Riots break out in Oakland

Don't say that there are no riots it will piss off the liberal left.

After all they were all cock sure that the black community would rise up in riot. The liberal left sure likes to sell blacks short. Hell they primed the flames as much as they could. Calling Zimmerman a white Hispanic took some creative, if not devious, thinking.
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Protesters in Oakland burn flag, smash windows over Zimmerman verdict - Spokane Conservative | someone explain this to me...they were waving signs that said fuck the police etc...what exactly do the pigs in Oakland have to do with the trial in Florida? :confused:

Do you have a credible link?

There are many posted in other threads.
Do you have a functioning brain cell?

"other threads"? :eusa_eh: So OP doesn't have to have a credible link or characterize it properly if they're a rw'er? :eusa_eh: Double standard much?

BTW- I live here & that paper is handed out free at the metro to any Republican voter who'll take it. THATS how good it is :thup:
Don't say that there are no riots it will piss off the liberal left.

After all they were all cock sure that the black community would rise up in riot. The liberal left sure likes to sell blacks short. Hell they primed the flames as much as they could. Calling Zimmerman a white Hispanic took some creative, if not devious, thinking.

Have you had a stroke or something? It's been the CONS predicting riots. :lmao:
can you imagine if there was a Best Buy in downtown Oakland? "Yo Brotha's, Zimmerman Cracker head "Aint Not Guilty! lets go get our free flatscream TV's, who iz wit me !!!!

are all of the 576 rioters all causing havock with a bag/box of skillets in their hoody pockets?

oops,,,,SKITTLES !

Anyone claim the above troll/assclown?

Best not to feed the trolls or get them wet. :cool:
Don't say that there are no riots it will piss off the liberal left.

After all they were all cock sure that the black community would rise up in riot. The liberal left sure likes to sell blacks short. Hell they primed the flames as much as they could. Calling Zimmerman a white Hispanic took some creative, if not devious, thinking.

Have you had a stroke or something? It's been the CONS predicting riots. :lmao:

Twitter Predicts Riots If Zimmerman/Martin Case Goes Wrong Way | The Graph

Don't you love busting ZOMBIE liars and propagandists? LOL
Fox is saying thousands are gathered in Time Square. Let's see some camera stores, two Starbuck's, Barnes and Nobel. What do you think burns tonight?
Let's see what we have here.
1. They ask for a trial
2. The media goes crazy
3. They get their trial
4. They slowly look over the evidence
5. A jury says NOT GUILITY on all count.

What the fuck is justice to these people? What do they want.

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