RINO Dares To Say Publicly: I Am Not Afraid Of Trump

"Adam Kinzinger says he isn’t scared of President Trump -- If someone wants to primary me then do it — they've tried to do it every year. But, in my view, what matters is not whether I win or lose. Obviously I want to win, but it's can you look at yourself in the mirror,” Kinzinger told The Hill in an interview. I’m not even convinced I'm even going to run again next year because this is what happens,” he added."

Boy, you really told him Adam!

Fact of the matter is, it isn't Trump you should be afraid, it's republican voters who have been increasingly ratcheted up for the past 20 or 30 years..From Newt Gingrich in the 90's to Bush and Rove, to the Tea Party to now Trump...and the direction isn't to be more moderate after Trump, it is to be even more batshit crazy....
I'm not scared of him either. I just wish he'd stop sending those peeing Russian School girls over here. They smell.
Your jokes would be 20% less suck if you weren't deep-throating Trump for the past 4 or 5 years....

"Adam Kinzinger says he isn’t scared of President Trump -- If someone wants to primary me then do it — they've tried to do it every year. But, in my view, what matters is not whether I win or lose. Obviously I want to win, but it's can you look at yourself in the mirror,” Kinzinger told The Hill in an interview. I’m not even convinced I'm even going to run again next year because this is what happens,” he added."

Boy, you really told him Adam!

Fact of the matter is, it isn't Trump you should be afraid, it's republican voters who have been increasingly ratcheted up for the past 20 or 30 years..From Newt Gingrich in the 90's to Bush and Rove, to the Tea Party to now Trump...and the direction isn't to be more moderate after Trump, it is to be even more batshit crazy....

This coming from the party of "Defund the Police" and "Boys can change to girls"
But I thought Kamala was a cop and Biden was gonna lock up 918173776726 million black people because of something from 1994 or something...

You Trumpers sure do have some bipolar messaging...

Now back to the point of the OP, your final position is to deflect..correct?

They are panderers, nothing more. All of Kamala's get tough on crime crap was swept under the rug, same as Biden's views from the 90's on it.

Progs like some types of cops, they like political cops.
and still....

Us "progs" continue to be on the right side of history over and over again....

Look at how long it took you reactionary goofs to stop calling people who opposed going into Iraq; traitors and terrorists -- to now pretending you were against that war all along....you get no brownie points for being right about something 10 or 20 yrs after me


right side of history. Please ask all of pol pots, stalin's, and Mao's victims how they think about that.
Are you liberals getting behind Rep. Kinzinger , or are you guys throwing him under the bus? He's doing his best to pander to you- are his efforts in vain?
Maybe you missed the part where liberals predicted this 20 years ago??

But I will say it again for you.....After Trump, there is no "let's be more moderate and less batshit crazy" -- after Trump, there will be "If only we were more batshit crazy"

No they did that in the bush boy years.

When they lost the House and Senate in the 2006 election they did a study on their losses.

Their conclusion? They aren't far enough to the right.

I realized in the bush boy years that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

I knew then the next one would be worse than the bush boy but just couldn't imagine what could be worse nor did I want to find out.

What should motivate every freedom loving American who loves our nation and constitution to vote in every election to make sure another republican isn't elected to further destroy our nation:

The next republican president will be worse than trump.

"Adam Kinzinger says he isn’t scared of President Trump -- If someone wants to primary me then do it — they've tried to do it every year. But, in my view, what matters is not whether I win or lose. Obviously I want to win, but it's can you look at yourself in the mirror,” Kinzinger told The Hill in an interview. I’m not even convinced I'm even going to run again next year because this is what happens,” he added."

Boy, you really told him Adam!

Fact of the matter is, it isn't Trump you should be afraid, it's republican voters who have been increasingly ratcheted up for the past 20 or 30 years..From Newt Gingrich in the 90's to Bush and Rove, to the Tea Party to now Trump...and the direction isn't to be more moderate after Trump, it is to be even more batshit crazy....

This coming from the party of "Defund the Police" and "Boys can change to girls"
But I thought Kamala was a cop and Biden was gonna lock up 918173776726 million black people because of something from 1994 or something...

You Trumpers sure do have some bipolar messaging...

Now back to the point of the OP, your final position is to deflect..correct?

They are panderers, nothing more. All of Kamala's get tough on crime crap was swept under the rug, same as Biden's views from the 90's on it.

Progs like some types of cops, they like political cops.
and still....

Us "progs" continue to be on the right side of history over and over again....

Look at how long it took you reactionary goofs to stop calling people who opposed going into Iraq; traitors and terrorists -- to now pretending you were against that war all along....you get no brownie points for being right about something 10 or 20 yrs after me


right side of history. Please ask all of pol pots, stalin's, and Mao's victims how they think about that.

Conservative have supported interracial marriage bans, gay marriage bans, segregation, Jim Crow laws, rampant Anti-semitism, red lining, racial military bans, islamaphobia, opposition to LGBT rights, sexism and a litany of other brutal relics of our shared history.

Pol pot, I'll leave to you.

"Adam Kinzinger says he isn’t scared of President Trump -- If someone wants to primary me then do it — they've tried to do it every year. But, in my view, what matters is not whether I win or lose. Obviously I want to win, but it's can you look at yourself in the mirror,” Kinzinger told The Hill in an interview. I’m not even convinced I'm even going to run again next year because this is what happens,” he added."

Boy, you really told him Adam!

Fact of the matter is, it isn't Trump you should be afraid, it's republican voters who have been increasingly ratcheted up for the past 20 or 30 years..From Newt Gingrich in the 90's to Bush and Rove, to the Tea Party to now Trump...and the direction isn't to be more moderate after Trump, it is to be even more batshit crazy....

This coming from the party of "Defund the Police" and "Boys can change to girls"
But I thought Kamala was a cop and Biden was gonna lock up 918173776726 million black people because of something from 1994 or something...

You Trumpers sure do have some bipolar messaging...

Now back to the point of the OP, your final position is to deflect..correct?

They are panderers, nothing more. All of Kamala's get tough on crime crap was swept under the rug, same as Biden's views from the 90's on it.

Progs like some types of cops, they like political cops.
and still....

Us "progs" continue to be on the right side of history over and over again....

Look at how long it took you reactionary goofs to stop calling people who opposed going into Iraq; traitors and terrorists -- to now pretending you were against that war all along....you get no brownie points for being right about something 10 or 20 yrs after me


right side of history. Please ask all of pol pots, stalin's, and Mao's victims how they think about that.

Conservative have supported interracial marriage bans, gay marriage bans, segregation, Jim Crow laws, rampant Anti-semitism, red lining, racial military bans, islamaphobia, opposition to LGBT rights, sexism and a litany of other brutal relics of our shared history.

Pol pot, I'll leave to you.

Those were supported by supposed liberals as well, or did you forget about Woodrow Wilson?

What a fucking commie apologist you are. We should ship your fat cat lady ass to Venezuela and see how long you survive.

Go get eaten by your fucking 20 cats.

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