Rioters (insurrectionists) broke in the US capital at least by 8 separate points!

The evidence that these rioters did not break into the Capital is gaining traction. The charges that are being levied against most of them are amounting to minor misdemeanors and not a single insurrection charge has been made.

The public is beginning to notice that even through the media blackout and spin.

So, like a dutiful puppet, the NY Times is going to spin the fact that the cops let the rioters into the Capital by twisting it to say, "Well, they broke in by various other routes so that doesn't matter".

This is how they control information.
The Gestapo is beating confessions out of the political prisoners. They have some of them confessing to ANYTHING just to get out of solitary. The KGB-Gestapo is shitting all over the truth by abusing political prisoners and completely denying due process.
??? Da fuq you talking about holms?
This nation MUST have a full investigation by a committee with FULL SUBPOENA POWER and witnesses under oath. The republicans' adamant opposition to having one calls into question their patriotism, personal integrity, and fitness for office.

I've wondered for a while now, among other things, who actually attended the rally on the Elipse, having not seen footage of the crowd, just the speakers. Were people seen wearing gang uniforms and combat gear at the Capitol actually at the rally and then walked the less than two miles to the Capitol or did they assemble at another location, which would indicate that they did not travel to DC to attend the rally?

Now I learn this morning that one member of the Oath Keepers gang traveled from Alabama to DC before Jan. 6, bringing a shotgun and handgun with him, gave them to someone in my neighborhood in Virginia, which pisses me off totally, and on Jan. 6 was one of a group that took golf carts to the Capitol.

I want to know how anyone gets to drive a golf cart through the streets of DC., much less up to Capitol Hill.

There is so much evidence that this was a planned insurrection, not a spontaneous display of emotion.

trump, WH aides, Pentagon brass, even members of Congress MUST testify under oath. If they are "patriots," they should have no problem doing this.

P.S.: I also want to hear a lot more about this "declaration of martial law."


The Gestapo is beating confessions out of the political prisoners. They have some of them confessing to ANYTHING just to get out of solitary. The KGB-Gestapo is shitting all over the truth by abusing political prisoners and completely denying due process.
??? Da fuq you talking about holms?

6 months in solitary with no visitors, no charges, no adjudication of supposed crimes. The political prisoners who have been taken by Wray's Gestapo live in hell, with no hope as they rot in uncertainty for trespassing.

After 6 months in a dark hole with no human contact, the hostages are starting to break and give the Nazis the confessions they seek.

You'll never get to actual events because the Nazi goons are coercing false confessions.
Rioters broke into the Capitol in at least eight different places during the January 6 riot, an investigation by The New York Times found.
show how it was planned.
Sounds as if they had inside help. Capitol Police? FBI? Nancy?
The Gestapo is beating confessions out of the political prisoners. They have some of them confessing to ANYTHING just to get out of solitary. The KGB-Gestapo is shitting all over the truth by abusing political prisoners and completely denying due process.
??? Da fuq you talking about holms?

6 months in solitary with no visitors, no charges, no adjudication of supposed crimes. The political prisoners who have been taken by Wray's Gestapo live in hell, with no hope as they rot in uncertainty for trespassing.

After 6 months in a dark hole with no human contact, the hostages are starting to break and give the Nazis the confessions they seek.

You'll never get to actual events because the Nazi goons are coercing false confessions.
Well, that may or may not be the case. Depends upon who is in solitary. But I haven't heard of any beatings and you said beating confessions out of political prisoners.

Are the FBI beating 1/6 rioters?
Well, that may or may not be the case. Depends upon who is in solitary. But I haven't heard of any beatings and you said beating confessions out of political prisoners.

Are the FBI beating 1/6 rioters?

The beatings are metaphorical. A common trope of "beating a confession out."

