RINO Republican Party no matter how many of them get caught red-handed committing fraud themselves


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
A most disturbing conclusion: The insistence that mass voter fraud exists can be used by individual Republicans to justify committing voter fraud.

After all, if the assumption is that Democrats are busy stuffing ballot boxes, why shouldn’t conservatives follow suit to supposedly even the score?

And any GOP losses thanks to a lack of trust in early voting are more than likely to be chalked up to fictional voter fraud. It’s a self-sustaining cycle that would require real leadership from the top to counter.

Unfortunately, there’s not much chance that Republicans stop projecting their claims onto Democrats, no matter how many of them get caught red-handed committing fraud themselves.

A most disturbing conclusion: The insistence that mass voter fraud exists can be used by individual Republicans to justify committing voter fraud.

After all, if the assumption is that Democrats are busy stuffing ballot boxes, why shouldn’t conservatives follow suit to supposedly even the score?

And any GOP losses thanks to a lack of trust in early voting are more than likely to be chalked up to fictional voter fraud. It’s a self-sustaining cycle that would require real leadership from the top to counter.

Unfortunately, there’s not much chance that Republicans stop projecting their claims onto Democrats, no matter how many of them get caught red-handed committing fraud themselves.

sounds like youre advocating for the save act where we have one day voting with ID requirements that prevent any chance of voter fraud,,

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