Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

mal- you mean what a guy "claimed' Christ said.... All that stuff was written, what? 30 yrs after his death at the soonest? I don't put much stock in hearsay ESPECIALLY when it was written a generation after it was supposedly spoken. Heck, 1 hr after someone says something, it can be mis-quoted.

I see organized religion as a form of control. Some people crave patriarchal institutions to control them. Me? not so much. I cannot see how women, especially, can voluntarily follow that stuff given organized religion's abysmal track record when it comes to their relegation of women to 2nd-class status. That goes for all monotheism- islam, xstianity, & judaism.
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its liberals who invent rights that reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.

Please explain, in detail, how my legal, civil marriage to the non familial consenting adult of my choice reduces anyone's freedoms.

I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!

Seawytch is only seeking Validation for the Invalid...

She and the rest KNOW what you are saying...

They are Number Bigots and Relation Bigots.

There is NO Rational Justification for Denying (2) Sisters Marriage while Demanding (2) Woman who aren't Related have a Natural "Right" to Marriage.

There is NO Rational Justification for the Gays to Demand Special and Exclusionary Rights calling their Coupling Equal to what Created them.

Again, they are being Rational... They are seeking Validation for the Invalid.

They are Free to do what they want but Demanding that Society Embrace it or try to Validate it by calling it Equal to something it Naturally and Factually is NOT is... Insane.

And that's why the APA used to refer to what they Suffered from as a Mental Disorder.

Unfortunately they aren't "Retarded" and are Functional... Went to College and during the 60's Drug Revolution they opened their Minds and their Brains fell out.

Many who avoided the Nam took Psychology... Because it as an easy A.

They Infiltrated that Profession and the change the APA made was not done with Science or Debate.

If someone can show me where that Science and Debate took place, I am here.

But it simply does not Exist.

The Homosexuals and Pedohiles started Protesting the APA's meetings and instead of stand their ground they folded and removed the Gays.

The Gays didn't severe their Relationship the Pedophiles (in public) until 1994, 2 decades later...

Why?... Because the ILGA was exposed as Allied with NAMBLA, that's why.

Don't think the Academic Leftists and Homosexuals aren't still Sympathetic to the Cause of NAMBLA though...

They are.



mal- you mean what a guy "claimed' Christ said.... All that stuff was written, what? 30 yrs after his death at the soonest? I don't put much stock in hearsay ESPECIALLY when it was written a generation after it was supposedly spoken. Heck, 1 hr after someone says something, it can be mis-quoted.

I see organized religion as a form of control. Some people crave patriarchal institutions to control them. Me? not so much. I cannot see how women, especially, can voluntarily follow that stuff given organized religion's track record.

Then stay away from the Church... It's not hurting your Faggoty ass by beleiving what it beleives... Go after Islam you Fucking Coward. :thup:


A Church that Disregards it's Scripture is not a Church...

But that's really the Goal, isn't it. :thup:

Matthew 19: 4-6
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

You can NEVER be what Christ Described as long as you Defy his Father's Creation.

But again, you aren't going after the Church for any other reason but to Change it from what it is... And if you do that, there will be no Church.

And you will not find Peace nor Validation if you Accomplish your Goal...

And that's the really Sad part.




U.S. congregations report major gains in accepting gays and lesbians, racial, ethnic diversity

Nearly half of houses of worship in the United States now allow gay and lesbian members who are in long-term relationships to be members, while close to one in three now let gay and lesbian members hold voluntary leadership posts, according to a new study of more than a thousand American congregations.[...]

"Compared to our study in 2006-2007, there's been a ten percent increase among congregations that say gays and lesbians in committed relationships can be full-fledged members,"

Look at that Mal, a 10% increase in just a handful of years. :lol:

How does that change anything I said?...

False Prophets are Prophecy, are they not?...

If you Believe in Christ then you can not support Gay Marriage.

But I don't Think you do... Not that he didn't exist, that he is the Saviour and the Son of God.

Do you Believe that?...

If not, stay the fuck away from the Church.

If you want Change in a Church that is doing REAL Harm to your kind then go after Islam...

but you don't...

Self-Destructive by Nature or Cowards, either way your Agenda is Based in Dishonesty.

Always has been.

