Rioter Begs Forgiveness

You still supporting the murder of unarmed protesters, Nazi?
She was a criminal

YOU are defending the murder of a cop

So tell us noobie...what country are you from.
Youm don't get how justice works.
You can't shoot an unarmed person for climbing over a window, and justify it by saying a cop died of a stroke the next day in the police station.
Umless you are mentally unwell, and maybe some kind of totalitarian extremist.
You still supporting the murder of unarmed protesters, Nazi?
She was a criminal

YOU are defending the murder of a cop

So tell us noobie...what country are you from.
Why should we idolise a thug like George Floyd and criminalise this 14 year veteran with a clean record, who just wanted to stop an ilegal election, armed only with a flag.
So now you're a defender of Mike Pence, Mitch Mc Connell, Nancy Pelosi, and the Swamp-
I'm a defender of my government. Fuck you
And some unarmed, non-violent veteran with kids is your enemy.
If she was non-violent she wouldn't have smashed her way through a bullet proof window protecting that government
She was fighting for your rights and the U.S Constitution.
If breaking a window was a death penalty, Detroit, Chicago and Philladelphia would be stacked with bodies a metre high. But not one BLM thug was shot by police.
You HAVE to be a Russian troll. No American would say the garbage you are saying

Fess up
How original.
Any wonder you people are despised by American working class
criminalise this 14 year veteran with a clean record, who just wanted to stop an ilegal election
Yea...all she wanted to do was overthrow the government asnd hang Mike Pence.

Nothing to see there right?
You should move to Communist China or Iran where unarmed protesters are routinely executed.
Youwould fit in perfectly.
I bet my house you were one of the idiots marching for that thug George Floyd-
Brad Rukstales, a Republican political donor and CEO of Cogensia, a Chicago-based data analytics firm, was arrested with a group of a half-dozen Trump supporters who clashed with officers Wednesday inside the Capitol. Campaign finance reports show Rukstales contributed more than $25,000 to Trump’s campaign and other GOP committees during to 2020 election cycle.
He told a local CBS news channel last week that he had entered the Capitol and apologized. He was fired Friday and did not respond to calls and emails seeking comment.
Derrick Evans, a Republican recently sworn in as a delegate to the West Virginia House, resigned Saturday following his arrest on two charges related to the Capitol riot. He had streamed video of himself charging into the building with the mob.
“They’re making an announcement now saying if Pence betrays us you better get your mind right because we’re storming the building,” Evans, 35, says in the video, as the door to the Capitol building is smashed and rioters rush through. “The door is cracked! … We’re in, we’re in! Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!”
On Saturday he issued a statement saying he regretted taking part.
Brad Rukstales, a Republican political donor and CEO of Cogensia, a Chicago-based data analytics firm, was arrested with a group of a half-dozen Trump supporters who clashed with officers Wednesday inside the Capitol. Campaign finance reports show Rukstales contributed more than $25,000 to Trump’s campaign and other GOP committees during to 2020 election cycle.
He told a local CBS news channel last week that he had entered the Capitol and apologized. He was fired Friday and did not respond to calls and emails seeking comment.
Derrick Evans, a Republican recently sworn in as a delegate to the West Virginia House, resigned Saturday following his arrest on two charges related to the Capitol riot. He had streamed video of himself charging into the building with the mob.
“They’re making an announcement now saying if Pence betrays us you better get your mind right because we’re storming the building,” Evans, 35, says in the video, as the door to the Capitol building is smashed and rioters rush through. “The door is cracked! … We’re in, we’re in! Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!”
On Saturday he issued a statement saying he regretted taking part.
A hero.

Says he brought shame on himself and he nation.

Sorry dickhead. You get no foregiveness.
I forgive him.

He still has to go to trial, though.
Never bow the knee to marxists. Hold your head high.
There are no marxists in this scenario.
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
We should be asking what they are willing to do about all those legislators that certified a bogus election.
Grow a brain, dope. Fairest election in memory. You lost, loser.
Feed your lies and bullshit to someone else. Its already proven to be bogus. Thank God not everyone would try to vote for or install a communist Vatican lackey. Italy done spilled the beans on the evilest popeness in modern history.

Our president isn't going nowhere and neither is those who support his efforts to keep the evil ones from fully taking over.
Libs don't give forgiveness, its pointless to admit you are wrong to a lib.
Asking for forgiveness after you get caught?

That don't cut it. Admit you were wrong and ask forgiveness BEFORE you get caught and you have a case
You still supporting the murder of unarmed protesters, Nazi?
you are not fit to clean that lady's shoes you coward.
Corporate shill.

I'm sure no one in this room knows why she got shot in the first place.
The killer looked her in the eye, and shot.
She was there with a special ops team on the authority of carrying out a FISA court laptop seizure order. Those FISA's work both way in case you Obamaites didn't understand that.

1-5-2021 FISA authorized Laptop removal team.PNG
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Have you not wondered why the gun who tossed the cop over the ledge and the his buddy who through the extinquisher aren't on the FBI's top wanted list?

Keep posting as you have been and you just might attract the attention of the FBI. ;)
That's fine--I have no trouble telling them to F off and that I have no other comments to give them that they can attempt to spin.

Yeah, you do that if you get a knock on the door at 2 AM with a search warrant and see how it works out. :)
They better have a search warrant and not have lied in court to get it----

You can work out that argument with your attorney whist tiptoeing to the shower with your bar of Donnie soap.
Better put a rope on it! :D.

The killer looked her in the eye, and shot.
She was there with a special ops team on the authority of carrying out a FISA court laptop seizure order. Those FISA's work both way in case you Obamaites didn't understand that.

View attachment 441135
That guy has been identified. He's a BARTENDER from Tennesee..and a QAnon freak like yourself. He's currently in jail
install a communist Vatican lackey.
Oh my God. THIS is the crazy we're dealing with here folks
I'm sure no one in this room knows why she got shot in the first place.
She got shot because she violently breached a barricade protecting most of the members of our government including the Vice President

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