Excluding others in your Expectations that Society Embrace your Deviancy and try to Assist you in finding the Validation that you Naturally Lack.

In that, you are NOT for "Equal Rights"...

And you Suck for being that way. :thup:


Listen to the Homophobic chick slinger.

You can't stop the self-loathing until you come out of the closet yourself.

If she admits she's a lesbian, then she'll be able to let the gay shit go.

She's just one angry pent up bitch -- no changing her mind.

Please...do not give me the visual of LGS as a lesbian. TIA

Ahhh big fat sweaty bulldyke thinks LGS is scary to look at.....:lol:
a few of us have seen what you look like and it fucking scary.

Damn it! There I am following you around the boards again. GEESH!
Sorry bout that,

1. Being a homo brings an inherent guilt, the reason for this will never change, its because God is against it.

Nope, only feel guilty when I eat chocolate.

2. God will always be against it.

God created "it".

3. No matter what society does anywhere on the planet to put a seal of approval on being a homo the guilt and disgust will always be there.

No, that's mostly going away...thanks to societies changing attitude. Sure, there are still some douchebags like you out there ready to heap enough shit on a kid to make them want to commit suicide, but it's nothing like it was "back in the day".

4. Perversion will always be perversion, no amount of white washing it will change that.
5. There are lots of perversion society should never try to accept as normal, being homo is top on list.

One man's perversion...it's a very subjective term. You don't have to accept gays, just give us equality and leave us the fuck alone.

6. Giving *legal marriage* is a huge mistake, it gives them the feeling of normalcy.

No, we give ourselves the "feeling of normalcy". We decided that your silly rules of what is "normal" don't apply. Left handers and red heads aren't "normal", but we don't prevent them from legally marrying the consenting adult partner of their choice.

7. Its a crime against humanity to turn a blind eye towards this perversion.

Ooh, time for punishment?


I'm ready for it Seawytch. I've been a bad boy. Punish me. And show no mercy.
Please...do not give me the visual of LGS as a lesbian. TIA

Ahhh big fat sweaty bulldyke thinks LGS is scary to look at.....:lol:
a few of us have seen what you look like and it fucking scary.

Damn it! There I am following you around the boards again. GEESH!

My guess is you can walk into a club and have more women interested in meeting you than NLT would.
No, Jake. you are mainstream far left pretending to be a republican so you can hurl failed left wing talking points. We know who and what you are. stop pretending.

No, Redfish, stop pretending.. You are reactionary far right trying to act like mainstream republican so you can fire far right reactionary talking points. We are on to you.
Yes, you and other lying progressives are on to conservatives.

You are a reactionary conservative who simply does not represent mainstream Republicanism.
No, Redfish, stop pretending.. You are reactionary far right trying to act like mainstream republican so you can fire far right reactionary talking points. We are on to you.
Yes, you and other lying progressives are on to conservatives.

You are a reactionary conservative who simply does not represent mainstream Republicanism.

A true conservative (from the ideological standpoint, not the definition of conservative) should not care if one is gay or heterosexual. The business of others should be no concern of a true conservative.

It is the religious right that has an issue with the gay lifestyle. And whereas I disagree with them, I respect why their sentiments are as they are.

As for the rest that are against the gay lifestyle? They are homophobes.
Please...do not give me the visual of LGS as a lesbian. TIA

Ahhh big fat sweaty bulldyke thinks LGS is scary to look at.....:lol:
a few of us have seen what you look like and it fucking scary.

Damn it! There I am following you around the boards again. GEESH!

^From that Miserable, Dishonest Twat's Sigline:

Bootlicker NLT says: "Seawytch, Bodey and Luissa make me wish we had sharia law in the US." http://www.usmessageboard.com/7518974-post432.html

I'd say someone is Obsessive... And it ain't NLT.

You are one Creepy Motherfucker, Bodey. :thup:


Man and Man/Woman and Woman is not Naturally Equal to Man and Woman.

Be Angry at Nature. :thup:



Under the law we are in 16 states and counting. Can't wait to file our first Federal joint tax return.

The Law and the SCOTUS once said that Slavery was OK...

Doesn't make it Right, does it.

But the FACT Remains:

Man and Man/Woman and Woman is not Naturally Equal to Man and Woman.

And you are Expecting Special Rights for your Chosen Deviation... You are Excluding others in your Expectations that Society Embrace your Deviancy and try to Assist you in finding the Validation that you Naturally Lack.

In that, you are NOT for "Equal Rights"...

And you Suck for being that way. :thup:



Actually, the fact that is continuing is fewer and fewer states are choosing to ignore the 14th Amendment. 38% of the country can gay marry now...and Mal, that means you too so your idea that it is a "special" right is ludicrous. You seem the one that wants to keep legal marriage a special right available only to heterosexuals.

You've lost. :lol:
Under the law we are in 16 states and counting. Can't wait to file our first Federal joint tax return.

The Law and the SCOTUS once said that Slavery was OK...

Doesn't make it Right, does it.

But the FACT Remains:

Man and Man/Woman and Woman is not Naturally Equal to Man and Woman.

And you are Expecting Special Rights for your Chosen Deviation... You are Excluding others in your Expectations that Society Embrace your Deviancy and try to Assist you in finding the Validation that you Naturally Lack.

In that, you are NOT for "Equal Rights"...

And you Suck for being that way. :thup:



Actually, the fact that is continuing is fewer and fewer states are choosing to ignore the 14th Amendment. 38% of the country can gay marry now...and Mal, that means you too so your idea that it is a "special" right is ludicrous. You seem the one that wants to keep legal marriage a special right available only to heterosexuals.

You've lost. :lol:

I am Married... Have (3) Children with my Wife. Two Woman are Incapable of Natural Marriage as are Two Men... 100% of the time.

I don't Care how Society Devolves, you will always be Wrong.


Sorry bot that,

1. A guilt free seared conscience does not change facts.
2. You keep telling yourself its okay, its not.
3. Us moral people in touch with reality know how it is.
4. Immoral children always seem to have a hard time understanding basic things.
5. Perverts will pervert.
6. Just get back into the closet.


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