Riots break out in Oakland

Fox is saying thousands are gathered in Time Square. Let's see some camera stores, two Starbuck's, Barnes and Nobel. What do you think burns tonight?



More than 100 demonstrators gathered in Union Square this afternoon in response to the acquittal in the Trayvon Martin shooting case, and to demand that the U.S. Department Of Justice investigate the Florida killing.
Local Activists Demand Federal Investigation Of Trayvon Martin Shooting - NY1

Union Square has demonstrations every weekend and is nowhere near Times Square.
Protesters in Oakland burn flag, smash windows over Zimmerman verdict - Spokane Conservative | someone explain this to me...they were waving signs that said fuck the police etc...what exactly do the pigs in Oakland have to do with the trial in Florida? :confused:

Shouldn't that be worded the other way around? What does florida have to do with fk cops in oakland?

Where have you been hiding [MENTION=24733]shintao[/MENTION] seems like I haven't seen you post in a year?
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Fox is saying thousands are gathered in Time Square. Let's see some camera stores, two Starbuck's, Barnes and Nobel. What do you think burns tonight?



More than 100 demonstrators gathered in Union Square this afternoon in response to the acquittal in the Trayvon Martin shooting case, and to demand that the U.S. Department Of Justice investigate the Florida killing.
Local Activists Demand Federal Investigation Of Trayvon Martin Shooting - NY1

Union Square has demonstrations every weekend and is nowhere near Times Square.

Yes FOX and ABC. Your false outrage at links from FOX noted.
I want peace. Why can't these people understand that this was a fair trial???

Maybe they thought it was fair, but are just pissed off the kid didn't prevail? Maybe they have other local thinking going on, and chose this hot weather to express it. We will never know why all people protest, some just like breaking things.:eusa_angel:
Protesters in Oakland burn flag, smash windows over Zimmerman verdict - Spokane Conservative | someone explain this to me...they were waving signs that said fuck the police etc...what exactly do the pigs in Oakland have to do with the trial in Florida? :confused:

Shouldn't that be worded the other way around? What does florida have to do with fk cops in oakland?

Where have you been hiding [MENTION=24733]shintao[/MENTION] seems like I haven't seen you post in a year?

I get around, guess it was last November. One lib site run me off for defending the 2nd Amendment. lol! :eusa_angel:
Hey, Shitnow....How come you abandoned your own thread, where you're getting the shit kicked out of you?

The more whites on welfare thread? That's a hoot. Of course, shitnow thinks if he has 4 pennies in his pocket, he has more money that a guy with 2 quarters.
"I got 4 monies, daddy!"
Even if true, isn't this normal behavior anyway in many of these neighborhoods, only now they have something they can say excuses this behavior?
More insanity from The Land of Fruits and Nuts...

Wake me up when the cops begin shooting rioters...
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It might not be that long. There is a pretty big crowd gathering in LA. The police just called a tactical alert.
Nope. The crowd closed the 10 freeway. I saw one guy try to hit a cop with a bicycle and got clobbered with batons. They have a big crowd in Hollywood.

They want revenge for Trayvon. Revenge is apparently attacking tourists in California over a verdict in Florida.

The news just said that the core group has been going from place to place in the city trying to agitate. I suspect the core group are paid government mercenaries.
Nope. The crowd closed the 10 freeway. I saw one guy try to hit a cop with a bicycle and got clobbered with batons. They have a big crowd in Hollywood.

They want revenge for Trayvon. Revenge is apparently attacking tourists in California over a verdict in Florida.

The news just said that the core group has been going from place to place in the city trying to agitate. I suspect the core group are paid government mercenaries.

Hurting people because they're really racist and can't accept that Zimmerman acted in self defense. Fuck these assholes.
What's puzzling is that two carloads of black guys just had a running gun battle down the freeway in Arleta. One guy was killed. His body was just shoved out of the car and off they went, still shooting.

No one protests that.
What's puzzling is that two carloads of black guys just had a running gun battle down the freeway in Arleta. One guy was killed. His body was just shoved out of the car and off they went, still shooting.

No one protests that.

This happens nearly ever day in Chicago or throughout the black community. This is what they should be protesting.:eusa_hand:

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