Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

I never said any such thing... Don't make assumptions. :thup:

But I don't want them exposing their own Sexual Deviation from what Created them and how Nature Designed and Equipped them to Children... It's fucking creepy.



So, you think gays choose to be gay? Yeah, right, just like Hispanics choose to be Hispanic, and blacks choose to be black, and you chose to be white.....:eusa_whistle:

Race is not analagous to Human Choice... Find Validation without trying to rip off an Honest Civil Rights Movement.

Black Man and White Woman... Marriage.

White Man and Black Woman... Marriage.

Man of ANY Race and Man of ANY Race... Unnatural.

Ditto on the Bodeceas.

You can go ahead and do what you want because this Country is Free but don't demand that Society Embrace it or give you a False Sense of Validation by saying it's OK, Normal or Equal to that which Creates us because it Naturally and Factually is NOT.



You do realize that interracial marriage was not completely legal in the US until 1967, right? As for God not creating "Adam and Steve", who created "Adam and Steve"? I thought God was perfect and never made mistakes, yet somehow he made some people gay. WTF?

And if you are going to try to convince me that being gay is a choice, don't bother. There is no way I could choose to be gay, because I am not. If it is a choice, then the choice should be very difficult, not so easy. It was easy for me to be straight. In fact, I didn't even have to make a choice; that's just the way I am, so this idea that gays choose to be gay, well it just doesn't make much sense.
Homosexuality is a "choice"....a vile degenerate choice....but still a choice. ... :cool:

What they Fail to Understand is when they Claim it's not a Choice they are lending Validation to ALL other Deviations that those are not Choices either, instead how they were Created.

That list is LONG and Concerning.
Yep, the pedophiles, rapists, beastiality boys, and every other type of pervert, will jump on the "it's Not a 'choice' bandwagon" to try and legitimize their sickness. ... :doubt:
You do realize that interracial marriage was not completely legal in the US until 1967, right?

What in the Fuck does American Law have to do with what is?... :dunno:

As for God not creating "Adam and Steve", who created "Adam and Steve"? I thought God was perfect and never made mistakes, yet somehow he made some people gay. WTF?

Where did I say God Created anything?... :dunno:

But since you are going there, if he "Created" Gays then he "Created" Pedophiles. :thup:

And if you are going to try to convince me that being gay is a choice, don't bother. There is no way I could choose to be gay, because I am not. If it is a choice, then the choice should be very difficult, not so easy. It was easy for me to be straight. In fact, I didn't even have to make a choice; that's just the way I am, so this idea that gays choose to be gay, well it just doesn't make much sense.

It's one of (2) things... It's a Choice or it's Bad Wiring.

Retarded People have Bad Wiring... Insane People have Bad Wiring...

There's also the idea that you Believe Homosexuality is Gross because you are an Honest Homophobe.

Humans Fuck their own Dead... Animals don't even do that.

My Concern isn't what Humans do with their Bodies, it's what they Insist that Society Embrace or call Equal in Law when it is not.

Man and Man/Woman and Woman is Naturally and Factually Unequal to what Creates us.

Try again. :thup:


Homosexuality is a "choice"....a vile degenerate choice....but still a choice. ... :cool:

If a mind is diseased as a homosexual one is - Do their choices count ? And if they are "born that way" as Gay activists like to pretend then it's not really a choice is it ?
How about the Left stops targeting younger and younger kids with it?... Creepy bastards!



Ha,ha, you really think that gays are turned gay by urging from others? You are so naive....for lack of a better word.

When you look into almost any specific case where homosexuals tell their story of when they realized that they were homosexual, it almost always has an older homosexual or bisexual engaging them in sex; just about every time.

The facts are long established though; about a third of the general population is adrift from heterosexual monogamy when it comes to their sexual preferences and those preferences shift all through their lifetime. They range from wanting serial monogamy (changing their partners upon boredom with them) to multiple simultaneous partners, to various perversions involving anything from bestiality to BDSM to bisexual activity. The very few homosexuals who are exclusively so are the very very rare exception.

So yes, a person sexuality is not carved into their DNA, but the predisposition toward sexual perversion of various kinds is something that seems to be genetic in origin, though by the time they reach their thirties, the behavior is set for life mostly.

But in the younger years if sheltered from the perverts, a drifting sexual addict might remain heterosexual enough to produce progeny and pass on his DNA.

Which is why I am all for homosexual's being left to do what they want, and they will thus breed themselves into extinction, quite literally.
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Homosexuality is a "choice"....a vile degenerate choice....but still a choice. ... :cool:

What they Fail to Understand is when they Claim it's not a Choice they are lending Validation to ALL other Deviations that those are not Choices either, instead how they were Created.

That list is LONG and Concerning.



No worry, mate, the Dimbocraps will have every pig fucker, corpse driller and child molester registered and voting within a month after the homosexuals achieve all they intend to.

And these perverts will all be victims of white heterosexual Christian male hatred and the true victims, and none of us will be able to legally protect our children from these perversions by sheltering them from the perverts that teach in our public schools or even private ones these days.

After which I will gladly vote for Shariah law if it brings the worst of evils to an end.
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How about the Left stops targeting younger and younger kids with it?... Creepy bastards!



Ha,ha, you really think that gays are turned gay by urging from others? You are so naive....for lack of a better word.

