Riot Approval from the Media..

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That's not current...he's dead and Zimmerman is fat. Did you know that before you posted this or did you believe Trayvon is "currently" alive?
Why does the liberal media expect, seemingly approve and kinda push for African Americans going on a shopping spree/riot and hate fest if multiracial Zimmerman is acquitted?

I haven't heard anyone in the media say anything such thing. Not even people you'd expect to say this sort of thing, like Al Sharpton. (And seriously, does Al have cancer or something, he really looks unhealthy.)

I do think that if Zimmerman is acquitted, you are going to have a lot of angry people, and justifiably so.

An all white jury gives a white bully a pass for shooting an unarmed black child in the middle of the street?

you should never serve on a jury
I can see where Lumpy is getting the opinion the media is "pushing" this.
Headline news and others have brought up the "possibility" of riots/looting several -several times. I have also noticed a little "gleefulness" from them on the idea. Not that they have ever, or would ever be in favor of it (which I do not believe they are) but I do believe they kind of relish the idea of reporting on it when it happens. Basically like those folks you see gawking at fires/wrecks...not that they like it when it happens...but sure do love the excitement of it all.
Having said that, if/when he is acquitted - there will be looting. No doubt whatsoever. There are those who can't wait for the trial results so they CAN go out en masse and bust windows and steal from stores. What will be interesting is how the media will report on it when it does happen.
Threats of riots isn't coming from network news. It's being advertised on social media quite a bit and some internet sites pick it up from there.
An all white jury gives a white bully a pass for shooting an unarmed black child in the middle of the street?

No, nothing at all racist about that statement.

A Black "Child"? What a load of shit. Wilfred Benitez, considered one of the best fighters EVER, was 17 when he won his first Championship.

Trayvon Martin was an ATHLETE, people. Our resident libtard liars need to get that through their thick skulls.

An athlete. A Wide Receiver on a Miami Florida Football team where EVERY kid in the City wants to be -- On the Football team.

Florida produces athletes off the scale of what other people in other States are used to. Sure, their are several States that are close to Florida and Texas may even equal Florida, although I doubt it, but nobody else even gets close.

Football in Florida? In High School? Where they practice in a Heat Index exceeding 100* every day in pads? Where there are so many kids vying for the same position that the Coaches work them into the ground and only the toughest of the tough survive?

I know a couple Florida HS Football players that would beat most grown men (much less a soft sissy like Zimmerman) to a pulp.

At Six Feet tall and 160 lbs.... That is a bad man if he knows how to fight. And the fact is -- He was a fighter. A street fighter and by all accounts, a good one.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do
Edgetho thought that some Dem said that he wasn't an athlete. Don't tell Edgetho no one spoke about Trayvons athletic ability, the heat in florida, where people love to want to play football or how many HS Football players she knows that also could beat up grown men, or Wilfred Benitez and what that has to do with Trayvons age.

I don't have the heart to tell her no one, but her, mentioned any of that
Edgetho thought that some Dem said that he wasn't an athlete. Don't tell Edgetho no one spoke about Trayvons athletic ability, the heat in florida, where people love to want to play football or how many HS Football players she knows that also could beat up grown men, or Wilfred Benitez and what that has to do with Trayvons age.

I don't have the heart to tell her no one, but her, mentioned any of that

Maybe it's time you considered it -- Bitch.

Trayvon Martin was a very bad man. I mean, 'kick-your-fucking-ass' bad.

Six Feet tall, 160 lbs of athlete that can take your head off with a punch, strong as shit, pound your head into the concrete.

A dangerous man.

Maybe you're used to the pussies you hang out with. Wouldn't doubt it a bit. But a six foot tall athlete that knows how to fight and likes to fight is a dangerous person.

On what are you basing this outlandish claim?

How has "the media" expected, approved, or pushed for rioting?

If anything, I'm seeing conservatives pushing the "riot" meme, not "the media".

"The mainstream media did not handle that call responsibly, at all. Instead of airing the call as it was made on the night of February 26, NBC News deceptively edited it to make it appear that Zimmerman targeted Martin because the teen was black. The image of a race-based killing now solidified, it’s only a matter of time before the so-called “post-racial” president and his allies turn Martin’s death into a usefully divisive racial political football, in a presidential election year.

