Leftist Extremist views on race and gender is going to cost Harris the election

LET'S HOPE SO. I mean, if this woman's insane policies and designs aren't yet enough to wake this country the hell up, whatever will.
Kamala the radical liberal is suddenly a Reagan conservative. If you think this is the first time Democrats have used this LIE think again, it's precisely the lie Obama fooled voters with in 2008.
Prime example of ignoring the issue/unrelated point^

Poster did not make a comment about men on women’s sports teams , “white privilege” or kids getting a sex change operation, etc

What you ought to do is quote the specific concerns brought up in the OP and then directly respond to them. Don’t be like Harris on this issue …she ignores the big issues .
Your response is a prime example of not realizing people are getting tired of MAGA chaos and its agents.

That is a racist term and a racist ideology. Because in fact, slavery and racism were worldwide issues, blacks practiced slavery and racism in the past just like Whites did. This point cannot be debated without being racist or selfish . A racist would attempt to argue that “well Africans treated their slaves better than Europeans”, which is what some of the left-wingera on the USMB have suggested.

The selfish person would suggest “well blacks were treated horribly throughout history” without mentioning when whites were being treated horribly. The selfish person would say “who cares what happened in other parts of the world we’re talking about America” as if people who were enslaved in Africa or Asia don’t matter.

Don’t be like Harris on this issue …she ignores the big issues .
No one, including Harris is saying any of that. No one is denying that slavery and racism was and still is a problem beyond our shores. No one is saying that we should only teach about American slavery and racism against blacks. You are push that issue in order to deflect attention away from American history The bigger issue does not preclude the need to teach the truth about America starting with 1619 and that in turn does not preclude the ability to put it in the context of world history.
She supports wokeism
You people are truly amazing. It is clear that you know nothing about the history and origin of the word “woke”. It means to be aware....aware of social issues and injustice. A woke person is one who does not have blinders on or has their head up their ass. Yet you have managed to turn it into a dirty word. Something nefarious and subversive.

A woke person is not afraid of truth and knowledge or to confront uncomfortable realities of the past or present. Not surprising that conservatives hate and fear it so much. Conservatives' have consistently shown that they prefer ignorance to knowledge, lies and distortions to truth and honesty and denial of the reality of social injustice to an honest dialogue . Most egregiously, you accuse those who embrace woke of seeking to shame whites and divide the races, while denying the collective responsibility for the shameful history of this nation which is the very essence of divisiveness and a barrier to healing. Woke is progress. Anti woke is being stuck in a fictitious past largely constructed on a foundation of lies, denial and fantasy .

What is the history of the word ‘woke’ and its modern uses? | The Independent

The phrase originated from African American Vernacular English but has been gradually co-opted by right wing players to be used as an insult

The phrase “woke” and to “stay woke” is not new — it began appearing in the 1940s and was first used by African Americans to “literally mean becoming woken up or sensitized to issues of justice”, says linguist and lexicographer Tony Thorne.

In 1971, the phrase was used in a play by American playwright Barry Beckham titled Garvey Lives!, in which he wrote: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon’ stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk.”

It also entered popular culture thanks to singer Erykah Badu, who used the phrase “I stay woke” in her 2008 song Master Teacher. David Stovall, a professor of African-American studies at the University of Illinois, Chicago, told the New York Times that Ms. Badu’s use of the phrase meant “not being placated, not being anaesthetized”.


So here we have the foundation of the term Woke as a jumping off point to try to understand it’s current usage and the partisan vitriol that it engenders

From the same link:

It started becoming a politicized word in 2014, after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

“‘Woke’ was largely unknown in the UK until the BLM movement, but in the 2000s it was a popular word used by young people in America, especially in black communities,” said Mr Thorne.

It was only in 2017 that the word “woke” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary, and was defined as “being ‘aware’ or ‘well-informed’ in a political or cultural sense”.

It evolved into an all-encompassing term to describe leftist political ideology, used as a “shorthand for people on the left” to signal progressiveness, but weaponized by those on the right as a “sneering, jeering dismissive term” to denigrate those who did not agree with their beliefs, said Mr. Thorne.

