Rising Black Social Pathology


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2008
I suppose this could go in either Race Relations or Education.


Rising Black Social Pathology

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s big story Feb. 4 was about how a budget crunch at the Philadelphia School District had caused the district to lay off 91 school police officers. Over the years, there’s been no discussion of what has happened to our youth that makes a school police force necessary in the first place. The Inquirer’s series “Assault on Learning” (March 2011) reported that in the 2010 school year, “690 teachers were assaulted; in the last five years, 4,000 were.” The newspaper reported that in Philadelphia’s 268 schools, “on an average day 25 students, teachers, or other staff members were beaten, robbed, sexually assaulted, or victims of other violent crimes. That doesn't even include thousands more who are extorted, threatened, or bullied in a school year.”

I graduated from Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin High School in 1954. Franklin’s students were from the poorest North Philadelphia neighborhoods -- such as the Richard Allen housing project, where I lived -- but there were no policemen patrolling the hallways. There were occasional after-school fights -- rumbles, we called them -- but within the school, there was order. Students didn’t use foul language to teachers, much less assault them.

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at Creators Syndicate - The Best Content in The World.

I can't find a single thing in the above article that I disagree with.
Particularly, I support expulsion of disruptive students. A single disruptive student in a classroom adversely affects the education of every other student in that class. Allowing that disruption is gross negligence and a disservice the children that want to learn.

Edit to add link.

edited for copyright.
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This is something I've been saying for years. Naturally pointing out these verifiable truths is racisim, but I've said it nonetheless.

It's the entitlement, the excuses the justification that has created this social pathology among blacks.
Unfortunately, my OP violated the copyright rules and a mod had to take appropriate action and trim the article down. I want to re-post this portion, since it was the part I commented on.

At a bare minimum, part of the solution to school violence and poor academic performance should be the expulsion of students who engage in assaults and disrespectful behavior. You say, “What’s to be done for these students?” Even if we don’t know what to do with them, how compassionate and intelligent is it to permit them to make education impossible for other students?
Student X goes to school everyday, pays attention in class, studies hard and asks challenging questions of the teacher. He/she is actively engaged in learning.

Student Z goes to school everyday, disrupts the class, expresses violent and/or negative actions, doesn't participate. He/she is not interested in learning.

Student Y is your child.

Regardless of ethnicity, social-economic background and intelligence, which child (X or Z) do you want in the classroom with your child?

In my opinion, the best student in the classroom cannot propel all the other students towards success on his/her level, but the disruptive student can hold back the rest of the classroom. Acquiescing to student Z does nothing to help student X and Y, but rather, it hinders their progress.
The biggest problem in pubic schools is the inability to expel permanently the troublemaker kids.
Would be cool to set up a separate school for them.

A lot of communities do provide alternative public schools...not sure about their success rates for those students, but it's an improvement for the better behaved student population within the classroom.
The biggest problem in pubic schools is the inability to expel permanently the troublemaker kids.

T. J. Lane (the shooter at Chardon High School) was previously charged with choking and punching another person and plead guilty to misdemeanor assault. He was allowed back in school and now kids are dead. Correlation doesn't prove causation, but sometimes you have to connect the dots and take action to prevent worse things from happening.
Stop justifying their behavior. Stop making excuses.

Bringing back a few workhouses wouldn't hurt either. Give them something to do rather than be assholes.
Would be cool to set up a separate school for them.

T. J. lane was in an alternative school.
That didn't work out so well for the dead kids, Demetrius Hewlin, 16, Russell King Jr., 17, and Daniel Parmertor, 16.
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