Riot Approval from the Media..

This is why you're an see both statements and M's continued childishness as equal to my OP.

Mine has truth for many as well as supporting news articles. (read the thread)

M's & your co-signing implication is an extremely personal affront, sick minded and a complete fabrication.

btw I doubt you have the integrity or the common sense to see the difference but you're welcome to continue grabbing at straws. It would be humorous if it wasn't so pathetic.

You have earned zero respect from me and failed but Manifold simply loves You....(enjoy the tacky & unfair implication)...:lol:

bbtw...try to keep your cool

You should take your own advice because, clearly, you've lost your cool.

Like I said, it's not the analogy I would have used, but multiple times, you were called out to back up your accusation that the "liberal media" is fomenting a race riot

and you said

You made a statement about what the "liberal" media is supposed to have stated. Now back that statement up. Where was it stated, and who stated it. Otherwise your opinion is just the whacked out blathering of a racist.

Did I...actually...

I was under the impression I was presenting my opinion based on my personal observations.

You haven't backed it up. When called out, you said "Oh, it's just my opinion." Then, when mani posts his "opinion" that he can't back up, you get all up with the righteous indignation.

"You can't see the difference ..." I certainly can see the difference. But you can't because you think your OP is unbiased though it is anything but, and mani asked a "When did you stop beating your wife" question. Mani's just turning your OP on it's head, albeit in a very personal manner. And FTR, I understand why you are offended.

I have read this thread. There aren't all these news articles supporting your claim that the liberal media is pushing for a race riot. And posting a clip of a guy saying that blacks don't get treated the same as whites in the legal system is not proof of your accusation. So back up your OP and you'll have a point. But you haven't.

Seems like I should get an OP do-over and you should get a wary restoration of faith..:dunno:
You might want to re-read your OP. You weren't presenting an opinion, you were asking a question. And your question relies on a premise you have failed to establish.

I might as well ask why Lumpy likes child pornography so much, and then when asked to support the premise simply claim it's my opinion.

Low class and chickenshit post... even for you ...

It was a perfectly apt analogy to your specious OP.

You're the perfect wrinkled raisin to a formerly sweet luscious grape...:)
Ever hear the phrase "When did you stop beating your wife?" It's a logical fallacy called a "loaded question."

Loaded question - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's what you did in your OP when you asked

And that's what mani did to you.

It wasn't an accusation. He was exposing the fallacy of your OP by juxtaposing your argument.

It's probably not the tact I'd take, but he demonstrates why your OP fails.

This is why you're an see both statements and M's continued childishness as equal to my OP.

Mine has truth for many as well as supporting news articles. (read the thread)

M's & your co-signing implication is an extremely personal affront, sick minded and a complete fabrication.

btw I doubt you have the integrity or the common sense to see the difference but you're welcome to continue grabbing at straws. It would be humorous if it wasn't so pathetic.

You have earned zero respect from me and failed but Manifold simply loves You....(enjoy the tacky & unfair implication)...:lol:

Hey Townshend, did you fulfill your legal obligation to inform your neighbors yet?

chop chop

I'm not talking to you, you're completely cookie-puts and rude in the head...:eusa_shhh:

This is why you're an see both statements and M's continued childishness as equal to my OP.

Mine has truth for many as well as supporting news articles. (read the thread)

M's & your co-signing implication is an extremely personal affront, sick minded and a complete fabrication.

btw I doubt you have the integrity or the common sense to see the difference but you're welcome to continue grabbing at straws. It would be humorous if it wasn't so pathetic.

You have earned zero respect from me and failed but Manifold simply loves You....(enjoy the tacky & unfair implication)...:lol:

Hey Townshend, did you fulfill your legal obligation to inform your neighbors yet?

chop chop

I'm not talking to you, you're completely cookie-puts and rude in the head...:eusa_shhh:

Methinks his steer pressed send too much. :eusa_whistle:

Slippery words trace
The keys hard-pressed and sending
Don't press send too much​

It wouldn't be surprising if liberal channels like MSNBC wanted race riots. Consider how much damage they've already done with all their lies, judgements, and lies.

You aren't fooling anyone. The ones that want race riots are white supremacist types. Like the OP.

