Rioter Begs Forgiveness

Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.

One is supposed to accept an apology. It's what decent adults do. It does not absolve you from your actions though.

I accept his apology.

I still want him to face the full extent of our justice system for his actions.

I'm glad he's sorry but it doesn't absolve him from the crimes he committed.
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the guy who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?
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Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the gun who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?

Keep posting as you have been and you just might attract the attention of the FBI. ;)
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the gun who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?

Keep posting as you have been and you just might attract the attention of the FBI. ;)

Ohhh, we can see you're yearning for the brown shirts to come out and start dragging people out that you disagree with. Remember though, they'll get you too. Toodle loo/
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the gun who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?

Keep posting as you have been and you just might attract the attention of the FBI. ;)

Ohhh, we can see you're yearning for the brown shirts to come out and start dragging people out that you disagree with. Remember though, they'll get you too. Toodle loo/

No, Uncle Joe's DOJ will be watching cheerleaders of violence and other seditionists who threaten or plan the sorts of events we saw last week. Your Donald may well be in legal peril from that BS.
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the gun who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?

Keep posting as you have been and you just might attract the attention of the FBI. ;)

Ohhh, we can see you're yearning for the brown shirts to come out and start dragging people out that you disagree with. Remember though, they'll get you too. Toodle loo/

No, Uncle Joe's DOJ will be watching cheerleaders of violence and other seditionists who threaten or plan the sorts of events we saw last week. Your Donald may well be in legal peril from that BS.

Doubtful. Pedo joe has big problems.
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the gun who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?

Keep posting as you have been and you just might attract the attention of the FBI. ;)
That's fine--I have no trouble telling them to F off and that I have no other comments to give them that they can attempt to spin.
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the gun who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?

Keep posting as you have been and you just might attract the attention of the FBI. ;)
That's fine--I have no trouble telling them to F off and that I have no other comments to give them that they can attempt to spin.

Yeah, you do that if you get a knock on the door at 2 AM with a search warrant and see how it works out. :)
What a cuck. Did the BLM city burners ever beg for forgiveness? Nope, they said the burning was justified.
What a cuck. Did the BLM city burners ever beg for forgiveness? Nope, they said the burning was justified.

Only Dems are allowed to riot, burn, loot, occupy public buildings, assault citizens on the street, assault political opponents, all justified in the minds of ASSHOLE Democrats. Hey Dems set the example we are only doing what they have been doing for the past 4 years so they can just suck it.
Have you not wondered why the guy who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?
There's an onging murder investigation so...yea...they'll be answering some questions real soon
And you know, that like the asshole in the OP, they'll be begging forgiveness too
Save your false equivalency.

This had nothing whatsoever to do with any of the George Floyd protests.

It would have happened regardless.

And take note. He is admitting what a fucked up thing he was engaged in.

Do you agree with him?
Of course it does, asshole. Dims encourg rioting, arson and murder in one situation, and condemn all Republicans for few broken windows in another.
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Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.

What he should get is the full force of our justice system brought down on him.

He should face the full consequences for his criminal behavior.
Unlike the Portland/Seattle rioters, eh?
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
It wasn't an insurrection, asshole. The only thing they were armed with is sticks. It's also not clear that the cop died from being hit with the fire extinguisher.

You assholes do nothing but lie about this incident. You're obviously trying to use it the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire. Nazis know how to spew propaganda.

H.L Mencken said "democracy is a self limiting disease," and this episode is a perfect example of what he meant.

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