Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Bwahahahah!!!! I illustrated your ignorance and you have NO intelligent response!!!! :lmao:

Guns have nothing to do with church. But you ignorantly claimed that "state laws can't be forced on churches" because of "separation of church and state". I merely pointed out how you Dumbocrats never obey the law - as the 2nd Amendment guarantees me the right to keep and bear arms, yet you a Dumbocrats keep trying to ban guns. So since you don't respect the 2nd Amendment, why would you respect the 1st Amdendment (and you know this too - you just realize you got bent over and you had no intelligent response so all you could do is post "what do guns have to do with churches" in a desperate attempt to change the subject).

I freaking love making you my bitch fauny...

The Supreme Court made you their bitch.

DOMA gone forever. Prop 8 gone forever.

Gay people marrying now all over the place. Lawsuits being filed in states, PA and TX...

How does it feel to lose, fuck face?

"Prop 8 gone forever"?!?!? Really?!?!? :lmao:

Clearly [MENTION=34247]sfcalifornia[/MENTION] is yet another angry homo who believes that if they wish something were true, it actually makes it true (like SeaWytch who has predicted the Republican party was "dead" for 6 years now and all they do is keep winning more and more)... :lol:

"The 5-4 decision avoids, for now, a sweeping conclusion on whether same-sex marriage is a constitutional "equal protection" right that would apply to all states."

Supreme Court dismisses California's Proposition 8 appeal - CNN.com

^^^^^^obviously butthurt from the Supreme Court rulings^^^^^^^

Give it up loser. Federal recognition of same sex couples is here to stay. Don't like it? Move to Russia.
Bwahahahah!!!! I illustrated your ignorance and you have NO intelligent response!!!! :lmao:

Guns have nothing to do with church. But you ignorantly claimed that "state laws can't be forced on churches" because of "separation of church and state". I merely pointed out how you Dumbocrats never obey the law - as the 2nd Amendment guarantees me the right to keep and bear arms, yet you a Dumbocrats keep trying to ban guns. So since you don't respect the 2nd Amendment, why would you respect the 1st Amdendment (and you know this too - you just realize you got bent over and you had no intelligent response so all you could do is post "what do guns have to do with churches" in a desperate attempt to change the subject).

I freaking love making you my bitch fauny...

The Supreme Court made you their bitch.

DOMA gone forever. Prop 8 gone forever.

Gay people marrying now all over the place. Lawsuits being filed in states, PA and TX...

How does it feel to lose, fuck face?

Gee, we'll be asking you that same question in 2014 and 2016. How's it feel to know you're going to lose, fuckface? Fuckface? Really? Are we in the 1st Grade or something?

Ugh... and you wonder why people don't support gay marriage? I don't make a habit of using such vulgar language, but I do believe Obama made people like you his "bitch", over and over and over as he shifted his positions on gay marriage to get himself elected. You don't realize how he used you for his own gain and took advantage of the gay community.

So gullible people like you are.
If Obama hadn't "shifted his position", are you saying Romney would have gotten the majority of the gay vote? Probably not.

And since Obama has gotten elected, what has Obama done to deny gays anything? What has he done to piss off the gay community? Nothing.

So your implication here is actually quite flawed and therefore moot.

Did you stop to think that maybe it was the gay community which took advantage of Obama's re-election?
Yeah, you've been "predicting" your fantasy for years. And all that has happened is the GOP has dominated the political landscape. 60% of the entire nation is run by a GOP governor. 232 seats in the House are filled by a GOP Congressman. And you don't even want to get started on conservative mayors, county auditors, judges, city council members, etc. who occupy positions thanks to the record 2010 mid-term ass-kicking (it was a bloodbath).

Now tell us for the 132,000th time how the GOP is "dead". The reality is, the GOP is stronger than ever because the Tea Party is weeding out liberal RINO's and replacing them with great leaders like Rand Paul.

Just like churches will have to become more gay friendly if they want to survive.

The true agenda a war on faith

tapatalk post

How is wanting to be included in that faith a "war" on that faith?

Churches will adapt and become more gay friendly because not doing so means lost revenue. Young people are eschewing organized religion, not because of a lack of faith but because those institutions are too rigid and intolerant. Parents and grandparents are leaving churches that tell them their gay children or grandchildren are evil. Churches will adapt or die.
Bwahahahah!!!! I illustrated your ignorance and you have NO intelligent response!!!! :lmao:

Guns have nothing to do with church. But you ignorantly claimed that "state laws can't be forced on churches" because of "separation of church and state". I merely pointed out how you Dumbocrats never obey the law - as the 2nd Amendment guarantees me the right to keep and bear arms, yet you a Dumbocrats keep trying to ban guns. So since you don't respect the 2nd Amendment, why would you respect the 1st Amdendment (and you know this too - you just realize you got bent over and you had no intelligent response so all you could do is post "what do guns have to do with churches" in a desperate attempt to change the subject).

I freaking love making you my bitch fauny...

