Riot Approval from the Media..

The STATE loves it, it'll be their excuse to impose martial law on everyone. Fools, all of you. Left, right, and center. Of course the media is antagonizing the ethnic minorities. They are antagonizing conservatives as well, they know conservative gun owners are no dupes. They will fight for their rights. . . . . all the way to the new modern gulag.

The elites are getting exactly what they want.



WTF is THAT??? And if that is what they stated, then why the FUCK are they not in JAIL?
The STATE loves it, it'll be their excuse to impose martial law on everyone. Fools, all of you. Left, right, and center. Of course the media is antagonizing the ethnic minorities. They are antagonizing conservatives as well, they know conservative gun owners are no dupes. They will fight for their rights. . . . . all the way to the new modern gulag.

The elites are getting exactly what they want.



Other than the pompous ass thing you got going on, your post is worthy of consideration..
WTF is THAT??? And if that is what they stated, then why the FUCK are they not in JAIL?
The first amendment sugar. And if they are actually, in any covert way attempting to go ahead with their plans? I am sure it fits with DHS and FEMA's plans to run a national emergency drill for riot preparedness. They are just part of an exercise. Just like the Boston Bombing. Nothing in policy or current events is ever by happenstance or mistake.

When the Fed's monetary policy finally bottoms out and the grocery store shelves have no food around the nation, they need to have workable solutions. When the big cities start rioting, trust me, this whole scenario, if it pans out like they would like, it really will help in the long run. . . .
Looks like terrorist threats to me. Doesn't it to you? What if a white group said they were going to go to black communities and destroy them and kill the people that lived there? What if those black panthers said they were going to do it to the white house?
Authorities would be all over them in a heart beat. But blacks saying it against "whities" and it's considered free speech?

This country is warped.
I would advise people to buy firearms. If these people are going to riot, make sure you have a gun on you for protection. If reason won't work, use bullets if it means protecting lives.
Two things always happen without fail:

1) When a new president gets elected there will be talk of govt coming to take your guns. Everytime the gun companies trick you
2) Everytime there is a murder of a black person by another race white people start floating the idea that there will be blood in the streets and blacks will riot. Remember last time it happened...30 something years ago? So recent right

WTF is THAT??? And if that is what they stated, then why the FUCK are they not in JAIL?

On a website they have a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman too. Yes. Also the National Black Foot Soldiers . com website is advocating violence against whites by glorifying stories of white girls being raped, police officer being murdered and so forth. That website is still online too. Don't understand how they justify all of this. It's illegal.
I'm praying the hurricane rains them all out for a couple of weeks until their brain cells grow back.

Two things always happen without fail:

1) When a new president gets elected there will be talk of govt coming to take your guns. Everytime the gun companies trick you
2) Everytime there is a murder of a black person by another race white people start floating the idea that there will be blood in the streets and blacks will riot. Remember last time it happened...30 something years ago? So recent right

I don't recall worrying about that under George Bush Jr. but we should have because he did allow FEMA to disarm the flood victims of Katrina and that was wrong. On point 2 it isn't the white community saying this - look at facebook and twitter - this is black Mob violence telling you in advance what they intend to do, Caption. If it blows up to this bigger than ever thing they are vowing? Then this is a legitimate concern. - J.
Two things always happen without fail:

1) When a new president gets elected there will be talk of govt coming to take your guns. Everytime the gun companies trick you
2) Everytime there is a murder of a black person by another race white people start floating the idea that there will be blood in the streets and blacks will riot. Remember last time it happened...30 something years ago? So recent right

I don't recall worrying about that under George Bush Jr. but we should have because he did allow FEMA to disarm the flood victims of Katrina and that was wrong. On point 2 it isn't the white community saying this - look at facebook and twitter - this is black Mob violence telling you in advance what they intend to do, Caption. If it blows up to this bigger than ever thing they are vowing? Then this is a legitimate concern. - J.

Circular logic...

Take some tweets from blacks...Say it threatens violence (not from that black guy) but from BLACKS in general smear it all over the Repub media. Repubs get angry at random tweets from all blacks. Suddenly, blacks are responsible for stoking the riot fire.

See how that works?
Why is there this assumption that "black folk will go cra-cra" if Zimmerman walks? :confused:
Why is there this assumption that "black folk will go cra-cra" if Zimmerman walks? :confused:

Why would there NOT be this assumption?

A search of Twitter over the last 24 hours for the words “riot Zimmerman” brings up a plethora of tweets from individuals who are openly signaling their intention to stage disorder in cities across America if Zimmerman walks free.
The messages are clearly illegal under 18 USCS § 2102 which states that “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.”​
Not only have social media users threatened to cause chaos and unrest on American streets in response to a “not guilty” verdict, they are also advocating that George Zimmerman be murdered if he walks.

Facebook initially refused to remove pages such as “Riot for Trayvon” and “Kill Zimmerman,” and only scrubbed them after sustained media pressure last week
Told ya. All insrances of ignorance by any black person is used as evidence of actions wanted by all blacks. Only ignorant shit tho because that's fair.

The republic media gets them all riled up by posting random tweaks and then Ppl blame all blacks.

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