Ritual to Hex Kavanaugh Is So Popular That Witches Organized Another One

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Well. As if we didn't already know how delusional deranged and HATE FILLED the ABNORMALS were, here is a prime example of them NOT LETTING GO after the man has a lifetime seat on SCOTUS.....The hate is what really amazes me!

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Vice ^

The first ritual to hex Kavanaugh, as well as “all rapists and the patriarchy at large which emboldens, rewards and protects them” will take place this Saturday, October 20, and sold out less than a week before any major publicity, Dakota Bracciale, Catland co-owner and creator of the hex on Kavanaugh, told Broadly. More than 10,000 people have marked themselves as “going” or “interested” on Facebook since the event was published. Because Catland has a maximum event occupancy of 60, organizers are expanding the hex into multiple rituals and events. (Catland’s June ritual to hex Trump and his constituency was eventually expanded into three ritual events.) The second ritual to hex Kavanaugh will take place on Saturday, November 3, and tickets are available for $10 on eventbrite.

Bracciale describes the hex on Kavanaugh as an act of “spiritual solidarity and sociopolitical resistance.” Half of the event’s proceeds will be donated to charities: 25 percent to the Southern Poverty Law Center and another 25 percent to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project. The remaining earnings will be used toward renovating Catland in order to insulate and weatherproof the venue for winter.


“It strikes fear into the heart of Christian fundamentalists,” Bracciale says of the backlash. “That’s one of the reasons that we do it. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. We don’t subscribe to this bulls—t, pacifist, love and light, everybody just get along thing. If you want to hijack the country; if you want to steal the election; if you want to overturn Roe v. Wade; if you want to harm people who are queer; well guess what: We’re not doing civility. If you’re going to be these awful bullies, you have to understand someone is going to punch you back and it might as well be a bunch of witches from Brooklyn.”.......I wonder if GARLIC would work on them as it does with vampires....I know a stake through their hearts would end their misery!
Typical of the ANGRY DEMOCRAT MOB these days... they're deranged, unhinged lunatics... that's your modern democrat party, they're the party of TRASH...

Apparently the goofy witches hex didn't work because Kavanaugh is now the newest member of the Supreme Court. .... :cool:

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