So there you have it. But what is it exactly ? What is the operational definition and does it look like in terms of specific words, deeds, policies and even thoughts and why is it so controversial?

Lets look at what specific policy positions of Democrats, liberals and progressives-collectively referred to as “the left” while making little or no distinction between Communists, autocratic socialism and Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.

The big hot button issue has become Critical Race Theory. While CRT as a philosophy is not actually taught below the college level, it has become a catch all term to mean an honest and complete understanding of our racial history beginning with 1619, through the Civil War, reconstruction, Jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement . It also includes the critical analysis of the lingering systemic and institutional racism that permeates society today.

It is not- as those on “the right” will have you believe- an educational approach that makes white kids feel guilty about being white and hate themselves, that tarnishes the history of the country and further divides the races. It has even been suggested that woke people have the temerity to believe that African Americans have the same intellectual potential as European Americans. Well, yes they do believe that and it's true. These Anti Woke people have the nerve to call the rest of us racists, while embracing scientific racism!

While Germany makes a point of honestly confronting their shameful history, there are those in this country who want to bury ours, In doing so, they are short changing our children, demeaning those who have suffered and stifling and chance of a true racial reckoning

It comes down to this:

The idea is that racism is not a matter of individual bigotry but is systemic in America. Recently critics have made C.R.T. a catchall target for opposition to equity efforts, affirmative action and “wokeness” in general.

What Is Critical Race Theory? - The New York Times

But the opposition to Wokeness has gone beyond racial issues and now has seeped into matter of gender and sexuality as well. There is this from the Heritage Foundation which is basically a denial of the reality of gender dysphoria in an attempt to marginalize and trivialize the real pain that transgender people experience, especially in the absence of support and medical care and blaming “Woke Culture” for the emergence of the phenomena.

Woke Gender | The Heritage Foundation

And, the anti woke fervor has infected a myriad of other social and political issues such as climate change, economic inequality, criminal justice and just about every contentious issue that is on the table.An And in each case, conservatives align with the “anti woke” hysteria. “Woke is evil” “Woke is un-American” “Woke is just stupid” Yes, I have heard all of that and more. But let me remind everyone of the original meaning of “woke” ….to be awake. To be aware. So really it fits.

By touting their anti wokeness', conservatives are acknowledging and celebrating their denial of social and economic inequality . They are embracing the denial of women’s reproductive rights and agency over their own bodies. They are promoting climate change denial and ignoring the scourge of gun violence. They are pretending that these pressing issues are just manufactured by “the left” to divide us.

Ron Desantis, the Führer of Florida is the personification all that is wrong with those who oppose wokeness. He is laser focused on punishing Disney Land over their opposition to his draconian policies towards LGBT people, suppressing voting rights attacking the teaching of black history, censoring reading materiel, even at the college level, and wiping out Covid mandates of all kinds, all in the name of wiping out wokeness. Meanwhile, Florida has one of the worst health care systems in the country in terms of the percentage of uninsured and the disparity by race- largely due to the governors refusal to expand Medicaid, a higher that average poverty rate of 13.1 % , a higher than average crime rate, and a byzantine and inhumane criminal justice system that incarcerates too many people for far too long and disproportionately incarcerates and disenfranchise people of color and those with fewer resources. Yet Desantis’ priority is his war on Mickey Mouse, Education, and drag queens. He wants Florida to be known as the place where woke goes to die. Thanks to him Florida is where truth goes to die. It is where dignity goes to die. It is where hope goes to die It is where people go to die I’ll take woke. Woke you Ronnie

Another unhinged screed from the one who condones Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal policy that led to and the Trail of Tears

I assume that the radical racial teaching that you refer to is the derivative of Critical Race Theory-an honest and through look at history and the lingering effects society of racism and slavery. No doubt you would not approve of teaching about the Trail of Tears or anything else that would shed light on the ugly underbelly of American history . Nor do you have the intestinal fortitude to confront the continued existence of systemic racism in order to raise awareness and take responsibility. Instead you show your cowardness but hiding behind inane assertions that teaching about race is divisive and caused white kids to hate themselves. Maybe you hate yourself for being white and your denial of the reality of our past and present is a defense mechanism.

