Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

This is one of the few times he has been right. The worst enemy for the GOP on this is not the middle aged liberals or middle aged Christian Conservatives. The demographics of marriage skew inevitably toward younger people. As a voting block, they tend to be much more liberal. The GOP is telling these people that they don't approve or is telling their friends or people they know they don't approve. The GOP can count on losing a significant portion of the next generation if this keeps up. And the tragic thing is that it isn't based on anything but hate.

You're full shit. That is the bull shit LIE you libtards have been trying to pass off. MODERATES LOSE CONSERVATIVES ELECTIONS, and we KNOW THIS. The ONLY time conservatives WIN elections is when they STICK TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. So your line of CRAP here is nothing but GARBAGE.

Go fucking pass that gas somewhere else asshole. No true conservative here is buying that load of shit.

Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?
Ted Cruz
Alan West
Dr. Ben Carson
Rand Paul

There's good people to chose from, and they're all diabolically opposed to you immoral leftist commies that love your trip down the social toilet.
You're full shit. That is the bull shit LIE you libtards have been trying to pass off. MODERATES LOSE CONSERVATIVES ELECTIONS, and we KNOW THIS. The ONLY time conservatives WIN elections is when they STICK TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. So your line of CRAP here is nothing but GARBAGE.

Go fucking pass that gas somewhere else asshole. No true conservative here is buying that load of shit.

Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?
Ted Cruz
Alan West
Dr. Ben Carson
Rand Paul

There's good people to chose from, and they're all diabolically opposed to you immoral leftist commies that love your trip down the social toilet.

That's an awesome start! Keep going!
  • Thanks
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We can marry in 13 states and we've always been able to marry in church. You've "lost" already.

Only fake churches.


nice pic !
Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?
Ted Cruz
Alan West
Dr. Ben Carson
Rand Paul

There's good people to chose from, and they're all diabolically opposed to you immoral leftist commies that love your trip down the social toilet.

That's an awesome start! Keep going!
You got that right... as opposed to your list...

hitlery clinton
moooshelle obama
*insert name of other libtard here*
I quit. I give up. You're gonna keep believing what you believe until the facts prove out otherwise. Anti gay marriage laws will be challenged, will be found unconstitutional and will end up at the SCOTUS for them to rule on. They haven't yet ruled on whether ANY of these laws violate the U.S. Constitution. It hasn't happened.

Can a state pass a law that violates the U.S. Constitution? Answer that to yourself and maybe, just maybe you'll start to get it just a little bit.

Gay marriage doesn't violate the Constitution because it was just upheld to be a State's right by the majority in Windsor.

SCOTUS could have based it the other way and said it was discriminatory.

It would have then been unconstitutional.

They didn't. SCOTUS said it was for the State to decide and the Federal gov will honor the state decision for allowance of Federal benefits.

Precedent is a bitch.

You will see.

You're very confused about the ruling...and the precedent set...just ask Justice Scalia.

DOMA: 'Scalia was right' about ruling's impact, pro-gay rights lawyer says
Ted Cruz
Alan West
Dr. Ben Carson
Rand Paul

There's good people to chose from, and they're all diabolically opposed to you immoral leftist commies that love your trip down the social toilet.

That's an awesome start! Keep going!
You got that right... as opposed to your list...

hitlery clinton
moooshelle obama
*insert name of other libtard here*

Come on...you could go more "truly conservative" than that. How about Scott Walker or Louie Gomert. :lol:
You're very confused about the ruling.

What was the precedent in Windsor ?

I already told you, ask Scalia...

“The real rationale of today’s opinion … is that DOMA is motivated by ‘bare … desire to harm’ couples in same-sex marriages,” Scalia said in his dissent. “How easy it is, indeed how inevitable, to reach the same conclusion with regard to state laws denying same-sex couples marital status.”
You're very confused about the ruling.

What was the precedent in Windsor ?

I already told you, ask Scalia...

“The real rationale of today’s opinion … is that DOMA is motivated by ‘bare … desire to harm’ couples in same-sex marriages,” Scalia said in his dissent. “How easy it is, indeed how inevitable, to reach the same conclusion with regard to state laws denying same-sex couples marital status.”

Scalia dissent isn't precedent.

What did Kennedy who drafted for the majority affirm ?
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What was the precedent in Windsor ?

I already told you, ask Scalia...

“The real rationale of today’s opinion … is that DOMA is motivated by ‘bare … desire to harm’ couples in same-sex marriages,” Scalia said in his dissent. “How easy it is, indeed how inevitable, to reach the same conclusion with regard to state laws denying same-sex couples marital status.”

Scalia dissent isn't precedent.

