Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

So a one day protest by unarmed people "threatened the Republic" but riots that went on for months causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage didn't? How do you figure, John? What REALLY took place that day that even remotely threatened the Republic? Are you really claiming that protest endangered our democracy while the others didn't?

The BLM protests didn't happen at the Capitol where there was a vote count to take place that Trump and his goons tried to stop with an attempted coup. That's how it threatened the Republic.
There was no "insurrection" and continuing to characterize it as such makes you look foolish. The thing you Democrats can't seem to grasp or are simply ignoring is that tens of millions of Americans saw the 2020 election in a different light than you did. The curious aspect of that for me isn't that we disagree. It's that you folks seem to believe the rest of us have no right to that opinion. You seem convinced that you can dismiss us simply because your media sources continue to repeat your message as though there is no other possible view.

This is leading the nation into a downward spiral and the tribalism it is enabling may well become so entrenched that an actual, shooting civil war begins. Let's ponder what that could look like. It could resemble the first CW in that some Red States simply decide to secede and refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of Federal power emanating from DC.

It might unfold as a "resistance" movement within states that begins peacefully but sparks into violence when your Feds try to compel obedience on electoral laws or 2A. Only a disconnected fool believes that this cannot happen because the Feds have enough men under arms, firepower, and surveillance capabilities to crush it before it begins in earnest. NONE OF THAT will stop violence from beginning to occur.

Once it begins, there will be no "armies" shooting at one another. No grand battlefields with generals calling the shots. It would be MUCH worse than that scenario. Imagine each state having its own, limited version of Chicago's weekend death tolls. Imagine interstate travel and commerce being curtailed due to violent actions against citizens who are visiting other states or truck drivers being assaulted and their cargoes stolen.

Once safety and security become too dodgy, the military will step in and at some point, there will be a mass-casualty event that cannot be hidden from the public. THAT is when things will begin to get out of control. In short, NO ONE WINS. Not the Left, Right, or Center. All we'll hear is the laughter of our enemies and their shills in DC.

IF this unfolds in '24, just remember, as you count your personal losses - as we all will - that it all began in 2016 when an outsider was chosen because the majority of voters in the majority of states (the essence of how the Electoral College works) were sick of the swamp and its minions. THAT will leave a very clear picture of which ideology / Party was responsible for the breakdown of our nation. The Left refused, EVER, to accept the vote and they tried for 4 years to destroy the outsider. THEN... they chose to take him out through the use of a pandemic that enabled them to cheat an election.

The fact that your media whores tell you that this is not true, makes not a whit of difference to those of us out here in flyover country. Anyone who thinks we will sit down, shut up, and pay up, is simply delusional. All I can say is that you should think very carefully and choose well because once this little soiree gets going there will be no easy way back :(
"Saw it in a different light?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: More like the light from a magical universe.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

the leftists are going to have a really hard time justifying the next lawless violent riot that their communist shock troops commit as elections draw near ... election year seems to be rioting year for the left .
Roflol. No you fail to see things without looking through your partisan blinders. But resort to the standard leftest name calling in the hopes it will make people stop.
The problem is the leftist riots did more damage then the right wing riots. The left wing riots affected more people by putting people out of work. It hurt and killed more people. But you are fine with that and willing to turn a blind eye on it because it was those that you feel are part of your side.
You do not see that actually declaring yourself separate is different from going into a place but not declaring that they are separate is different because your partisan blinders see only what you are told.
My information proves otherwise.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

Are you crazed enough to make some case that the 2020 _ Summer of Love _
had No Police Violence.And the number who died was not 13 but double that.
Around 25.And adding insult to injury {Nancy Pelosi as speaker is The person
in charge of the people'sc house or Capitol Bldg.}Pelosi and the Mayor of
D.C. { Muriel Bowser } BOTH declined President Trump's offer that 10-20 thousand
National Guard be called out for January 6th.I just saw Sean Hannity
Interview Kash Patel { Chief -of-Staff to The Secretary of Defense under Trump }
who displayed the actual paper document signed by D.C. Mayor Bowser where
she Declined Trump's Offer of National Guard.Also Declining use of Capitol police.
Same with Pelosi.
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Yeah, it's pretty clear why you commies want to deflect from the 574 riots during the summer of 2020, 2 billion in damage, dozens killed, thousands of police officers injured. Yep, really clear. LMAO

Plus Kamala Harris actually being interviewed and praising BLM and that they
need to keep up their good work.She also worked in Funding for BLM
protestors to get bailed-out.Which most all BLM protestors had the luxury of.
Totally disreputable and Unamerican double standard.Where tossing malatov
cocktails and frozen water bottles at cops,buring their cruisers and starting
fires in Federal Bldgs.Looting and destroying inner city neighborhoods.
Again most not spending a single night in the pokey { Jail }
Where these " Insurrectionist " are housed in a filthy D.C. Jail and
allowed No Due Process.Not one charged with Insurrection or even Sedition.
No Bail whatsoever.Trial dates keep getting moved up.
Placed in solitary confinement 22 out of 24 hrs each day.
Liberals used to rail against that type confinement.Not No Mores.
They applaud it when it's their perceived Enemy { MAGA supporters }.

The BLM protests didn't happen at the Capitol where there was a vote count to take place that Trump and his goons tried to stop with an attempted coup. That's how it threatened the Republic.
Let me see if I have this right. You somehow believe that a group of rioters were so heavily armed that they could take on the armed forces of the US. That they had so much backing in place that they would have been able to install anyone they wanted as head of the US and continue to govern?
To call that delusional is being way too kind
Let me see if I have this right. You somehow believe that a group of rioters were so heavily armed that they could take on the armed forces of the US. That they had so much backing in place that they would have been able to install anyone they wanted as head of the US and continue to govern?
To call that delusional is being way too kind
Ms.Laura Ingraham had it right.It's - The Last Gasp - of the now Outted
Democrat Party or Democrat Machine.They are now reduced to being such
blatant Liars and ass clowns it better be some clown act version of Theatre.
Cuz it sure ain't Reality or Americanism.It's like I suggested a few years ago.
It's actually a new wave version of Dadaism
A sort of twisted Surrealism or Abject Expressionism.
Because make no mistake ... Today's Democrat are not grounded.
Not even lucid.It's all part of this Move to use mass hysteria and brainwash
the public.Or mass formation Psychosis.To Uncouple Society.
The better to take over and dominate.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.


But conservatives are going to continue to lie about it anyway.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.


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