And radical left gender teaching? We know what you mean by that. Teaching kids that there is strength in diversity and that everyone-regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The kind of education that prepares them for life in the real world- instead of becoming fearful and ignorant bigots .Of course you find that radical and objectionable because that is who you are.

This crap about men in women’s sports is just another smoke screen to disguise you bigotry with false outrage while punishing people for being trans. Trans kids have a right to play sports and they are evaluated and selected based on their physical ability- not the gender that they were assigned at birth. It doesn’t even happen that much and its not a big issue- certainly not one that will turn out a lot of voters

In any case education is largely a state and local issue and these matters are not decided by the White House or Congress, That millions of people who did not vote last time will indeed turn out-but not to vote against Harris. The will vote because they are sick of Trumps hate and fear mongering. They are sick of the negativity, the chaos and the lies

Trolling/ telling people how they think/inventing the view that someone is racist etc….your out of line telling people they are racist with no evidence.

Your point about Jackson has already been responded to…blacks in Africa owned slaves to.

Own it …democrats preside over men dancing naked in public streets and urinating on each other in front of kids….again own it bc it’s a part of modern day leftist ideology …maybe you ignore it and still vote for Harris bc you think trumps worse …but you have to own these issues and confront them…it’s not a “smokescreen” its literally occurring in our country
You people are truly amazing. It is clear that you know nothing about the history and origin of the word “woke”. It means to be aware....aware of social issues and injustice. A woke person is one who does not have blinders on or has their head up their ass. Yet you have managed to turn it into a dirty word. Something nefarious and subversive.

A woke person is not afraid of truth and knowledge or to confront uncomfortable realities of the past or present. Not surprising that conservatives hate and fear it so much. Conservatives' have consistently shown that they prefer ignorance to knowledge, lies and distortions to truth and honesty and denial of the reality of social injustice to an honest dialogue . Most egregiously, you accuse those who embrace woke of seeking to shame whites and divide the races, while denying the collective responsibility for the shameful history of this nation which is the very essence of divisiveness and a barrier to healing. Woke is progress. Anti woke is being stuck in a fictitious past largely constructed on a foundation of lies, denial and fantasy .

What is the history of the word ‘woke’ and its modern uses? | The Independent

The phrase originated from African American Vernacular English but has been gradually co-opted by right wing players to be used as an insult

The phrase “woke” and to “stay woke” is not new — it began appearing in the 1940s and was first used by African Americans to “literally mean becoming woken up or sensitized to issues of justice”, says linguist and lexicographer Tony Thorne.

In 1971, the phrase was used in a play by American playwright Barry Beckham titled Garvey Lives!, in which he wrote: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon’ stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk.”

It also entered popular culture thanks to singer Erykah Badu, who used the phrase “I stay woke” in her 2008 song Master Teacher. David Stovall, a professor of African-American studies at the University of Illinois, Chicago, told the New York Times that Ms. Badu’s use of the phrase meant “not being placated, not being anaesthetized”.


So here we have the foundation of the term Woke as a jumping off point to try to understand it’s current usage and the partisan vitriol that it engenders

From the same link:

It started becoming a politicized word in 2014, after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

“‘Woke’ was largely unknown in the UK until the BLM movement, but in the 2000s it was a popular word used by young people in America, especially in black communities,” said Mr Thorne.

It was only in 2017 that the word “woke” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary, and was defined as “being ‘aware’ or ‘well-informed’ in a political or cultural sense”.

It evolved into an all-encompassing term to describe leftist political ideology, used as a “shorthand for people on the left” to signal progressiveness, but weaponized by those on the right as a “sneering, jeering dismissive term” to denigrate those who did not agree with their beliefs, said Mr. Thorne.

