Rioter Begs Forgiveness

Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.
He did a whole lot more than any of the rioters we saw all summer long. None of them even admitted they did anything wrong.
What he did..was beg for forgiveness after he got CAUGHT

A LOT of these creeps are doing that after they get caught.

More and more each day as a matter of fact.
LoL - He's from my old stomping grounds in Boise, ID.
What could possibly be so horrible in Boise, ID that this chump felt the need to travel all the way to DC and storm the Capitol building for?

Ammon Bundy was part of the planning and this is one of his disciples who will follow Ammon and Trumpy Bear to the ends of the earth. Sadly after he got out of prison, he decided to move to a tiny town a half an hour or so out of Boise, where he's been stirring the pot again. It'll come out. :confused:


Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.
Colt's Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts have been deleted since the riot.”

clearly the gods on mt olympus were not pleased

of course he should apologize to the nation and if his is sincere I accept

but to my knowledge there have been no apologies from the Black Lies Matter and ANTIFA wackos which there should have been
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Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.
He did a whole lot more than any of the rioters we saw all summer long. None of them even admitted they did anything wrong.
What he did..was beg for forgiveness after he got CAUGHT

A LOT of these creeps are doing that after they get caught.

More and more each day as a matter of fact.
Getting caught and doing the action happened at the same time. You do realize that, right? Regardless, we have yet to see any of the rioters from the summer who burned buildings and assaulted people even admit they did anything wrong. This guy is a paragon of virtue compared to them.

Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.
He did a whole lot more than any of the rioters we saw all summer long. None of them even admitted they did anything wrong.
What he did..was beg for forgiveness after he got CAUGHT

A LOT of these creeps are doing that after they get caught.

More and more each day as a matter of fact.
What would you do? Learning to be like the rest of the world is new for people here in the United States. There are some as we have seen in the last year that have crossed the line to our human heritage of pure tribal views. As we descend , the experience of questioning the rulers will numb the people facing them. You started it. For decades it has been building.

Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.

One is supposed to accept an apology. It's what decent adults do. It does not absolve you from your actions though.

Go to jail!

So, when does the known violent BLM member who claimed he was just in the Capitol illegally because 'he wanted to film all the violence the Trump supporters were doing' get indicted and punished?

Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.

One is supposed to accept an apology. It's what decent adults do. It does not absolve you from your actions though.

Go to jail!

So, when does the known violent BLM member who claimed he was just in the Capitol illegally because 'he wanted to film all the violence the Trump supporters were doing' get indicted and punished?

I have no idea what you are ranting about.

Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.

One is supposed to accept an apology. It's what decent adults do. It does not absolve you from your actions though.

Go to jail!

So, when does the known violent BLM member who claimed he was just in the Capitol illegally because 'he wanted to film all the violence the Trump supporters were doing' get indicted and punished?
STOP with the false equivalency.
You do NOT get to attack the seat of our government because of ANYTHING else that may or may not have happened.

In point of fact this would have happened regardless of any of that and we all know it
So, when does the known violent BLM member who claimed he was just in the Capitol illegally because 'he wanted to film all the violence the Trump supporters were doing' get indicted and punished?
You're talking about ONE creep by the name of Sullivan and yes...he should face exactly the same justice as the hundreds (thousands?) of Magarats

And no Easy...after the shit you have piosted...YOU get no forgiveness
I not only am an extreme liberal, but know how fascist the entire government has always been.
So anyone who says that congress is democratic and should not be occupied, is not at all a liberal in any sense.
Trump may be evil and his supporters deceived, but they did absolutely nothing at all remotely illegal in the occupation of Congress. It should have happened LONG ago, like during Vietnam, the 67 civil rights riots, the invasion of Iraq, after murdering Qaddafi, because we still do not have public health care, over the illegal War on Drug, 3 strikes laws, federal gun control, etc.

We should occupy congress until they stop breaking the law.
STOP with the false equivalency.'re saying a white Trump supporter (MAGA) illegally being in the Capitol is completely different and far worse than a black member of a foreign-funded domestic terrorist organization that has caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage in Democrat-run states / communities across the nation - a black member known for hating the US government and having been recorded in the past saying 'Burn it all Down' - illegally being in the White House.....

THAT is your definition of 'false equivalency'?! Well...IF you're right then you're right, just not in the way you think.


Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.

One is supposed to accept an apology. It's what decent adults do. It does not absolve you from your actions though.

Go to jail!

So, when does the known violent BLM member who claimed he was just in the Capitol illegally because 'he wanted to film all the violence the Trump supporters were doing' get indicted and punished?
STOP with the false equivalency.
You do NOT get to attack the seat of our government because of ANYTHING else that may or may not have happened.

In point of fact this would have happened regardless of any of that and we all know it

That is a lie.
Congress is NOT even remotely the "seat of our government" since this is SUPPOSED to be a democratic republic.
Not only are WE the people supposed to be the "seat of our government", but clearly congress has constantly been committing deliberate illegal crimes. How else could we have over half a million innocents imprisoned, who never harmed the rights of anyone else at all?

True liberals would have occupied congress decades ago, and not left until they stopped committing horrendous crimes as they currently are doing.
You're talking about ONE creep by the name of Sullivan and yes...he should face exactly the same justice as the hundreds (thousands?) of Magarats

And no Easy...after the shit you have piosted...YOU get no forgiveness

1. FINALLY you admit that black foreign-funded domestic terrorists should be treated like everyone else and should be punished for their crimes as well.

2. I don't need forgiveness from mentally unstable, irrational hate-driven, emotional, weeping, cry-at-the-sky snowflakes who have supported and continue to support foreign-funded domestic terrorists, traitors, Conspirators, criminals who violated both the Constitution and rules of law, who have victimized Americans for DECSADES by illegally spying on them, who attempted to overthrow the govt for 4 years, and who are now Un-Constitutionally using the power of the govt to permanently eliminate a political threat. F* off.
STOP with the false equivalency.'re saying a white Trump supporter (MAGA) illegally being in the Capitol is completely different and far worse than a black member of a foreign-funded domestic terrorist organization that has caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage in Democrat-run states / communities across the nation - a black member known for hating the US government and having been recorded in the past saying 'Burn it all Down' - illegally being in the White House.....

THAT is your definition of 'false equivalency'?! Well...IF you're right then you're right, just not in the way you think.

I'm very clearly saying that one thing does not excuse another.

I'm saying that the attack on our seat of government would have ocurred even if there had been NO protests in the summer

I'm saying that you are an Unamerican shit stirrer and will NOT be forgiven

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