And you will never find Validation because your Defiance of Nature's Design is Invalid. :thup:



What time is the Mal Gospel Hour and what channel?
Can I eat my shrimp, oyster and catfish dinner before I watch and will you forgive me of my sins for disobeying Scripture?
mal- you mean what a guy "claimed' Christ said.... All that stuff was written, what? 30 yrs after his death at the soonest? I don't put much stock in hearsay ESPECIALLY when it was written a generation after it was supposedly spoken. Heck, 1 hr after someone says something, it can be mis-quoted.

I see organized religion as a form of control. Some people crave patriarchal institutions to control them. Me? not so much. I cannot see how women, especially, can voluntarily follow that stuff given organized religion's track record.

Then stay away from the Church... It's not hurting your Faggoty ass by beleiving what it beleives... Go after Islam you Fucking Coward. :thup:



Go after all religions for the corruption they have caused. Personal belief and practice is admirable I suppose but EVERY form of organized religion is a fraud played upon an open minded naive public.
mal- you mean what a guy "claimed' Christ said.... All that stuff was written, what? 30 yrs after his death at the soonest? I don't put much stock in hearsay ESPECIALLY when it was written a generation after it was supposedly spoken. Heck, 1 hr after someone says something, it can be mis-quoted.

I see organized religion as a form of control. Some people crave patriarchal institutions to control them. Me? not so much. I cannot see how women, especially, can voluntarily follow that stuff given organized religion's track record.

Then stay away from the Church... It's not hurting your Faggoty ass by beleiving what it beleives... Go after Islam you Fucking Coward. :thup:



Tell us what you and your church believe and we will respect your right to believe that.
But stay the fuck away from my church and what we believe and quit telling us you are better than us and we are wrong.
YOU are the one that is acting just like the Muslims and their centuries old battles against each other in their own faith.
Jesus did not distinguish between gay and straight but he did speak about false prophets and hypocrites like yourself.
Love thy neighbor is what Christianity is about.
Mal and his like are exactly the reason why the GOP are losers in elections.
And they could care less about losing because they are losers.
Winners want to win and accepting others where the only difference between them and us is that they fall in love with folks of the same sex will win elections as many gay folks vote and will vote Republican if they are treated as equals under the law.
Mal and his like can not have that as gay folks are an attack on their ego and pseudo "masculinity".
They claim it is about religion.
No one believes you Mal so quit the con. You hate gays so man up and admit it.
As far as Christianity goes, Jesus taught to love your neighbor, love your enemy, and turn the other cheek.

He didn't teach oppress your neighbor. He didn't teach hate people. Christianity should be an introspective religion where people do not throw around hate. Check what shirt you're wearing. If it's mixed fabric, I have some bad news. Like pork? More bad news.

Remove the plank from your own eye. Jesus made a new covenant with man. He didn't change the Law or the Prophets, but fulfilled them. Take your Christianity out of politics and take it back into your home, where Jesus had intended it to be.
its liberals who invent rights that reduce the freedom of other citizens and provide free stuff for those who stand....in the line...to the trough.

Please explain, in detail, how my legal, civil marriage to the non familial consenting adult of my choice reduces anyone's freedoms.

I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!

I'm sorry, I should have said rational explanation. I'll be more specific next time.
Please explain, in detail, how my legal, civil marriage to the non familial consenting adult of my choice reduces anyone's freedoms.

I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!

What happens when a man and a woman get divorced after having five kids? What happens when a man and a woman raise a child on crack and meth? What happens when a man and a woman kill their children in the bath tub?

All those happen infinitely more often than your theoretical suppositions. Yet those things you support entirely with your one man and one woman argument. You seem to think that we can't define marriage as between one person and one person.

BTW there are Mormons that already have several wives. So cry apocalypse and wreak your wrath upon Salt Lake City.

So now you're admitting your a despicable hypocrite who wants to discriminate against other people?!? Wow! A rare moment of honesty from SW.

See, despite your false narrative to support your cause, I never "discriminated" against you. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. That's simply what marriage is. But because you want to take perks - any perks - and suck them dry for all they are worth, you insisted you were "discriminated" against and you wanted to change the definition of marriage.

Well, if we can't tell you that marriage is between a man and a woman, who the fuck are you to tell someone else that they must choose ONE person only? Who are you to "discriminate" against them like that SW?

See - you're position is REAL discrimination SW. You'll fuck the system over and turn on it's ear for what you want. But the minute you get it, you pull the ladder up behind you and stick it to everyone else.
Tell the Cathlics that. They keep amending their beliefs as they're debunked. :thup:

A Church that Disregards it's Scripture is not a Church...

