Riots and looting in Mexico over gas prices

Maybe Mexico should start producing their own products.

Nothing is stopping them from creating home grown companies that produce durables for the international market.

Nothing brings in money like illegal drugs and that seems to be their main export. They have done nothing for their poor. The government is corrupt and they use poor people and criminals to bring more money to them. And we help them by having open borders to make it easier for cartels to go back and forth, and for the poor to come in and take jobs so they can send money back. Our government looks the other way when illegals use citizens' social security numbers or identities as they claim a dozen kids on tax returns so they can get back a big check (on average, $10,000). All that money goes to help Mexico's economy and the families there save enough of it that the illegal alien can eventually come home and retire, thanks to Americans. They flock to sanctuary cities where they can take advantage of us without fear of being deported.

Very solid analysis.

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