Rittenhouse ordered to stand trial

NOt really. He was ru

Nope. And you must realize that you were unable to refute anything I said. Here it is again so it doesn't get buried under your diversion.

There was nothing immature about his actions. And his training seemed quite good.

No, societies die when their young men WON'T fight to protect them, and just sit back as the barbarians rampage and burn.

Yes, it would be nice if our actual police were doing their jobs. Unfortunately, our political class won't let them.

And the voters seem to be ok with that.

Actually, Rittenhouse is just about the only part of our society that was working, and now that we are punishing him for it,

Yep. we really are doomed. I mean that completely seriously. Barring rapid and drastic course corrections.

Teen-aged brains are not fully developed and they are often impulsive... They don't think things thru.. This kid was stupid and now he's killed two people.

His parents should have stopped him. Buying a gun and crossing state lines for vigilante policing is like that moron George Zimmerman.
Teen-aged brains are not fully developed and they are often impulsive... They don't think things thru.. This kid was stupid and now he's killed two people.

His parents should have stopped him. Buying a gun and crossing state lines for vigilante policing is like that moron George Zimmerman.

Teen-aged brains are not fully developed and they are often impulsive... They don't think things thru.. This kid was stupid and now he's killed two people.

His parents should have stopped him. Buying a gun and crossing state lines for vigilante policing is like that moron George Zimmerman.

Yes, you already made those points. And I addressed them.

When all you have to a counter point, is to reasserting your previous, already refuted points,

That is you losing the debate. Now you are just stonewalling with spam.

Here are the points, again, that you cannot refute.

There was nothing immature about his actions. And his training seemed quite good.

No, societies die when their young men WON'T fight to protect them, and just sit back as the barbarians rampage and burn.

Yes, it would be nice if our actual police were doing their jobs. Unfortunately, our political class won't let them.

And the voters seem to be ok with that.

Actually, Rittenhouse is just about the only part of our society that was working, and now that we are punishing him for it,

Yep. we really are doomed. I mean that completely seriously. Barring rapid and drastic course corrections.
Yes, you already made those points. And I addressed them.

When all you have to a counter point, is to reasserting your previous, already refuted points,

That is you losing the debate. Now you are just stonewalling with spam.

Here are the points, again, that you cannot refute.

There was nothing immature about his actions. And his training seemed quite good.

No, societies die when their young men WON'T fight to protect them, and just sit back as the barbarians rampage and burn.

Yes, it would be nice if our actual police were doing their jobs. Unfortunately, our political class won't let them.

And the voters seem to be ok with that.

Actually, Rittenhouse is just about the only part of our society that was working, and now that we are punishing him for it,

Yep. we really are doomed. I mean that completely seriously. Barring rapid and drastic course corrections.

Rittenhouse didn't enlist in the military, you idiot.. He is a civilian vigilante.
Rittenhouse didn't enlist in the military, you idiot.. He is a civilian vigilante.

He took action to protect his society from rampaging barbarians.

He was separated from his group, by the police, and then attacked by a mob of violent barbarians led by a child molester, and he defended himself.

I am proud to have him as a fellow Citizen. People like him, willing to go out of their way to help their neighbors, is why this country became great in the first place.

And indeed, are the core of what remains that is good about it.
"None of this changes the fact he acted in self-defense."
I'm willing to conjecture that if he had not been brandishing a wrongfully obtained weapon, brandishing it illegally in the state of Wisconsin.....well, this may just be me, but I suspect nobody would have been chasing him.

He brandished this weapon in a volatile crowd, a riotous crowd it seems, and so his actions precipitated the subsequent actions.
Kyle Rittenhouse is no hero for America to emulate. The RWNJ universe of Fatboy Millitias and Jackass Patriots may hold him in high esteem, But then, that's the kind of folks that they are.

Rittenhouse was a stupid kid who thought he was a smart kid that could act like Rambo.
His thinking resulted in people being killed, and him being branded for life.
So if you judge 'smartness' by results........well, he ain't smart. He's a dumb kid whose actions resulted in dead people.


