Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Ted Cruz
Alan West
Dr. Ben Carson
Rand Paul

There's good people to chose from, and they're all diabolically opposed to you immoral leftist commies that love your trip down the social toilet.

Republicans keep rejecting them....

That is a dream list (For Dems). One can't run; two few have ever heard of and Rand Paul is the crazy uncle you don't talk about.

They are all part of the crazy wing of the GOP, the ones the party is constantly making excuses for
You're full shit. That is the bull shit LIE you libtards have been trying to pass off. MODERATES LOSE CONSERVATIVES ELECTIONS, and we KNOW THIS. The ONLY time conservatives WIN elections is when they STICK TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. So your line of CRAP here is nothing but GARBAGE.

Go fucking pass that gas somewhere else asshole. No true conservative here is buying that load of shit.

Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?

I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.
You're full shit. That is the bull shit LIE you libtards have been trying to pass off. MODERATES LOSE CONSERVATIVES ELECTIONS, and we KNOW THIS. The ONLY time conservatives WIN elections is when they STICK TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. So your line of CRAP here is nothing but GARBAGE.

Go fucking pass that gas somewhere else asshole. No true conservative here is buying that load of shit.

Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?

I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

That's what the dems said about running against Reagan in 1979.
Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?

I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

That's what the dems said about running against Reagan in 1979.

Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?

I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

That's what the dems said about running against Reagan in 1979.

I knew Ron Reagan...

Rich Santorum is no Ron Reagan
Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?

I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.

I'd pick the "Guam's gonna tip over" guy...
I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.

I'd pick the "Guam's gonna tip over" guy...

What do you call Romney and McCain? LOL...
Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?

I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.

You are correct. Maxine Waters as the Democrat nominee would be as helpful for the Republicans as Rick Santorum as the Republican nominee would be for the Democrats. :D
I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.

You are correct. Maxine Waters as the Democrat nominee would be as helpful for the Republicans as Rick Santorum as the Republican nominee would be for the Democrats. :D

The only difference is that Republicans will seriously consider Rick Santorum.......and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Allen West
I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.

It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.

You are correct. Maxine Waters as the Democrat nominee would be as helpful for the Republicans as Rick Santorum as the Republican nominee would be for the Democrats. :D

Sheila Jackson Lee would be very good for the Repubs too. The difference is that most democrats don't take their dingbats seriously as Presidential contenders. The very short bench the Dems have has only one or two viable candidates and their time has passed I think...I don't see Hillary winning without some big time help from the GOP. I don't see Biden winning under any circumstances. I'm hoping that there will be a darkhorse that comes out of nowherebut I doubt that as well.
No questions. I pretty much agree with everything you said. My daughter isn't sure what she's doing yet if you know what I mean. But it's her life ans it in no way affects me.
My mother-in-law used to say that she'd kill herself if one of her kids was gay.

So, like standing on a golf course holding a TV antenna during a thunderstorm, it happened -- my SIL came out.

Needless to say, the promised dramatic suicide never happened. She loves her daughter, and her daughter-in-law.
We have so many problems and this issue only serves to side track us and postpone solutions to the bigger problems.
Indeed. The way I see it, attempting to legislate morality is trying to subvert God's purpose in granting us free will. Is virtue truly virtuous when it's mandated by the state? That's like the left's idea of generosity: Making the government take money away from someone and giving it to someone else may make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it's certainly not being generous.

Damn Davey, that was profound!!! :thup:
It is to the eternal disappointment that democrats can't choose the republican candidate. If republicans chose the democrat candidate it would be Maxine Waters.

You are correct. Maxine Waters as the Democrat nominee would be as helpful for the Republicans as Rick Santorum as the Republican nominee would be for the Democrats. :D

Sheila Jackson Lee would be very good for the Repubs too. The difference is that most democrats don't take their dingbats seriously as Presidential contenders. The very short bench the Dems have has only one or two viable candidates and their time has passed I think...I don't see Hillary winning without some big time help from the GOP. I don't see Biden winning under any circumstances. I'm hoping that there will be a darkhorse that comes out of nowherebut I doubt that as well.

The Republicans should pick you! may as well since the last guy as POTUS was picked from the yellow pages of a chicago phone book.
What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

^^Perhaps the best display of Victim Mentality ever exhibited
Santorum and West are labeled 'ding bats' by lwing propagandists. The only reason Santorum is on the ding bat list of the left is his view of gay marriage
Honey, I linked to Justice Kennedy's majority opinion affirming it is a State's right.

Shall I post it again ?

Go right ahead. It isn't going to change the fact that the constitutionality of anti gay marriage laws haven't been ruled on by the SCOTUS yet.

Can a state pass a law that violates the Constitution?

It can not.

You do realize that Windsor being upheld on the affirmation it is state purview by SCOTUS makes it a 10th AM issue, right ?

Are your cases predicated on making gay a protected class ?

Not if state laws are found unconstitutional, and they are by lower courts. These cases will wind their way up. The Windsor ruling did not mean all these anti gay laws are deemed Constitutional. That question has yet to come before the SCOTUS.
Actually, the demonization of religion by PR wonks is driving the divisions in the country deeper and will lead to no good.

It will be interesting to watch stage II of the assault on religion by the self-righteous decadent.

Religions are doing a good enough job on their own of sealing their future

Those most radical in their hatred of gays will be abandoned

That's good news as the most radical is islam.:eusa_hand: We both can only hope everyone becomes sane. :eusa_pray:
Doesn't Islam and Christianity both condone the gays.
Religions are doing a good enough job on their own of sealing their future

Those most radical in their hatred of gays will be abandoned

That's good news as the most radical is islam.:eusa_hand: We both can only hope everyone becomes sane. :eusa_pray:
Doesn't Islam and Christianity both condone the gays.

neither condones gays, Islam says they are to be killed, Christianity has become more tolerant in accordance with the teachings of Jesus

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