Don't you ever get tired of being ridiculous..sheesh
August is coming. This is a month that is traditionally known as a slow news month. The media wants to have something to say.

Psssssst...MSNBC is desperate to get their dismal ratings up..(Shiver up his leg) Mathews and Al (the simpletons guide to extreme stupidity) are planning to slap each other even sillier if this race baiting card their playing doesn't work out so well.
Why does the liberal media expect, seemingly approve and kinda push for African Americans going on a shopping spree/riot and hate fest if multiracial Zimmerman is acquitted?

The way Zimmerman has been unfairly portrayed from the very beginning is shocking. Talk about a lynching.

He can sue every media outlet that slandered him, the state of Florida, and if you could legally sue the president, I think Zimmerman should sue him too.

I'm not sure the President would be the appropriate target. I think all Americans should be concerned though. The elites are clearly trying to divide the people. Once I found out the administration, specifically the Justice Department, was trying to goad the people into lobbying for mob justice? I was sickened and appalled. This is precisely how the elites work. They seek to divide sectors of the populace against one another. I personally feel that blacks, hispanics and whites should join, arm in arm, and march on D.C. in outrage and anger for them using our tax dollars to try to get us to turn on each other while they get us to ignore their wasteful spending of tax dollars on those stupid pointless wars while they strip our civil rights and civil liberties away.

They learn this trick early in their elite education, it is the oldest game in governance. The real enemy of elite governance are the people you are lording over.

Divide et impera

Really? Zimmerman and Martin have been made into pawns by the state, and the people have been made dupes by the media. We have all fallen for it. Ignore the trial, focus on what is going on in D.C. The want us to tear each other down and hate each other. Stop it.

Department of Justice Organizes Protests Against Zimmerman

The Department of Justice has a little-known division called the Community Relations Service. Through FOIA requests Judicial Watch has obtained documents detailing the involvement of DOJ employees from the CRS in organizing protests and demonstrations against George Zimmerman prior to the Trayvon Martin murder trial.

“We used Freedom of Information Act, which allows us to get documents about government activities, to ask the Department of Justice about what it was up to in Florida through its Community Relations Service, which is a little-known arm of the Justice Department,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told KTRH. “It seems based on the documents we have they sent Justice Department employees down to [Sanford] Florida to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman.”

Read more: Department of Justice Organizes Protests Against Zimmerman
Too bad that isn't true. If you read the docs you would know but you like your info on a spoon

I did. CRS stands for Community Relations Service.

The Department of Justice has a little-known division called the Community Relations Service.

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $674.14

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $1,142.84

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $892.55

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $751.60

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $1,307.40

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $552.35
Why does the liberal media expect, seemingly approve and kinda push for African Americans going on a shopping spree/riot and hate fest if multiracial Zimmerman is acquitted?

The way Zimmerman has been unfairly portrayed from the very beginning is shocking. Talk about a lynching.

He can sue every media outlet that slandered him, the state of Florida, and if you could legally sue the president, I think Zimmerman should sue him too.

This has has become standard procedure for the liberal media, the Obama Administration and Democrats in general, they only notice it when similar tactics are used on them...:lol:
If the media was not trying to incite a riot, why would they broadcast a picture of Trayvon Martin's body? This is courtesy of MSNBC:

This, Courtesy of MSNBC, Is Trayvon Martin's Dead Body. Get Angry.
There were no riots in Oakland. The only people reporting it as a riot are conservative websites or race baiting blogs. Even Fox News stated that the protests were peaceful with a few sporadic acts of vandalism. Nothing that rises to the level of riot.
Too bad that isn't true. If you read the docs you would know but you like your info on a spoon

I did. CRS stands for Community Relations Service.

The Department of Justice has a little-known division called the Community Relations Service.

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $674.14

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $1,142.84

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $892.55

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $751.60

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $1,307.40

Here's a receipt for CRS spent $552.35

We know that CRS sent a man to Sanford - that part of the story is true. The claim that they were sent there to "foment racial strife" and "organize protests against Zimmerman" is pure fiction.

But this story was released last year, when it actually happened - and the Judicial Watch story omits the fact that the Mayor of Sanford and the City Council requested help from CRS, and have repeated stated that they were incredibly helpful in keeping the two sides talking to each other and preventing things from getting out of hand.

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