The torture Wray and his goons are using is keeping the political prisoners in solitary and denying them any sort of human contact. The goal is to drive them insane until the confess to what the Nazis tell to confess to,

It's working.
Rioters broke into the Capitol in at least eight different places during the January 6 riot, an investigation by The New York Times found.
show how it was planned.
Cool. We should have hundreds charged with insurrection soon, right?
How do you explain all of the doors being opened by capitol police and guards, while they stood there and watched people file in without any attempt whatsoever to stop them?
The evidence that these rioters did not break into the Capital is gaining traction.
I, too, wondered what the significance of "MULTIPLE" entry points is. It is so stated---
but WHY?
If the police ....... barely challenged the crowd then these people can hardly be considered insurrectionists,
videos show Caitol Police moving barricades, opening g and holding doors open for people to come in,

Ah, posters. I feel your pain.
However, in a spirit of magnanimity I would suggest you actually open and read the link that the poster 'Penelope' helpfully provided you in post #1.

In it you will see in the long video answers to so many of the questions that vex you.

Alternatively, you could peruse that new thread covering the January 6th 'events'.
In it there is a 40-minute video compilation of the 'activities' at the Capitol.
It is really quite good with schematics, maps, and indicator colors.
Quite understandable .... even for folks who don't WANT to understand.

BTW, a hat-tip to poster Penelope. She was alert and responsible in offering up such reportage to the forum early this morning.

We would all profit if more posters would offer serious reportage from credible serious sources. They inform us all. 'They' being the alert responsible posters.....and the serious credible news sources.

Hooray for us.

Is that anything like Hannity campaigning on stage with tRump? Do you mean like that?

You're dumb as a dog turd, that's your thing. But even for a drooling retard like you, that post made NO fucking sense.

ROTFLMFAO, says an assclown that believes in "stolen election", Pizzagate, Jewish space lasers, etc!
saysthe assclown that believes jo biden got more votes than Obama did the man who couldn't get enough people to a rally to fill a 100 x 100 sq. ft room
How do you explain all of the doors being opened by capitol police and guards, while they stood there and watched people file in without any attempt whatsoever to stop them?
The evidence that these rioters did not break into the Capital is gaining traction.
I, too, wondered what the significance of "MULTIPLE" entry points is. It is so stated---
but WHY?
If the police ....... barely challenged the crowd then these people can hardly be considered insurrectionists,
videos show Caitol Police moving barricades, opening g and holding doors open for people to come in,

Ah, posters. I feel your pain.
However, in a spirit of magnanimity I would suggest you actually open and read the link that the poster 'Penelope' helpfully provided you in post #1.

In it you will see in the long video answers to so many of the questions that vex you.

Alternatively, you could peruse that new thread covering the January 6th 'events'.
In it there is a 40-minute video compilation of the 'activities' at the Capitol.
It is really quite good with schematics, maps, and indicator colors.
Quite understandable .... even for folks who don't WANT to understand.

BTW, a hat-tip to poster Penelope. She was alert and responsible in offering up such reportage to the forum early this morning.

We would all profit if more posters would offer serious reportage from credible serious sources. They inform us all. 'They' being the alert responsible posters.....and the serious credible news sources.

Hooray for us.
fake news is always good for a laugh

Is that anything like Hannity campaigning on stage with tRump? Do you mean like that?

You're dumb as a dog turd, that's your thing. But even for a drooling retard like you, that post made NO fucking sense.

ROTFLMFAO, says an assclown that believes in "stolen election", Pizzagate, Jewish space lasers, etc!
saysthe assclown that believes jo biden got more votes than Obama did the man who couldn't get enough people to a rally to fill a 100 x 100 sq. ft room

Not only more than the Great Obama, but 7,000,000 more than the Fat Orange Idiot!!
Actually, where that happened I do think so.

You however have no problem with the 1/6 riot

So you're lying about the year of insurrection by your Brown Shirts?


One thing we didn't see at the Reichstag Fire - any actual fires.

That's because 1/6 was a legitimate protest by Americans petitioning their government for redress of grievance - unlike the insurrection you openly support, Kristalnacht.

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