"He took action to protect his society from rampaging barbarians."
And that is exactly what the America of 2021 needs, 17yr olds without training or authority taking it upon themselves to illegally arm themselves with high capacity high lethality semi-automatic rifles and brandish them in volatile crowds of riotous people. And shoot some of them dead.

It may just be my own little farm-country world but.......but we think kids like that should let the police or the military be the adults. And he can go off to police academy or the Army. Grow up, acquire some maturity, experience, and training, and be a 'value-added' component of our society.

Maybe then, we wouldn't have the dead in the street and the kid branded for life as a loser by America.
Not according to WI law.
Um, yeah, even ac cording to Wisconsin law.

(a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. ... (b) is guilty of a Class H felony if the person under 18 years of age under par. (b) discharges the firearm and the discharge causes death to himself, herself or another.
Buying a gun and crossing state lines for vigilante policing is like that moron George Zimmerman.

Of course, Zimmerman didn't buy a gun and cross state lines, nor was he legally barred from owning a firearm because of his age. But, yeah, they're just the same...

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And that is exactly what the America of 2021 needs, 17yr olds without training or authority taking it upon themselves to illegally arm themselves with high capacity high lethality semi-automatic rifles and brandish them in volatile crowds of riotous people. And shoot some of them dead.

It may just be my own little farm-country world but.......but we think kids like that should let the police or the military be the adults. And he can go off to police academy or the Army. Grow up, acquire some maturity, experience, and training, and be a 'value-added' component of our society.

Maybe then, we wouldn't have the dead in the street and the kid branded for life as a loser by America.

The police and military have been letting the rioters riot. Or haven't you noticed?

They have been ordered to do so, by people like you, elected by people like you.

The barbarians dead in the streets, is better than their target dead in the street, and the kid is a hero. That he is on trial is a shame for America.
Your side will have prove intent to a jury

and I doubt that you can
The prosecutors believe they can. The only intent they have to show is thst Rittenhouse sought out and confronted protestors. Then they show the protestors were within reason to perceive a threat from the armed vigilante with an illegal weapon confronting them. And that's about it.
So have numerous lib partisan prosecutors from baltimore to florida to missouri and elsewhere who fell flat on their faces
And even more have been successful. Go ahead and bet against the odds. Adding your partisan fantasy has no effect.

Virtually all of the high profile cases that obama and the lib media hung their hats on went bust
False. A fantasy you made up on the spot as a red herring. Of course prosecutors are mostly successful, as they don't bring cases they don't feel they can win. Your reference to "high profile cases" is you moving the goalposts. You will move them again. And again and again. Because you are just pulling stuff out of your ass.
Um, yeah, even ac cording to Wisconsin law.

(a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. ... (b) is guilty of a Class H felony if the person under 18 years of age under par. (b) discharges the firearm and the discharge causes death to himself, herself or another.

Of course, Zimmerman didn't buy a gun and cross state lines, nor was he legally barred from owning a firearm because of his age. But, yeah, they're just the same...


Zimmerman was playing police officer. Dumb people are often excited by outrageous, violent rhetoric.. like "America is doomed" or "They are all communists".

Virtually all of the high profile cases that obama and the lib media hung their hats on went bust

Obama NEVER incited people to violence.. or called people "communists" nor was he vulgar.

Do you also watch Qanon?
Obama NEVER incited people to violence.. or called people "communists" nor was he vulgar.

Do you also watch Qanon?
He is delusional. He is cramming square pegs into round holes to justify his freakish paradigm about the scary Obama. These people live in fantasyland.
They do if they are pandering to black mobs that set cities on fire
In your silly fantasies that you have to construct to soothe yourself. You incapable people on the wrong side of facts always have tp do this. This is no better than any freakish conspiracy theory invention. And you all share a playbook, which means you will do the same thing when iy comes to climate change, covid, the vaccines, deep state crusade against trump, etc. You are a slave to your own emotional immaturity and political fetishes. I could write all of your posts for you. You are simpler than AI from a 90s video game.
Obama contributed to black rage based on lies, which later resulted in violence

Bullshit. Obama set up the Taskforce for 20th Century Policing to restore respect and confidence in Law Enforcement. Trump threw it out.

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