The Supreme Court made you their bitch.

DOMA gone forever. Prop 8 gone forever.

Gay people marrying now all over the place. Lawsuits being filed in states, PA and TX...

How does it feel to lose, fuck face?

"Prop 8 gone forever"?!?!? Really?!?!? :lmao:

Clearly [MENTION=34247]sfcalifornia[/MENTION] is yet another angry homo who believes that if they wish something were true, it actually makes it true (like SeaWytch who has predicted the Republican party was "dead" for 6 years now and all they do is keep winning more and more)... :lol:

"The 5-4 decision avoids, for now, a sweeping conclusion on whether same-sex marriage is a constitutional "equal protection" right that would apply to all states."

Supreme Court dismisses California's Proposition 8 appeal - CNN.com

Yes Puppy, Prop 8 is dead. It was ruled unconstitutional, challenged to the SCOTUS, they chose not to rule leaving the lower court decision in place. Prop 8 is dead and SSM is legal in the most populated state in the union. 38% of the country live in a SSM state...and growing. :lol:

You've lost. SSM is here to stay. What state are you in and I'll predict when SSM comes to your state barring no SCOTUS case to hasten it along.
Just like churches will have to become more gay friendly if they want to survive.

The true agenda a war on faith

tapatalk post

How is wanting to be included in that faith a "war" on that faith?

Churches will adapt and become more gay friendly because not doing so means lost revenue. Young people are eschewing organized religion, not because of a lack of faith but because those institutions are too rigid and intolerant. Parents and grandparents are leaving churches that tell them their gay children or grandchildren are evil. Churches will adapt or die.

A Church that Disregards it's Scripture is not a Church...

But that's really the Goal, isn't it. :thup:

Matthew 19: 4-6
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

You can NEVER be what Christ Described as long as you Defy his Father's Creation.

But again, you aren't going after the Church for any other reason but to Change it from what it is... And if you do that, there will be no Church.

And you will not find Peace nor Validation if you Accomplish your Goal...

And that's the really Sad part.


The true agenda a war on faith

tapatalk post

How is wanting to be included in that faith a "war" on that faith?

Churches will adapt and become more gay friendly because not doing so means lost revenue. Young people are eschewing organized religion, not because of a lack of faith but because those institutions are too rigid and intolerant. Parents and grandparents are leaving churches that tell them their gay children or grandchildren are evil. Churches will adapt or die.

A Church that Disregards it's Scripture is not a Church...

But that's really the Goal, isn't it. :thup:

Matthew 19: 4-6
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

You can NEVER be what Christ Described as long as you Defy his Father's Creation.

But again, you aren't going after the Church for any other reason but to Change it from what it is... And if you do that, there will be no Church.

And you will not find Peace nor Validation if you Accomplish your Goal...

And that's the really Sad part.




U.S. congregations report major gains in accepting gays and lesbians, racial, ethnic diversity

Nearly half of houses of worship in the United States now allow gay and lesbian members who are in long-term relationships to be members, while close to one in three now let gay and lesbian members hold voluntary leadership posts, according to a new study of more than a thousand American congregations.[...]

"Compared to our study in 2006-2007, there's been a ten percent increase among congregations that say gays and lesbians in committed relationships can be full-fledged members,"

Look at that Mal, a 10% increase in just a handful of years. :lol:
Never let the gay shit go right wingers. And continue the war on women's right, the fight against minorities, the fight against science and education, it can only help you in the long run.
Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit g0


Grandpa is trying to be merciful. If we let the gay shit go, the average lib would lose one third of his body weight and two thirds of his 'intellectual" argument for liberalism.
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Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Grandpa is trying to be merciful. If we let the gay shit go, the average lib would lose on third of his body weight and two thirds of his 'intellectual' agrgument for liberalism.

Because it's liberals who fight for, not against, civil rights. Thanks for clearing that up.
Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Grandpa is trying to be merciful. If we let the gay shit go, the average lib would lose on third of his body weight and two thirds of his 'intellectual' agrgument for liberalism.

Because it's liberals who fight for, not against, civil rights. Thanks for clearing that up.

its liberals who invent rights that reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.
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Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Grandpa is trying to be merciful. If we let the gay shit go, the average lib would lose on third of his body weight and two thirds of his 'intellectual' agrgument for liberalism.

Because it's liberals who fight for, not against, civil rights. Thanks for clearing that up.

its liberals who invent rights to reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.

Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Grandpa is trying to be merciful. If we let the gay shit go, the average lib would lose on third of his body weight and two thirds of his 'intellectual' agrgument for liberalism.

Because it's liberals who fight for, not against, civil rights. Thanks for clearing that up.

its liberals who invent rights that reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.

Please explain, in detail, how my legal, civil marriage to the non familial consenting adult of my choice reduces anyone's freedoms.
How is wanting to be included in that faith a "war" on that faith?