When you look into almost any specific case where homosexuals tell their story of when they realized that they were homosexual, it almost always has an older homosexual or bisexual engaging them in sex; just about every time.

The facts are long established though; about a third of the general population is adrift from heterosexual monogamy when it comes to their sexual preferences and those preferences shift all through their lifetime. They go from wanting serial monogamy (changing their partners upon boredom with them) to multiple simultaneous partners, to various perversions involving anything from bestiality to BDSM to bisexual activity. The very few homosexuals who are exclusively so are the very very rare exception.

So yes, a person sexuality is not carved into their DNA, but the predisposition toward sexual perversion of various kinds is something that seems to be genetic in origin, though by the time they reach their thirties, the behavior is set for life mostly.

But in the younger years if sheltered from the perverts, a drifting sexual addict might remain heterosexual enough to produce progeny and pass on his DNA.

Which is why I am all for homosexual's being left to do what they want, and they will thus breed themselves into extinction, quite literally.

Bullshit. :D
I never said any such thing... Don't make assumptions. :thup:

But I don't want them exposing their own Sexual Deviation from what Created them and how Nature Designed and Equipped them to Children... It's fucking creepy.



So, you think gays choose to be gay? Yeah, right, just like Hispanics choose to be Hispanic, and blacks choose to be black, and you chose to be white.....:eusa_whistle:

Race is not analagous to Human Choice... Find Validation without trying to rip off an Honest Civil Rights Movement.
Neither is gender....people don't choose to fall in love heterosexually or homosexually, you didn't choose to be heterosexual, you just were, so why do you think they chose to be homosexual?
Black Man and White Woman... Marriage.

White Man and Black Woman... Marriage.

Man of ANY Race and Man of ANY Race... Unnatural.
It may seem unnatural to you, ergo you shouldn't participate, but apparently it doesn't seem unnatural to them, and many are agreeing that it doesn't affect their views on marriage, or their marriage.

Ditto on the Bodeceas.

You can go ahead and do what you want because this Country is Free but don't demand that Society Embrace it or give you a False Sense of Validation by saying it's OK, Normal or Equal to that which Creates us because it Naturally and Factually is NOT.
But that's just it, society seems to be moving in the direction that it's ok to let them get married...so you are in the minority. Why should society bend to your strict rules when you are in the minority?


It saddens me that most of the "vileness" im seeing on display in this thread is from my republican friends. If you must be full of hate learn to articulate it so as to not look like a total douchebag
The Law and the SCOTUS once said that Slavery was OK...

Doesn't make it Right, does it.

But the FACT Remains:

Man and Man/Woman and Woman is not Naturally Equal to Man and Woman.

And you are Expecting Special Rights for your Chosen Deviation... You are Excluding others in your Expectations that Society Embrace your Deviancy and try to Assist you in finding the Validation that you Naturally Lack.

In that, you are NOT for "Equal Rights"...

And you Suck for being that way. :thup:



Actually, the fact that is continuing is fewer and fewer states are choosing to ignore the 14th Amendment. 38% of the country can gay marry now...and Mal, that means you too so your idea that it is a "special" right is ludicrous. You seem the one that wants to keep legal marriage a special right available only to heterosexuals.

You've lost. :lol:

I am Married... Have (3) Children with my Wife. Two Woman are Incapable of Natural Marriage as are Two Men... 100% of the time.

I don't Care how Society Devolves, you will always be Wrong.



Gosh, and I'm married with two children (although I've birthed five). And?
Being opposed the the vile practice of homosexuality isn't hate. ... :cool:

No, the language you use to describe them and those that are not consumed with hate for them is "hate". Why do you care so much what others do that doesn't affect you, that you have to call them vile names?
Homosexuality is a "choice"....a vile degenerate choice....but still a choice. ... :cool:

What they Fail to Understand is when they Claim it's not a Choice they are lending Validation to ALL other Deviations that those are not Choices either, instead how they were Created.

That list is LONG and Concerning.



No worry, mate, the Dimbocraps will have every pig fucker, corpse driller and child molester registered and voting within a month after the homosexuals achieve all they intend to.

And these perverts will all be victims of white heterosexual Christian male hatred and the true victims, and none of us will be able to legally protect our children from these perversions by sheltering them from the perverts that teach in our public schools or even private ones these days.

After which I will gladly vote for Shariah law if it brings the worst of evils to an end.

Are you saying that homosexuals are = to pedophiles? Sounds like you are running a comparison between what law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adults to....and those who hurt the young and those who cannot consent.

Can't you tell the difference?
Being opposed the the vile practice of homosexuality isn't hate. ... :cool:

That depends on how you express that position. I don't approve of it but I'm not interested in shoving my opinion into someone's face.

Then you have some who liken gays to animal sex or child molesting. THAT sickens me just to read it and is nothing but pure hatred.
Actually, the fact that is continuing is fewer and fewer states are choosing to ignore the 14th Amendment. 38% of the country can gay marry now...and Mal, that means you too so your idea that it is a "special" right is ludicrous. You seem the one that wants to keep legal marriage a special right available only to heterosexuals.

You've lost. :lol:

I am Married... Have (3) Children with my Wife. Two Woman are Incapable of Natural Marriage as are Two Men... 100% of the time.

I don't Care how Society Devolves, you will always be Wrong.



Gosh, and I'm married with two children (although I've birthed five). And?


I had 2 and that drove me crazy. I can't imagine 5 children.

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