RIP Liberalism

"Liberal" has nothing to do with "big". For that matter ---- none of them do. That's not even related.
"Left" and "right" prolly pull that way but it's not a part of Liberalism.

Tell that to them, they hijacked it.

Nope. The McCarthyites and Red Scare freaks did that. Back in the '40s.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. << --- Redefining the Political Spectrum

Hell, I'm old enough to remember them doing that.

I remember George H.W. Bush doing it too in the '88 election.

It's a good essay and demonstrates how Liberalism is opposed by both the left and the right.

Again -- pure dishonesty.

I'm not talking about that type.
I'm talking about the Radicals that took over in the 70's.
Like Pelosi, Boxer, Warren, Sanders,Obama.
The whole book is about getting rid of our current form of government.
Obama did a good job of it and Hillarys election would have cemented it with her Supreme Court nominations.

:dunno: Take your word for it. Again I don't know the book. Nor did I ever get an answer on who "you people" was, but that wasn't your term.

I don't think Warren, Sanders or O'bama took anything over in the '70s though.

Bernie Sanders was one of the original Radicals.

You mean marching/protesting for civil rights?
I don't think he was in politics until 1980. Somewhere around there.

The rest are the continuation of it.
Especially Obama the community organizer.

-- in the '70s? O'bama would have turned ten years old in 1971.
One has to learn new definitions as political debates shift meaning depending on the writer. Historically, Liberalism is associated with values which are missing in conservatism. Liberals are the first rebels against absolute monarchy and dictatorship, espousing instead economic and social freedom and equality. Liberalism is a broad coalition of interests nowadays. Inspired by the American Founding Fathers' endorsement of liberty and equality of the individual, the French were to add fraternity, in that there is a unity and a mutual trust among those who would defend liberalism.

Sadly, the Americans now as well as some Europeans are shifting to the right again. The election of Trump represents, as the opening post says, a rejection of liberal values such as freedom of speech (how often accused those who oppose him of lying --- firstly Ted Cruz and then Hillary Clinton and opponents at his rallies should be punched in the face), freedom of the press (again, as part of his party piece, he would point at the press who gave him so much free coverage and would call them the worst people and liars too), freedom of religion (his badmouthing of Muslims will never be forgotten), free markets (Trump attacked international trade treaties and seems to want the United States to become protectionist through a series of crippling taxes on business that trade overseas, civil rights (Trump began back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy. He actually was sued twice by the Justice Department. So he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior; he was more recently to claim that the first black president was not an American citizen, Trump praised the Israelis for how they profile Palestinians:
CBS "Face the Nation" interviews, thoughout 2016
an American-born judge, Trump believed should be disqualified from hearing a case because he was Mexican, etc.), Other liberal values are democracy (Trump got elected although he claimed the election was rigged), secular governments, gender equality, and international cooperation (Trump is alarming Europeans by calling into doubt America's loyalty to NATO).

Now it is time for liberals to be worried and for their democratic societies to push back against demagogues like Trump and his European counterparts. Let's see if the Republican Congress will continue to stifle the Executive. Such opposition is needed.

Astute points here.
Actually I'm not that worried about Rump's Neanderthal trajectory, because he's stupid. He's just a poser, he's not going to be actually effective at anything. He's in way over his head now, and he knows it.
The election of Trump wasn't accomplished by conservatives. It was done by disenchanted liberals and non partisan working class stiffs who wanted changes the establishment candidates of either party just wouldn't give them. Liberalism isn't dead. Hillary's popular vote tally proved that. Trump has in fact done more damage to the conservatives than he has the liberals.Trump's First Lady destroyed any semblance of conservative aspirations Trump and his followers might have. They don't give a shit about conservatism OR liberalism.

Meh... for as stupid as you are, and even though you're parroting some ludicrously irrelevant talking points you do have a point that conservatives didn't rally behind Trump.

Yet you'll blame them for Trump being the illustration of everything you're programmed to hate.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.


You must be new at this.

As long as we have our Constitution ---- which, granted, may not be that long --- we have Liberalism. That's what it's made of. Writ by Liberals.

Not liberal by classic definition, as the FF's were.

What you people are is far removed from that.

"you people" :lmao: This gets better and better.

There ain't no "classic definition", Sparkles. Just one. A term cannot mean its own opposite.
If you don't know how to use it, that's on you.
Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government.

Which is not what it is today. Now it's SJWs in their parents bedrooms wanting to control the world, while not being to able to fend for themselves. For such people, they sure have a lot of critique of others.

These people are gone within 24 hrs if they don't have access to their own safe space.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.


You must be new at this.

As long as we have our Constitution ---- which, granted, may not be that long --- we have Liberalism. That's what it's made of. Writ by Liberals.

Might want to rush out and buy a PoliSci textbook before you dig deeper.

Civilization, rational thought and the constitution are all liberal ideas. ;) What you conservatives want is for a few percent at the top to rule with a iron fist within the corporate world but we will fight you bastards. May you eat shit.
You just described Hillary and that's what you voted for.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.

is that your takeaway when she got more votes than he did.

quiet, loon.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.

is that your takeaway when she got more votes than he did.

quiet, loon.

