Rioting and Looting

The real "resistance" hasn't even begun.

Democrats riot, they look for a target to loot.

Republicans riot, they look for targets. They could care less about a new flat screen.
They weren't rioting over politics, they were rioting over flat-screen TVs.

at this point, we understand that you have no interest in facts on the ground.

“I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled,” U.S Marine General James Mattis writes. “The words ‘Equal Justice Under Law’ are carved in the pediment of the United States Supreme Court. This is precisely what protesters are rightly demanding. It is a wholesome and unifying demand—one that all of us should be able to get behind. We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers. The protests are defined by tens of thousands of people of conscience who are insisting that we live up to our values—our values as people and our values as a nation.” He goes on, “We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution.”

James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution
Wtf does that even have to do with what I said? :dunno:
If white supremacist's Trump supporters were the ones doing all the rioting and looting in the last few weeks/months, why aren't they doing this today, after a possibly fraudulent Biden "win"? Weird huh?

Democrats can't be that stupid? Or can they?

team trump militias are all in their bunkers waiting for their unhinged orange commander to release the recent "stand by" order (?)

civil war is what THEY (YOU?) seek after all, so it figures ^

hmmm maybe cuz TODAY is 'post on social media day' where treason trollz ask silly questions like this OP :lol: :eusa_think:

" A far-right extremist movement born on social media and fueled by anti-government rhetoric has emerged as a real-world threat in recent weeks, with federal authorities accusing some of its adherents of working to spark violence at largely peaceful protests roiling the nation. "
The real "resistance" hasn't even begun.

Democrats riot, they look for a target to loot.

Republicans riot, they look for targets. They could care less about a new flat screen.

Democrats are self-serving, immoral people and the looters are really no different than the Biden's of the world. A looter takes advantage of a situation where law enforcement is not around to get a new TV. Biden sells out to any foreign adversary for big bucks. Morality, the country, none of that matters to them. This becomes more and more prevalent the more secular we become, which is exactly what the Democrats want.
The real "resistance" hasn't even begun.

Democrats riot, they look for a target to loot.

Republicans riot, they look for targets. They could care less about a new flat screen.
Republicans all had their mothers ground them.
If white supremacist's Trump supporters were the ones doing all the rioting and looting in the last few weeks/months, why aren't they doing this today, after a possibly fraudulent Biden "win"? Weird huh?

Democrats can't be that stupid? Or can they?

team trump militias are all in their bunkers waiting for their unhinged orange commander to release the recent "stand by" order (?)

civil war is what THEY (YOU?) seek after all, so it figures ^

hmmm maybe cuz TODAY is 'post on social media day' where treason trollz ask silly questions like this OP :lol: :eusa_thnk:

" A far-right extremist movement born on social media and fueled by anti-government rhetoric has emerged as a real-world threat in recent weeks, with federal authorities accusing some of its adherents of working to spark violence at largely peaceful protests roiling the nation. "
When the right wing "riots", you will know it. It will look nothing like the left wing riots. They have no interest in stealing a flat screen and the only buildings they will light on fire are the ones full of enemies of our nation, not cops.
If white supremacist's Trump supporters were the ones doing all the rioting and looting in the last few weeks/months, why aren't they doing this today, after a possibly fraudulent Biden "win"? Weird huh?

Democrats can't be that stupid? Or can they?

team trump militias are all in their bunkers waiting for their unhinged orange commander to release the recent "stand by" order (?)

civil war is what THEY (YOU?) seek after all, so it figures ^

hmmm maybe cuz TODAY is 'post on social media day' where treason trollz ask silly questions like this OP :lol: :eusa_think:

" A far-right extremist movement born on social media and fueled by anti-government rhetoric has emerged as a real-world threat in recent weeks, with federal authorities accusing some of its adherents of working to spark violence at largely peaceful protests roiling the nation. "

Trump supporters are mad because the election certainly appears to be rigged. They still aren't rioting, looting and burning. Democrats riot, loot and burn simply when they don't get their way.