What did Kennedy who drafted for the majority affirm ?

Honey, I linked to an article that showed where the DOMA ruling has already been cited in cases regarding anti gay marriage laws. You'll finally get it in a year or two. We will revisit then.
I already told you, ask Scalia...

“The real rationale of today’s opinion … is that DOMA is motivated by ‘bare … desire to harm’ couples in same-sex marriages,” Scalia said in his dissent. “How easy it is, indeed how inevitable, to reach the same conclusion with regard to state laws denying same-sex couples marital status.”

Scalia dissent isn't precedent.

What did Kennedy who drafted for the majority affirm ?

Honey, I linked to an article that showed where the DOMA ruling has already been cited in cases regarding anti gay marriage laws. You'll finally get it in a year or two. We will revisit then.

Honey, I linked to Justice Kennedy's majority opinion affirming it is a State's right.

Shall I post it again ?
Scalia dissent isn't precedent.

What did Kennedy who drafted for the majority affirm ?

Honey, I linked to an article that showed where the DOMA ruling has already been cited in cases regarding anti gay marriage laws. You'll finally get it in a year or two. We will revisit then.

Honey, I linked to Justice Kennedy's majority opinion affirming it is a State's right.

Shall I post it again ?

Go right ahead. It isn't going to change the fact that the constitutionality of anti gay marriage laws haven't been ruled on by the SCOTUS yet.

Can a state pass a law that violates the Constitution?
Honey, I linked to an article that showed where the DOMA ruling has already been cited in cases regarding anti gay marriage laws. You'll finally get it in a year or two. We will revisit then.

Honey, I linked to Justice Kennedy's majority opinion affirming it is a State's right.

Shall I post it again ?

Go right ahead. It isn't going to change the fact that the constitutionality of anti gay marriage laws haven't been ruled on by the SCOTUS yet.

Can a state pass a law that violates the Constitution?

It can not.

You do realize that Windsor being upheld on the affirmation it is state purview by SCOTUS makes it a 10th AM issue, right ?

Are your cases predicated on making gay a protected class ?
You're full shit. That is the bull shit LIE you libtards have been trying to pass off. MODERATES LOSE CONSERVATIVES ELECTIONS, and we KNOW THIS. The ONLY time conservatives WIN elections is when they STICK TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. So your line of CRAP here is nothing but GARBAGE.

Go fucking pass that gas somewhere else asshole. No true conservative here is buying that load of shit.

Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?
Ted Cruz
Alan West
Dr. Ben Carson
Rand Paul

There's good people to chose from, and they're all diabolically opposed to you immoral leftist commies that love your trip down the social toilet.

Republicans keep rejecting them....
evidently the gay shit is piled higher than Grampa thought...

This is one of the few times he has been right. The worst enemy for the GOP on this is not the middle aged liberals or middle aged Christian Conservatives. The demographics of marriage skew inevitably toward younger people. As a voting block, they tend to be much more liberal. The GOP is telling these people that they don't approve or is telling their friends or people they know they don't approve. The GOP can count on losing a significant portion of the next generation if this keeps up. And the tragic thing is that it isn't based on anything but hate.

It has nothing to do with hate...it has to do with different opinions on a basic cornerstone of society.

And what are those cornerstones? The Bible?
This is one of the few times he has been right. The worst enemy for the GOP on this is not the middle aged liberals or middle aged Christian Conservatives. The demographics of marriage skew inevitably toward younger people. As a voting block, they tend to be much more liberal. The GOP is telling these people that they don't approve or is telling their friends or people they know they don't approve. The GOP can count on losing a significant portion of the next generation if this keeps up. And the tragic thing is that it isn't based on anything but hate.

You're full shit. That is the bull shit LIE you libtards have been trying to pass off. MODERATES LOSE CONSERVATIVES ELECTIONS, and we KNOW THIS. The ONLY time conservatives WIN elections is when they STICK TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. So your line of CRAP here is nothing but GARBAGE.

Go fucking pass that gas somewhere else asshole. No true conservative here is buying that load of shit.

Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?

I keep pushing Santorum....my dream opponent if I'm a Democrat running for President. The contrast between whomever the Dems nominate and this clown would be crystal clear and it would be an easy victory.
Yes, please go with that....make sure you nominate a lot of "true conservatives" in 2016...pretty please with sugar on top?
Ted Cruz
Alan West
Dr. Ben Carson
Rand Paul

There's good people to chose from, and they're all diabolically opposed to you immoral leftist commies that love your trip down the social toilet.

Republicans keep rejecting them....

That is a dream list (For Dems). One can't run; two few have ever heard of and Rand Paul is the crazy uncle you don't talk about.

Forum List