But that's really the Goal, isn't it. :thup:

Matthew 19: 4-6

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,' and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

You can NEVER be what Christ Described as long as you Defy his Father's Creation.

But again, you aren't going after the Church for any other reason but to Change it from what it is... And if you do that, there will be no Church.

And you will not find Peace nor Validation if you Accomplish your Goal...

And that's the really Sad part.



Fuck the Catholics... Go or don't go but don't deny what is Written.

Christ Defined Marriage... One Flesh... Man and Woman.

Nature Defines it in our "Very Existence".



You know he was speaking out against divorce there right? Are churches that allow divorcees into their congregations also false churches, Mal?
mal- you mean what a guy "claimed' Christ said.... All that stuff was written, what? 30 yrs after his death at the soonest? I don't put much stock in hearsay ESPECIALLY when it was written a generation after it was supposedly spoken. Heck, 1 hr after someone says something, it can be mis-quoted.

I see organized religion as a form of control. Some people crave patriarchal institutions to control them. Me? not so much. I cannot see how women, especially, can voluntarily follow that stuff given organized religion's track record.

Then stay away from the Church... It's not hurting your Faggoty ass by beleiving what it beleives... Go after Islam you Fucking Coward. :thup:



Go after all religions for the corruption they have caused. Personal belief and practice is admirable I suppose but EVERY form of organized religion is a fraud played upon an open minded naive public.

Says the liberal asshole who wants to crawl into bed with the devil to win elections so that he can be in control when the SAME exact policies are rolled out by his Republican liberal side as the Dumbocrat liberal side (gay marriage, government control over everything, closing the churches and/or forcing them into abortion, etc.).

This thread has really exposed you as the asshole that you are GMU...
I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!

What happens when a man and a woman get divorced after having five kids? What happens when a man and a woman raise a child on crack and meth? What happens when a man and a woman kill their children in the bath tub?

All those happen infinitely more often than your theoretical suppositions. Yet those things you support entirely with your one man and one woman argument. You seem to think that we can't define marriage as between one person and one person.

BTW there are Mormons that already have several wives. So cry apocalypse and wreak your wrath upon Salt Lake City.

So now you're admitting your a despicable hypocrite who wants to discriminate against other people?!? Wow! A rare moment of honesty from SW.

See, despite your false narrative to support your cause, I never "discriminated" against you. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. That's simply what marriage is. But because you want to take perks - any perks - and suck them dry for all they are worth, you insisted you were "discriminated" against and you wanted to change the definition of marriage.

Well, if we can't tell you that marriage is between a man and a woman, who the fuck are you to tell someone else that they must choose ONE person only? Who are you to "discriminate" against them like that SW?

See - you're position is REAL discrimination SW. You'll fuck the system over and turn on it's ear for what you want. But the minute you get it, you pull the ladder up behind you and stick it to everyone else.

How does my legal marriage of five years (to my partner of 18) do any of that Puppy? You're starting to sound unhinged again. Careful.
Mal and his like are exactly the reason why the GOP are losers in elections.
And they could care less about losing because they are losers.
Winners want to win and accepting others where the only difference between them and us is that they fall in love with folks of the same sex will win elections as many gay folks vote and will vote Republican if they are treated as equals under the law.
Mal and his like can not have that as gay folks are an attack on their ego and pseudo "masculinity".
They claim it is about religion.
No one believes you Mal so quit the con. You hate gays so man up and admit it.

Yep... asshole liberals want to win, and will crawl into bed with anybody to do it (hence the reason Joseph Stalin climbed into bed with Adolf Hitler only to have it end as it always does - with the devil turning on you).

Men of integrity stand on principle in the face of all odds. So you keep bending over GADawg to "win" elections. That's really turned out so well for you. The Constitution has been completely shredded. We're $17 trillion in debt. The NSA is spying on you 24x7, collecting 100% of every keystroke, text, phone call, voicemail, etc. Hey, how does that liberal cock feel in your ass? Aren't you glad you climbed into bed with them to "win" elections? :eusa_whistle:
As far as Christianity goes, Jesus taught to love your neighbor, love your enemy, and turn the other cheek.

He didn't teach oppress your neighbor. He didn't teach hate people. Christianity should be an introspective religion where people do not throw around hate. Check what shirt you're wearing. If it's mixed fabric, I have some bad news. Like pork? More bad news.