If Biden had lost, without even an inkling of fraud present, the Democrats would still be looting, rioting and burning. See the difference?
Oh shit, some guys held some tiki torches! I wish thats what BLM and the rest of our rioting democrats were doing. How nice would that be? No violence, no destruction, no murder. Why cant democrats be more like the people in that picture? Our country sure would appreciate it.
DHS OFFICIAL: Trump's rhetoric ignored the far greater threat posed by groups such as white supremacists. "It is completely a sideshow to distract from the real threat and it's extremely dangerous,"

"There are multiple arrests that the FBI has conducted in the last few months at these peaceful protests where you have right-wing extremists coming in trying to take advantage of the cover of the protests to carry out these violent acts and they are trying to start a race war.
overly emotional rethuglicans never let facts get in the way of their tantrums...........

DHS OFFICIAL Neumann, who also worked in the George W. Bush administration, said she had been alarmed at Trump's reaction to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville in 2017 in which one person was killed and 35 injured, after which he said there were "very fine people" on both sides of the protests.

She went on to say that more Americans have been killed by white supremacists in the last five years than all other threats combined, and so the biggest threat is "right-wing extremism. It is not antifa."

Trump is allowing right-wing extremists to "start a race war," former DHS official says

People weren't rioting because they didn't like the results of an election. They were rioting because they got sick and tired of THUG ASS COPS murdering them. True, anxiety over TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION made things worse, of course.

They were rioting because Democrat Mayors and Governors welcome it, and they know it.

A lifelong criminal drug user died at the hands of a police officer in a Democrat city. The officer was immediately arrested and charged with murder before an investigation could even get started to placate the animals in hope of avoiding protests or riots. It didn't work. Democrats started destroying their Democrat cities and the Democrat Mayors didn't lift a finger to stop it. Some of the civil unrest lasted for months. Your leader, Mayor Lighthead made sure they didn't go near her house. She could care less if they burned down the city, but don't you go near her home. She had police block off her street.

Bottom line, there was no reason in the world to riot. What did they want the authorities to do, kill the officer on sight? Lowlifes look for reasons to cause a problem. They only need a weak excuse.
Rioting has become a job for many Democrats. BLM and antifa use rioting as an excuse to loot. So I'm pretty sure these assholes will continue to look for things to be apalled about to justify looting.
If white supremacist's Trump supporters were the ones doing all the rioting and looting in the last few weeks/months, why aren't they doing this today, after a possibly fraudulent Biden "win"? Weird huh?

Democrats can't be that stupid? Or can they?
Common sense, logic, civility and other principles of reasoning, are indeed powerful tools.
Glad to hear someone put this in perspective.
I can't understand why republicans are disgruntled. They've had their guys Bush and Trump in the white house for twelve of the last twenty years of this century. Both know nothings and draft dodgers to boot. Never even heard from Bush after he left with the country in shambles which Obama had to fix. Who knows what kind of damage this Trump cockroach will do in anger before he leaves.
Plenty would want me you moron. I am successful and intelligent and have a skillset that is needed around the world.

Sure you are, Cleetus. I heard you got promoted to Head Possum Catcher last month.

We are smarter and more successful than you. We don't vote for people that want to take our successes away from us.

No, that just tells me you lack compassion. I remember seeing some poor person in a trailer park on TV, keeping his rotten teeth together with tape, but he didn't want him no socialized medicine if it meant someone less deserving got it.

This wealth inequality nonsense is just that...nonsense. This is the land of opportunity but you MUST work for it. It can't be given to you. The Democrats plan is to distribute the wealth, but not on a merit basis. That is a loser mentality that will cripple the entire country other than the ultra-wealthy class. They count on sympathizers and guilt ridden folks like you to push this nonsensical agenda.

Actually, the Ultra-Wealthy is the problem. Their greed can never be satisfied....

The problem with you guys is you think that THIS is a person with "Merit".


While this is a person who doesn't have any because she is doing a job a poor person does.


Our ideas of "Merit" are fucked up.
Democrats are self-serving, immoral people and the looters are really no different than the Biden's of the world. A looter takes advantage of a situation where law enforcement is not around to get a new TV. Biden sells out to any foreign adversary for big bucks. Morality, the country, none of that matters to them. This becomes more and more prevalent the more secular we become, which is exactly what the Democrats want.

again, you seem to forget your Orange Fuhrer's own business practices of charging the government for the use of his hotels, cheating his subcontractors, cheating on his wife with porn stars... But Trump is Right With Jesus, Right Stormy?


(Only SFW Picture I could find)

Frankly, I find it a hoot you are talking about morality.... What you practice is greed, and Jesus generally said that was a bad thing.


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