Rioters are Organized and Financed by Who?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Who is financing these people? Who is organizing these brutes beyond their skill level?

The Chicoms? Biden is bossom buddies with them and his staff has funds to bail them all out, so who is giving them the money?

Sorea$$? He has his fingers in multiple violent movements and has enough connections to get away with it all.

According to multiple U.S. intelligence sources, law-enforcement officials in various departments nationwide and analysts monitoring the activity, the playbook in every city is almost the same: the peaceful protests are organized, and a point place is designated for people to gather in the daylight hours.
But, as the night falls and thousands go home, the looting and discord are ignited by a fresh round of people camouflaged with dark clothing and masks, armed with spray paint for graffiti and sometimes homemade weapons, and their nefarious behavior continues well into the early hours....
"The most important thing to realize is the difference between is between the protestors and the rioters. The protestors are mostly peaceful, and the rioters who come next are Antifa going into areas with Black Lives Matter [BLM] signs," said Lorenzo Boyd, an assistant professor for diversity and inclusion and director for the Center for Advanced Policing at the University of New Haven. "It is a mob mentality, really."
Who is financing these people? Who is organizing these brutes beyond their skill level?

The Chicoms? Biden is bossom buddies with them and his staff has funds to bail them all out, so who is giving them the money?

Sorea$$? He has his fingers in multiple violent movements and has enough connections to get away with it all.

According to multiple U.S. intelligence sources, law-enforcement officials in various departments nationwide and analysts monitoring the activity, the playbook in every city is almost the same: the peaceful protests are organized, and a point place is designated for people to gather in the daylight hours.
But, as the night falls and thousands go home, the looting and discord are ignited by a fresh round of people camouflaged with dark clothing and masks, armed with spray paint for graffiti and sometimes homemade weapons, and their nefarious behavior continues well into the early hours....
"The most important thing to realize is the difference between is between the protestors and the rioters. The protestors are mostly peaceful, and the rioters who come next are Antifa going into areas with Black Lives Matter [BLM] signs," said Lorenzo Boyd, an assistant professor for diversity and inclusion and director for the Center for Advanced Policing at the University of New Haven. "It is a mob mentality, really."

This is the person. Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

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I could be wrong, but I believe that people just up and do whatever they are in the mood to do. I guess that financial backing isn't needed for everything that can be done.

God bless you always!!!

I could be wrong, but I believe that people just up and do whatever they are in the mood to do. I guess that financial backing isn't needed for everything that can be done.

God bless you always!!!


Someone is paying for the busses
Someone is paying for the bricks
Someone is paying for the staging of material and supplies.
Someone is feeding these people.

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