Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims

The U.S. will slowly follow Europe when it comes to muslims and sharia.

We have both time and high birth rates in our favor.

And politicians start to pander for the muslim vote. :eusa_angel:
The U.S. will slowly follow Europe when it comes to muslims and sharia.

We have both time and high birth rates in our favor.

And politicians start to pander for the muslim vote. :eusa_angel:

Sorry, but Europe is totally regretting letting in so many muslims. We are learning from their mistakes.
Anyways, what's so great about sharia: hand chopping, flogging, stoning rape victims, marrying off 9 year olds like Mo...
Why the hell would anyone want to live in that kind of a system? it's for animals.
There is much more to sharia law besides the examples you pointed out.

It is the perfect legal and moral system for all mankind.

Europe may have regrets but it's too late. :eusa_angel:
There is much more to sharia law besides the examples you pointed out.

It is the perfect legal and moral system for all mankind.

Europe may have regrets but it's too late. :eusa_angel:

Sorry Sunni, you're a retard if you think that hands should be chopped, rape victims stoned (which you apparently think is ok), infidels killed and all the other nasty garbage is moral and perfect. THAT'S why you'll never get your barbaric system in, your sense of morality and right and wrong is messed up.
And BIK is right, you couldn't handle sharia. :lmao:

And muslims still haven't gotten much in europe except welfare ghettos. Way to go! :clap2:
Muslims in Europe are in many cases at the lower end of the economic scale but that is starting to change.

They also have a high birth rate so the demographics will drastically change in the next few decades in their favor.
Sunni....Shariah is only good when people are ready for it and capable of having shariah.....that was at the beginning of Islam because the people believed really good and had morals........it's never gonna come back because the people aren't ready at all and you need a very strict population and it will only happen near the end of the world...shariah like at the beginning of Islam....Muslim countries have Islamic laws but no one is ready for shariah
Muslims in Europe are in many cases at the lower end of the economic scale but that is starting to change.

They also have a high birth rate so the demographics will drastically change in the next few decades in their favor.

Haha, I have seen islamists in europe protesting on the streets and asking for sharia in europe. So you are in a country fucked up by sharia in the middle east, somehow you make it to a civilized country in the west. And you want to bring your shitty sharia that already fucked up your country with you.

Just for an islamist...


There is an old american saying

I am an American citizen born and raised so I can't be kicked out of the country junior. :cool:
I am an American citizen born and raised so I can't be kicked out of the country junior. :cool:

Than, it was your family who barely made it into this country, civilized west, from their shitty shaira country. What difference does it make?
Also, I don't care if you want shaira or some other bullshit to rule in this country. You can talk about it as much as you want. You can talk, talk, talk, talk... Thats all you can do.

You think people with a little bit of logic will listen to you?

I would love to see an american womans face when you tell her; in sharia you are half a men and get half the men gets and also men can beat the shit out of you if they wanted to and that everything would be wonderful.

That would be a scene. I wish you try this, for example in Kansas.

Even muslims in this country will not listen to you. Most of the muslims are aware the fact that they could barely make it to this country, far away from sharia and its bullshit, comfy with western democracy and freedom. Every muslim back in their country are looking up to them, jealous of them, want to be in place of them. And they know if they wanted sharia, they could simply go back and enjoy every bit of it...
I am an American citizen born and raised so I can't be kicked out of the country junior. :cool:

Than, it was your family who barely made it into this country, civilized west, from their shitty shaira country.
I don't believe that Ireland was ever a sharia country?

Just saying............... :cool:

Well, obviously you have no idea what you are talking about then.

What is the next subject? You will teach us on how to be a good buddhist or something?
Thinking that these Sufi's and other ultra-right extremists attacking our embassies and consulates represent all Islam is like saying Pat Robertson represents all Christians.

I'm not Muslim. I'm worse than that.

Regards from Rosie
I could teach you how to be a good muslim if you want me to? :cool:

I believe you can. Asking for shaira is one of them for instance. If a muslim is not looking for sharia, is not living under sharia, thats a rotten muslim(according to islam).

And yet the funny part, most of the muslims are running away from sharia, cause they have tasted the sharia :lol:
Take any muslim from america, put them in an islamic country for a month, they will try to swim back to america... :D
Thinking that these Sufi's and other ultra-right extremists attacking our embassies and consulates represent all Islam is like saying Pat Robertson represents all Christians.

I'm not Muslim. I'm worse than that.

Regards from Rosie

And pretty ignorant as well........Sufis are Islamic mystics, like Rabi'a al-Basri who seems to have been a genuine saint.

You are referring to 'Salafists' who are some of the extremist fanatic thugs who attack everyone else. At least you were making a valid point, even if you're confused about some labels!
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Take any muslim from america, put them in an islamic country for a month, they will try to swim back to america... :D

I agree that life in America is preferable to any place else - but I don't presume to speak for everyone.

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