Remove the plank from your own eye. Jesus made a new covenant with man. He didn't change the Law or the Prophets, but fulfilled them. Take your Christianity out of politics and take it back into your home, where Jesus had intended it to be.

Exactly. Which is why gay marriage has no business being legal. Government has no business authorizing what the church controls.

Show me any real conservative that says homosexuals have no right to fuck each other stupid in the privacy of their own homes? It's the homosexuals who want their marriage in government, and thus want government in their bedroom with them.
What happens when a man and a woman get divorced after having five kids? What happens when a man and a woman raise a child on crack and meth? What happens when a man and a woman kill their children in the bath tub?

All those happen infinitely more often than your theoretical suppositions. Yet those things you support entirely with your one man and one woman argument. You seem to think that we can't define marriage as between one person and one person.

BTW there are Mormons that already have several wives. So cry apocalypse and wreak your wrath upon Salt Lake City.

So now you're admitting your a despicable hypocrite who wants to discriminate against other people?!? Wow! A rare moment of honesty from SW.

See, despite your false narrative to support your cause, I never "discriminated" against you. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. That's simply what marriage is. But because you want to take perks - any perks - and suck them dry for all they are worth, you insisted you were "discriminated" against and you wanted to change the definition of marriage.

Well, if we can't tell you that marriage is between a man and a woman, who the fuck are you to tell someone else that they must choose ONE person only? Who are you to "discriminate" against them like that SW?

See - you're position is REAL discrimination SW. You'll fuck the system over and turn on it's ear for what you want. But the minute you get it, you pull the ladder up behind you and stick it to everyone else.

How does my legal marriage of five years (to my partner of 18) do any of that Puppy? You're starting to sound unhinged again. Careful.

Ignoring his point as you did really was the wisest choice.
What happens when a man and a woman get divorced after having five kids? What happens when a man and a woman raise a child on crack and meth? What happens when a man and a woman kill their children in the bath tub?

All those happen infinitely more often than your theoretical suppositions. Yet those things you support entirely with your one man and one woman argument. You seem to think that we can't define marriage as between one person and one person.

BTW there are Mormons that already have several wives. So cry apocalypse and wreak your wrath upon Salt Lake City.

So now you're admitting your a despicable hypocrite who wants to discriminate against other people?!? Wow! A rare moment of honesty from SW.

See, despite your false narrative to support your cause, I never "discriminated" against you. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. That's simply what marriage is. But because you want to take perks - any perks - and suck them dry for all they are worth, you insisted you were "discriminated" against and you wanted to change the definition of marriage.

Well, if we can't tell you that marriage is between a man and a woman, who the fuck are you to tell someone else that they must choose ONE person only? Who are you to "discriminate" against them like that SW?

See - you're position is REAL discrimination SW. You'll fuck the system over and turn on it's ear for what you want. But the minute you get it, you pull the ladder up behind you and stick it to everyone else.

How does my legal marriage of five years (to my partner of 18) do any of that Puppy? You're starting to sound unhinged again. Careful.

Watching you get angry because you know I'm right is always amusing... :)

I asked a simple question. Who the fuck are you to tell someone else they must choose ONE person when you demanded the "right" (which we both know doesn't exist anyway - but I digress) to marry someone of the same sex? If you don't have to recognize one man and one woman, who are you to tell someone else they must recognize a single partner?

Quick, fill the board with snarky responses while you desperately call all of your pals in the gay community looking for some sort of response to this question which exposes you as a hypocrite and pins you in the corner from which you can't escape...
I can! Because you're sham of a "marriage" immediately defines marriage as NOT being between one man and one woman. And once that happens, all hell breaks loose.

As I challenged you in another thread - what happens when one man wants to marry 30 women? Are you going to push for a law that says his employer must provide healthcare for all 30 women (because, otherwise it's "discrimination"). Are you going to push for a law that mandates all 30 women must be allowed into an ICU to see that man? And when the plug needs to be pulled, and the wives are split 15-15, then what?

And what did you do in that other thread when I brought this up [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? The same thing you Dumbocrats always do - you ran away like a coward because you're disingenuous about your stance. Not one of you is willing to have an honest conversation about any issue.

Now quick - do what you always do and make a snarky comment, then run away as fast as you can since these points bury you!

What happens when a man and a woman get divorced after having five kids? What happens when a man and a woman raise a child on crack and meth? What happens when a man and a woman kill their children in the bath tub?