So there you have it. But what is it exactly ? What is the operational definition and does it look like in terms of specific words, deeds, policies and even thoughts and why is it so controversial?

Lets look at what specific policy positions of Democrats, liberals and progressives-collectively referred to as “the left” while making little or no distinction between Communists, autocratic socialism and Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.

The big hot button issue has become Critical Race Theory. While CRT as a philosophy is not actually taught below the college level, it has become a catch all term to mean an honest and complete understanding of our racial history beginning with 1619, through the Civil War, reconstruction, Jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement . It also includes the critical analysis of the lingering systemic and institutional racism that permeates society today.

It is not- as those on “the right” will have you believe- an educational approach that makes white kids feel guilty about being white and hate themselves, that tarnishes the history of the country and further divides the races. It has even been suggested that woke people have the temerity to believe that African Americans have the same intellectual potential as European Americans. Well, yes they do believe that and it's true. These Anti Woke people have the nerve to call the rest of us racists, while embracing scientific racism!

While Germany makes a point of honestly confronting their shameful history, there are those in this country who want to bury ours, In doing so, they are short changing our children, demeaning those who have suffered and stifling and chance of a true racial reckoning

It comes down to this:

The idea is that racism is not a matter of individual bigotry but is systemic in America. Recently critics have made C.R.T. a catchall target for opposition to equity efforts, affirmative action and “wokeness” in general.

What Is Critical Race Theory? - The New York Times

But the opposition to Wokeness has gone beyond racial issues and now has seeped into matter of gender and sexuality as well. There is this from the Heritage Foundation which is basically a denial of the reality of gender dysphoria in an attempt to marginalize and trivialize the real pain that transgender people experience, especially in the absence of support and medical care and blaming “Woke Culture” for the emergence of the phenomena.

Woke Gender | The Heritage Foundation

And, the anti woke fervor has infected a myriad of other social and political issues such as climate change, economic inequality, criminal justice and just about every contentious issue that is on the table.An And in each case, conservatives align with the “anti woke” hysteria. “Woke is evil” “Woke is un-American” “Woke is just stupid” Yes, I have heard all of that and more. But let me remind everyone of the original meaning of “woke” ….to be awake. To be aware. So really it fits.

By touting their anti wokeness', conservatives are acknowledging and celebrating their denial of social and economic inequality . They are embracing the denial of women’s reproductive rights and agency over their own bodies. They are promoting climate change denial and ignoring the scourge of gun violence. They are pretending that these pressing issues are just manufactured by “the left” to divide us.

Ron Desantis, the Führer of Florida is the personification all that is wrong with those who oppose wokeness. He is laser focused on punishing Disney Land over their opposition to his draconian policies towards LGBT people, suppressing voting rights attacking the teaching of black history, censoring reading materiel, even at the college level, and wiping out Covid mandates of all kinds, all in the name of wiping out wokeness. Meanwhile, Florida has one of the worst health care systems in the country in terms of the percentage of uninsured and the disparity by race- largely due to the governors refusal to expand Medicaid, a higher that average poverty rate of 13.1 % , a higher than average crime rate, and a byzantine and inhumane criminal justice system that incarcerates too many people for far too long and disproportionately incarcerates and disenfranchise people of color and those with fewer resources. Yet Desantis’ priority is his war on Mickey Mouse, Education, and drag queens. He wants Florida to be known as the place where woke goes to die. Thanks to him Florida is where truth goes to die. It is where dignity goes to die. It is where hope goes to die It is where people go to die I’ll take woke. Woke you Ronnie

One thing to say and get out of the way is it is completely unacceptable for you to call somebody a racist or bigot with no evidence. Disagreeing with your political ideology doesn’t make someone a racist. Hands-down... You gotta stop doing this or you’re going on ignore.

There’s plenty of poor white people in America and a multitude of reasons that have nothing to do with racism as to why certain people are struggling today. The answer to these issues is not going to be BLM ideology or woke ideology. A lot of our problems today are due to changing culture in America, like violent video games, the downfall of the nuclear family among both whites and blacks. These things have nothing to do with this idea of “systemic racism” in America in 2024.

