Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.

You are correct. Maxine Waters as the Democrat nominee would be as helpful for the Republicans as Rick Santorum as the Republican nominee would be for the Democrats. :D

The only difference is that Republicans will seriously consider Rick Santorum.......and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Allen West

My hidden point...yes.
You are correct. Maxine Waters as the Democrat nominee would be as helpful for the Republicans as Rick Santorum as the Republican nominee would be for the Democrats. :D

Sheila Jackson Lee would be very good for the Repubs too. The difference is that most democrats don't take their dingbats seriously as Presidential contenders. The very short bench the Dems have has only one or two viable candidates and their time has passed I think...I don't see Hillary winning without some big time help from the GOP. I don't see Biden winning under any circumstances. I'm hoping that there will be a darkhorse that comes out of nowherebut I doubt that as well.

The Republicans should pick you! may as well since the last guy as POTUS was picked from the yellow pages of a chicago phone book.

Ohhh kay...not sure how to respond to that. How about it guys, you want me to be your Presidential Nominee? :eek:
You are correct. Maxine Waters as the Democrat nominee would be as helpful for the Republicans as Rick Santorum as the Republican nominee would be for the Democrats. :D

The only difference is that Republicans will seriously consider Rick Santorum.......and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Allen West

My hidden point...yes.

any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.
The only difference is that Republicans will seriously consider Rick Santorum.......and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Allen West

My hidden point...yes.

any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.

This sounds like...."Romney is going to kick Obama's Ass" Part II. :D
My hidden point...yes.

any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.

This sounds like...."Romney is going to kick Obama's Ass" Part II. :D

If they nominate a serious person, I think the GOP will win in 2016 due to America's penchant for changing directions about every 8-12 years
Nothing would . make . me happier than to be wrong about that by the way. But none on the list above will ever see a presidential ballot with their name on it. Hillary would do well against any of them.
The only difference is that Republicans will seriously consider Rick Santorum.......and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Allen West

My hidden point...yes.

any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.

Yes, yes

And Obama will be a one term President
any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.

This sounds like...."Romney is going to kick Obama's Ass" Part II. :D

If they nominate a serious person, I think the GOP will win in 2016 due to America's penchant for changing directions about every 8-12 years
Nothing would . make . me happier than to be wrong about that by the way. But none on the list above will ever see a presidential ballot with their name on it. Hillary would do well against any of them.

Christie, Rubio and Ryan can come across as sensible politicians

The rest of the pack are going to lay down the stupid and the leading GOP candidate will soak some of it up
Supreme Court could have set the precedent.

They set it as a state's right.

Not going to change.

Uh, yeah, guy, it probably will. A lot sooner than you think.

So SCOTUS is going to undue their affirmation of a State's right ?

Based on what ?

Based on long-standing 14th Amendment jurisprudence that the states may not deny a given class of persons access to marriage law absent a rational basis, a compelling governmental interest, and a legitimate legislative end, motivated solely by animus toward that class of persons:

We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.

Romer, Governor of Colorado, et al. v. Evans et al., 517 U.S. 620 (1996).
Including marriage law.


Their right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives [homosexuals] the full right to engage in their conduct without intervention of the government. “It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.” Casey, supra, at 847. The Texas statute furthers no legitimate state interest which can justify its intrusion into the personal and private life of the individual.


In Lawrence, therefore, the Court determined that homosexuals need not constitute a ‘suspect class’ to have laws adversely affecting their equal protection rights invalidated, as such measures fail to even manifest a rational basis for their justification.
Honey, I linked to Justice Kennedy's majority opinion affirming it is a State's right.

Shall I post it again ?

Go right ahead. It isn't going to change the fact that the constitutionality of anti gay marriage laws haven't been ruled on by the SCOTUS yet.

Can a state pass a law that violates the Constitution?

It can not.

You do realize that Windsor being upheld on the affirmation it is state purview by SCOTUS makes it a 10th AM issue, right ?

Are your cases predicated on making gay a protected class ?