The damage from that false edit was only beginning. NBC News plays its false 911 call edit on the Today show and its other properties. The New York Times on March 22 calls Zimmerman a “white Hispanic.”
The PJ Tatler » Mainstream Media Race Hustling has Put George Zimmerman on Trial
Edgetho thought that some Dem said that he wasn't an athlete. Don't tell Edgetho no one spoke about Trayvons athletic ability, the heat in florida, where people love to want to play football or how many HS Football players she knows that also could beat up grown men, or Wilfred Benitez and what that has to do with Trayvons age.

I don't have the heart to tell her no one, but her, mentioned any of that

Maybe it's time you considered it -- Bitch.

Trayvon Martin was a very bad man. I mean, 'kick-your-fucking-ass' bad.

Six Feet tall, 160 lbs of athlete that can take your head off with a punch, strong as shit, pound your head into the concrete.

A dangerous man.

Maybe you're used to the pussies you hang out with. Wouldn't doubt it a bit. But a six foot tall athlete that knows how to fight and likes to fight is a dangerous person.


A Bad man according to your ability to see inside people? Riiight

Punch your head off? Can you see strength too with those special eyes?

Say dangerous again and click your heels this time

Ohhhh, Yes I hang with pussies. I love pussies

You can see peoples fighting abilities too with those special eyes?

I find the Social Media is more responsible than the Mainstream Media who has ignored it along with Police officers refusing to take reports from victims, refusing to acknowledge these were racially motivated attacks.

See the evidence below in Thomas Sowells report exposing truth of what police and media have been doing:

A Censored Race War | National Review Online

So why are the Social Media sites Facebook and Twitter more responsible? Because both have refused to cancel the accounts of those who are inciting murder, riots, planned out attacks on whites and Latinos. How does a Social Media source justify twitters and facebook posts calling for the murder of a man who is on trial? Zimmerman. They can't.

So if and when any persons are injured due to the attack of a Mob that posted on Facebook or Twitter they should get a class action suit together and sue facebook, Twitter, anyone involved in inciting that violence against them is liable.

They should certainly file charges against the people who are involved in the attack and bring civil suits against them and their families ( if they lived at home during the crime -they could be entitled to sue for the parents property, home, cars, etc also ) and maybe when the parents of these kids lose their own property due to lawsuits they will learn a lesson.
Why does the liberal media expect, seemingly approve and kinda push for African Americans going on a shopping spree/riot and hate fest if multiracial Zimmerman is acquitted?

What is the media?
It’s big business.

What does big business try to do?
Make money.

What makes them the most money?
Good ratings.

The media will push anything that will captivate viewers, and what tends to captivate people is violence or the threat of it. There’s no political or racial agenda behind their actions; it’s purely monetary.

That fact certainly doesn't make their actions benign, however. I wish people put values and ethics before $$$'s.

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Why does the liberal media expect, seemingly approve and kinda push for African Americans going on a shopping spree/riot and hate fest if multiracial Zimmerman is acquitted?

You made a statement about what the "liberal" media is supposed to have stated. Now back that statement up. Where was it stated, and who stated it. Otherwise your opinion is just the whacked out blathering of a racist.

Did I...actually...

I was under the impression I was presenting my opinion based on my personal observations.

btw...try to keep your cool, you sound like "shiver up the pant leg" Mathews.

You and I both know that Redneck Liberals believe only THEIR views are valid!!! :eusa_whistle:

I completely agree with you. All one has to do is scan through the internet to find example after example where media sources are "claiming" such riots will result if Zimmerman is found innocent - as if they can't wait to cover it.

Add to it the sure rantings of Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and other black activists, and the prodding toward violence will increase.
If they are indeed doing this, then shame on them. It's the job of the media to report the news... not stir the pot. Lumpy, if you could provide some sort of evidence for the rest of us to verify, that would really help in convincing us. Thanks.
If they are indeed doing this, then shame on them. It's the job of the media to report the news... not stir the pot. Lumpy, if you could provide some sort of evidence for the rest of us to verify, that would really help in convincing us. Thanks.

It's just his opinion based on what he's observed, what is ya, ignorant? :razz:
If they are indeed doing this, then shame on them. It's the job of the media to report the news... not stir the pot. Lumpy, if you could provide some sort of evidence for the rest of us to verify, that would really help in convincing us. Thanks.

It's just his opinion based on what he's observed, what is ya, ignorant? :razz:

While it is his opinion, what he said may be true. Evidence always helps. If Lumpy provides evidence, his case strengthens.

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