We can agree on the facts of history….racism and slavery were worldwide Issues.

You just wrote a bunch of paragraphs on an issue That is very simple to address. If anything you’re attempting to create a smoke screen here. This issue is simple. OK either you support the idea that white people are privileged or you don’t. Either you support men getting naked and dancing in front of kids or you don’t. Hands-down, it’s very simple. So address those issues do you support that or not?

OK anybody who is white in America or black in America should not feel bad about their history. Because all of us white or black have a similar history our ancestors engage in the slave trade, they engage in racism and they engaged in, good deeds like helping out other people.

You’re being one-sided and unfair to Andrew Jackson. Do you spend a lot of time riding paragraphs about Jews, or Indians or blacks who own slaves. Actually, I’m not even gonna get into this anymore about Andrew Jackson. And your point about the trail of tears. Because Jackson adopted to Native American boys. He was a loving man. He was a man of his times, just like the tribal leaders who also engaged in warfare and conquering other peoples lands.

And we can both recognize that in the USA there have been numerous parades and events where LGBT people, including men get totally naked and urinate on each other in front of kids. These are part of the modern day left-wing discourse. It is incumbent upon Republicans and Democrats to talk about these issues and confront them. They should not be cowards and be afraid of offending people. See I support treating people equally. I don’t believe in discrimination against people based on their sexuality or religion or color. So if you want to make things up about my views go ahead it makes no difference to me. I don’t care. I know what I think. Whether somebody is straight or gay, they should never have a right to urinate on each other in front of kids.
rolling/ telling people how they think/inventing the view that someone is racist etc….your out of line telling people they are racist with no evidence.
I am not telling you how you think . You have told me. You have been very clear. You can bleat all you want about how you're not a racist but you words say differently
Own it …democrats preside over men dancing naked in public streets and urinating on each other in front of kids….again own it bc it’s a part of modern day leftist ideology …maybe you ignore it and still vote for Harris bc you think trumps worse …but you have to own these issues and confront them…it’s not a “smokescreen” its literally occurring in our country
Holy shit!! Really. This is what you are now resorting to?
I am not telling you how you think . You have told me. You have been very clear. You can bleat all you want about how you're not a racist but you words say differently
You can’t call somebody a racist without any evidence.

You can’t make things up about people. Sure we should teach about the history of racism and slavery in our schools. You said earlier that I believe we should not teach that. So you’re out of line.

We should certainly teach about the history of racism and slavery , which were worldwide issues practiced by white and Black people.

All of the time you have spent posting paragraphs upon paragraphs about wokeism , “taking responsibility” and critical race theory is not related to the points at hand. What does that mean by the way “taking responsibility” what are you trying to say white people should feel bad about themselves for the history of slavery in America or Jim crow???? That is an unjust and inaccurate approach to history because Black people like white people took part in racism and the slave trade.

It really is quite simple my friend either you will say something about men getting naked in public areas and urinating on each other in front of children or you won’t. Either you will approve of it or you won’t. doesn’t matter whether someone’s a Democrat or Republican, nobody should approve of that. Nobody should say “well it doesn’t happen a lot so who cares” even if it happens once it’s unacceptable.

As for workplace discrimination. The best qualified people whether they are white or black get the job. Nobody should be given a hand up because of some political ideology. You waste a bunch of time attempting to justify racial hiring quotas for example.

Because again racism and slavery were practiced all over the world by white and Black people. So you cannot have a one-sided approach to that issue. If an employer is found to discriminate against somebody because of their skin color or religion, they should be held accountable.. full stop Hands-down. Easy issues to address.

Left-wing ideology is preaching a one sided approach to history. That today non-whites should get an easier access to a loan or a job. That’s racism. There’s no way to argue against it.
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An you have my response as well. The fact that Africans owned slaves does not change or mitigate this countries history
That’s a one sided unjust approach to history. Indian tribes owned slaves and engaged in warfare. Andrew Jackson was a man of his time. Your approach is off and misguided.

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