Churches will adapt and become more gay friendly because not doing so means lost revenue. Young people are eschewing organized religion, not because of a lack of faith but because those institutions are too rigid and intolerant. Parents and grandparents are leaving churches that tell them their gay children or grandchildren are evil. Churches will adapt or die.

A Church that Disregards it's Scripture is not a Church...

But that's really the Goal, isn't it. :thup:

Matthew 19: 4-6
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

You can NEVER be what Christ Described as long as you Defy his Father's Creation.

But again, you aren't going after the Church for any other reason but to Change it from what it is... And if you do that, there will be no Church.

And you will not find Peace nor Validation if you Accomplish your Goal...

And that's the really Sad part.




U.S. congregations report major gains in accepting gays and lesbians, racial, ethnic diversity

Nearly half of houses of worship in the United States now allow gay and lesbian members who are in long-term relationships to be members, while close to one in three now let gay and lesbian members hold voluntary leadership posts, according to a new study of more than a thousand American congregations.[...]

"Compared to our study in 2006-2007, there's been a ten percent increase among congregations that say gays and lesbians in committed relationships can be full-fledged members,"

Look at that Mal, a 10% increase in just a handful of years. :lol:

How does that change anything I said?...

False Prophets are Prophecy, are they not?...

If you Believe in Christ then you can not support Gay Marriage.

But I don't Think you do... Not that he didn't exist, that he is the Saviour and the Son of God.

Do you Believe that?...

If not, stay the fuck away from the Church.

If you want Change in a Church that is doing REAL Harm to your kind then go after Islam...

but you don't...

Self-Destructive by Nature or Cowards, either way your Agenda is Based in Dishonesty.

Always has been.

And you will never find Validation because your Defiance of Nature's Design is Invalid. :thup:


Tell the Cathlics that. They keep amending their beliefs as they're debunked. :thup:

The true agenda a war on faith

tapatalk post

How is wanting to be included in that faith a "war" on that faith?

Churches will adapt and become more gay friendly because not doing so means lost revenue. Young people are eschewing organized religion, not because of a lack of faith but because those institutions are too rigid and intolerant. Parents and grandparents are leaving churches that tell them their gay children or grandchildren are evil. Churches will adapt or die.

A Church that Disregards it's Scripture is not a Church...

But that's really the Goal, isn't it. :thup:

Matthew 19: 4-6
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

You can NEVER be what Christ Described as long as you Defy his Father's Creation.

But again, you aren't going after the Church for any other reason but to Change it from what it is... And if you do that, there will be no Church.

And you will not find Peace nor Validation if you Accomplish your Goal...

And that's the really Sad part.


Because it's liberals who fight for, not against, civil rights. Thanks for clearing that up.

its liberals who invent rights that reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.

Please explain, in detail, how my legal, civil marriage to the non familial consenting adult of my choice reduces anyone's freedoms.

I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
its liberals who invent rights that reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.

Please explain, in detail, how my legal, civil marriage to the non familial consenting adult of my choice reduces anyone's freedoms.

I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!

What happens when a man and a woman get divorced after having five kids? What happens when a man and a woman raise a child on crack and meth? What happens when a man and a woman kill their children in the bath tub?

All those happen infinitely more often than your theoretical suppositions. Yet those things you support entirely with your one man and one woman argument. You seem to think that we can't define marriage as between one person and one person.

BTW there are Mormons that already have several wives. So cry apocalypse and wreak your wrath upon Salt Lake City.
its liberals who invent rights that reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.

Please explain, in detail, how my legal, civil marriage to the non familial consenting adult of my choice reduces anyone's freedoms.

I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!

Sounds like you are attacking family there, Rottie. Seawytch is legally married, as am I. If that in some way lessens your relationships then I feel sorry for you. If it doesn't lessen your relationships, why are you whining?
Tell the Cathlics that. They keep amending their beliefs as they're debunked. :thup:

How is wanting to be included in that faith a "war" on that faith?

Churches will adapt and become more gay friendly because not doing so means lost revenue. Young people are eschewing organized religion, not because of a lack of faith but because those institutions are too rigid and intolerant. Parents and grandparents are leaving churches that tell them their gay children or grandchildren are evil. Churches will adapt or die.

A Church that Disregards it's Scripture is not a Church...

But that's really the Goal, isn't it. :thup:

Matthew 19: 4-6
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

You can NEVER be what Christ Described as long as you Defy his Father's Creation.

But again, you aren't going after the Church for any other reason but to Change it from what it is... And if you do that, there will be no Church.

And you will not find Peace nor Validation if you Accomplish your Goal...

And that's the really Sad part.



Fuck the Catholics... Go or don't go but don't deny what is Written.

Christ Defined Marriage... One Flesh... Man and Woman.

Nature Defines it in our "Very Existence".


This thread was lost to obscurity then Candycorn decided to revive it for whatever reason and it seems to have taken on a life of its own.

I occasionally peek back it but see its mostly the same 3 or 4 people bumping it with worn out REPEATED arguments.

Obsession is a bad trait.

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