Voter fraud says differently, sweetcheeks. (snicker)
Anyway the OP --- who evidently ran away to find that PoliSci book as advised --- doesn't seem to distinguish between "Liberal", "leftist" and "Democrat". I bet he thinks they're three terms for the same thing. :lmao:

The modern liberal is all about expanding government to cure all of our ills. Currently, the government passes about 40,000 new regulations and laws a year, and as laws and regulations increase, freedom wanes.

They do this under the guise of trying to achieve "equality", whatever that means. It is an unachievable never ending goal that means never ending legislation and laws and waning freedom.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.



Believe that libturtds are going away...

They lost their hub in Moscow yet didn't fade away. Now regressive sociopaths have fully infiltrated the DNC and a portion of the RNC. Their regressive agenda will NEVER GO AWAY, until the last libturd parasite bleeds to death after a botched illegal abortion.

That day will not come soon unless we aggressively pursue the absolute defeat of their agenda and ensure future bed wetters who cobble together some utopian bullshit are marginalized.

Collectivists never go away, at least historically speaking.

Collectivism is all about money and power, the two things that are dear to man's darkened and twisted sin nature.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.


You must be new at this.

As long as we have our Constitution ---- which, granted, may not be that long --- we have Liberalism. That's what it's made of. Writ by Liberals.

Not liberal by classic definition, as the FF's were.

What you people are is far removed from that.

"you people" :lmao: This gets better and better.

There ain't no "classic definition", Sparkles. Just one. A term cannot mean its own opposite.
If you don't know how to use it, that's on you.
Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government.

Which is not what it is today. Now it's SJWs in their parents bedrooms wanting to control the world, while not being to able to fend for themselves. For such people, they sure have a lot of critique of others.

These people are gone within 24 hrs if they don't have access to their own safe space.

Once again clown shoes --- the fact that you don't have a clue how to use a term is not on the term. It's on you.

Which is ironic since you just posted about people not able to fend for themselves, yet you can't be bothered to lift a mental finger to educate your own hide about your own knowledge gaps.
There are a few core values to liberalism, and these core values are the basics of liberalism. What is often confused with the ideology is the means or practices to carry out these core values. For example, the size of government was a means to an end, and not part of liberalism. When monarchs ruled with their earls and dukes small government looked good to liberals, Today liberals can use a large government to carry their ideology: say the pursuit of happiness for all.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.

Liberalism wasn't rejected at all.

Trump won with the union vote of 3 states. That's Trump being liberal.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.


You must be new at this.

As long as we have our Constitution ---- which, granted, may not be that long --- we have Liberalism. That's what it's made of. Writ by Liberals.

Might want to rush out and buy a PoliSci textbook before you dig deeper.

lol this guy thinks a ton more government is the same as liberalism of the 1700s

Mod Edit -- fix blown quote. Moved the reply to where it belongs.
Last edited by a moderator:
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.

Liberalism wasn't rejected at all.

Trump won with the union vote of 3 states. That's Trump being liberal.
way to dodge how you control basically nothing because your ideas are the opposite of what made america great to begin with
"RIP Liberalism", "Trump has a mandate"....

Holy crap. What is it with partisan ideologues?

This is a divided nation, and the numbers are extremely close.

Does the GOP want to overreach here?
im not partisan i believe in freedom and modern liberalism is trending in the opposite direction
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.

:lmao:lol this guy thinks a ton more government is the same as liberalism of the 1700s

You must be new at this.

As long as we have our Constitution ---- which, granted, may not be that long --- we have Liberalism. That's what it's made of. Writ by Liberals.

Might want to rush out and buy a PoliSci textbook before you dig deeper.

You're being REPORTED, Asshole.

Don't you *EVER* change my post again as long as you live.

And as I said, break the fuck down and go buy a fucking history book, shit-for-brains.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.

Liberalism wasn't rejected at all.

Trump won with the union vote of 3 states. That's Trump being liberal.
way to dodge how you control basically nothing because your ideas are the opposite of what made america great to begin with

Liberalism has advanced steadily since the day this country was begun.

When has conservatism ever advanced? When did the last piece of major legislation in this country pass that moved the country back towards the right? You people lose on the issues again and again while you sit around claiming you're winning.
So glad LIberalism has been completely rejected. Liberals now only control 18 of 50 state Governorships. Zero control of any of the Federal government. Also almost completely devoid of control in state legislatures. Stick with the identity politics though guys, you're doing great. Oh and push farther left, definitely a great idea.

Liberalism wasn't rejected at all.

Trump won with the union vote of 3 states. That's Trump being liberal.
way to dodge how you control basically nothing because your ideas are the opposite of what made america great to begin with

Liberalism has advanced steadily since the day this country was begun.

When has conservatism ever advanced? When did the last piece of major legislation in this country pass that moved the country back towards the right? You people lose on the issues again and again while you sit around claiming you're winning.

Let's look at this advancement.

1. Over 40,000 new regulations and laws per year
2. Over $20 trillion in debt.
3. A nation that is deeply divided
4. A Congress with an approval rating around 10%.......for well over a decade
5. Endless flows of illegal immigrants who are treated better than our veterans.
6. Endless wars abroad, that is, they stopped declaring them as wars after WW2 and just use Executive edicts now..

Nice work! You should win a Nobel Peace Prize or something.

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