The Windsor court held that the 5th Amendment prohibits the Federal government from treating marriages differently in states that recognize same-sex couples’ equal protection rights as opposed to states that do not:

2. DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment. Pp. 13–26.

UNITED STATES v. WINDSOR | Supreme Court | LII / Legal Information Institute

The 14th Amendment incorporates the Fifth Amendment to the states, meaning just as the Federal government may not enact measures placing same-sex marriages at a legislative disadvantage, so too may the states not enact measures placing same-sex couples at a similar disadvantage.

As with the rights of individuals, states’ rights are not absolute, they are also subject to appropriate restrictions, such as, in this case, prohibiting the states from enacting measures designed to make homosexuals unequal to everyone else absent a legitimate legislative end.

And the 10th Amendment in no way mitigates the authority of the Bill of Rights concerning the states, the states may not ignore, or ‘nullify,’ or otherwise disregard Federal laws, the Federal Constitution, or decisions by Federal Courts. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

We can marry in 13 states and we've always been able to marry in church. You've "lost" already.

Only fake churches.

As Opposed to what? A "Real" Church?

I mean, we need to get on this, determining which ones are actually talking for a Magic Pixie in the Sky!!!!

Okay, simple test. Drop the leaders of churches off the top of the Sears Tower.

Any of them that God Catches are running a "real" church.
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Go right ahead. It isn't going to change the fact that the constitutionality of anti gay marriage laws haven't been ruled on by the SCOTUS yet.

Can a state pass a law that violates the Constitution?

It can not.

You do realize that Windsor being upheld on the affirmation it is state purview by SCOTUS makes it a 10th AM issue, right ?

Are your cases predicated on making gay a protected class ?


The Windsor court held that the 5th Amendment prohibits the Federal government from treating marriages differently in states that recognize same-sex couples’ equal protection rights as opposed to states that do not:

2. DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment. Pp. 13–26.

UNITED STATES v. WINDSOR | Supreme Court | LII / Legal Information Institute

The 14th Amendment incorporates the Fifth Amendment to the states, meaning just as the Federal government may not enact measures placing same-sex marriages at a legislative disadvantage, so too may the states not enact measures placing same-sex couples at a similar disadvantage.

As with the rights of individuals, states’ rights are not absolute, they are also subject to appropriate restrictions, such as, in this case, prohibiting the states from enacting measures designed to make homosexuals unequal to everyone else absent a legitimate legislative end.

And the 10th Amendment in no way mitigates the authority of the Bill of Rights concerning the states, the states may not ignore, or ‘nullify,’ or otherwise disregard Federal laws, the Federal Constitution, or decisions by Federal Courts. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

Somehow I image the response will be the equivalent of someone with their eyes tightly shut and fingers in their ears.
My hidden point...yes.

any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.

This sounds like...."Romney is going to kick Obama's Ass" Part II. :D

That made me actually LOL.

Thanks for that. :clap2:
My hidden point...yes.

any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.

This sounds like...."Romney is going to kick Obama's Ass" Part II. :D

Some said that, not me. I never thought that Romney was going to win. Its almost impossible to beat the other candidate and the media.

But hillary is dead meat, she has way too much negative baggage and too many stupid quotes. She and the rapist are done, they are a sad part of our history.

But, having said that, I would prefer them over the current residents of the whitehouse.
The only difference is that Republicans will seriously consider Rick Santorum.......and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Allen West

My hidden point...yes.

any of those guys would beat hilly, the wife of billy.

you libs enjoy it while you can, your time in DC is coming to an abrupt end next year. The american people are fed up with this dem/lib bullshit that is destroying our economy and our culture.

Unsurprisingly, this makes no sense.

The December 2007 recession began over a year before the president took office – currently the economy is in full recovery; we’d have a more robust recovery if it weren’t for the foot-dragging by House republicans and their doctrine of placing party over country.

And our culture is anything but ‘destroyed,’ more Americans today enjoy greater freedom than at any time in our Nation’s history, the recent Supreme Court rulings are proof of that – and the best America is yet to come, our culture is strong, flourishing, and vibrant.

Given the failed conservative economic policies that likely contributed to the December 2007 recession, the extremism of House republicans causing a drag on the recovery, and the GOP’s desire to reinstate those same failed policies of the past, it’s unlikely the voters will have any faith in the ability of republicans to ‘run things.’
sry to not post on the topic but can sumone tell me how to unsub a topic cos this 1 is boring to me now thx! :)

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