All those happen infinitely more often than your theoretical suppositions. Yet those things you support entirely with your one man and one woman argument. You seem to think that we can't define marriage as between one person and one person.

BTW there are Mormons that already have several wives. So cry apocalypse and wreak your wrath upon Salt Lake City.

So now you're admitting your a despicable hypocrite who wants to discriminate against other people?!? Wow! A rare moment of honesty from SW.

See, despite your false narrative to support your cause, I never "discriminated" against you. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. That's simply what marriage is. But because you want to take perks - any perks - and suck them dry for all they are worth, you insisted you were "discriminated" against and you wanted to change the definition of marriage.

Well, if we can't tell you that marriage is between a man and a woman, who the fuck are you to tell someone else that they must choose ONE person only? Who are you to "discriminate" against them like that SW?

See - you're position is REAL discrimination SW. You'll fuck the system over and turn on it's ear for what you want. But the minute you get it, you pull the ladder up behind you and stick it to everyone else.

You were quoting my post. I was only laying out the possibility of the definition changing, not setting anything in stone.
So now you're admitting your a despicable hypocrite who wants to discriminate against other people?!? Wow! A rare moment of honesty from SW.

See, despite your false narrative to support your cause, I never "discriminated" against you. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. That's simply what marriage is. But because you want to take perks - any perks - and suck them dry for all they are worth, you insisted you were "discriminated" against and you wanted to change the definition of marriage.

Well, if we can't tell you that marriage is between a man and a woman, who the fuck are you to tell someone else that they must choose ONE person only? Who are you to "discriminate" against them like that SW?

See - you're position is REAL discrimination SW. You'll fuck the system over and turn on it's ear for what you want. But the minute you get it, you pull the ladder up behind you and stick it to everyone else.

How does my legal marriage of five years (to my partner of 18) do any of that Puppy? You're starting to sound unhinged again. Careful.

Watching you get angry because you know I'm right is always amusing... :)

I asked a simple question. Who the fuck are you to tell someone else they must choose ONE person when you demanded the "right" (which we both know doesn't exist anyway - but I digress) to marry someone of the same sex? If you don't have to recognize one man and one woman, who are you to tell someone else they must recognize a single partner?

Quick, fill the board with snarky responses while you desperately call all of your pals in the gay community looking for some sort of response to this question which exposes you as a hypocrite and pins you in the corner from which you can't escape...

I'll help her out. Mainly because I think you're wrong.

First of all, let me state that this country is full of people who only care about their "rights" whether they are actually rights or not. That is clear. I mean look at the alleged "right" to force someone to do business with you , completely ignoring the person's right to choose who they want to do business with. That is nothing new to gays either, don't think it is.

Take another argument. Legalizing MJ. Now, how do people who drink or smoke but want MJ kept illegal justify that? But on the other hand, how do people who want pot legalized but harder drugs to remain illegal justify that?

Our laws are always morphing to fit the new social mores. At one time a white couldn't marry a black, now they can. Are you suggesting that those who wished to make inter racial marriage legal favored polygamy? Of course not.

The word marriage appears NOWHERE in the COTUS or in any of its corollary documents , and for good reason. The federal government should not have a damned thing to do with marriage. Not one thing. Marriage should not be listed on ANY government documents.

You don't want gays to have tax breaks and such that are afforded to married people? Good, do away with tax breaks and such for marriage and wham done, gays won't get tax breaks for being married.

You don't want an insurance company being forced by the government into covering 15 wives? Wam , done, the word marriage should not appear anywhere in any laws related to insurance.

By the way, if polygamy weren't illegal, don't you imagine some insurance company would find a way to specialize in such things and make a killing? I know they would.

See, the problem is YOU want YOUR definition of marriage to receive special benefits from the government, but not others. Which of course takes us full circle and makes you no better than the gays you hate.
Actually, it comes down to wanting to encourage an institution that is beneficial for society as a whole. Neither homosexual marriages nor polygamous marriages are beneficial to society, in fact they damage it.

Also, they are not THE SAME as traditional marriage. So why on earth are we compelled to pretend they are? They are different animals...men and women who enter into polygamy and homosexual "marriages" are not being denied anything. They have the perfect right to enter into traditional marriage and be recognized by the government just as anyone else does.

They choose not to. It's a choice. They rejected traditional marriage in favor of a different situation...good for them. But we are not, and should not be, obliged to pretend it's EXACTLY THE SAME. It's not.

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