Zone1 RNC and DNC are loaded with corporate cash to manipulate voters to vote for the candidate of their choice NOT the people's choice

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True, which is why Trump is an anomaly. the media hates him largely because he needed so little money on buying media ads to beat Hillary the media was absolutely horrified; he made them and their consent worthless for winning elections, and they can not let that happen again.
Not only will companies have the chance to project their brands in front of up to 50,000 participants at the convention, including 15,000 members of the global media, but they can also customise packages to their corporate needs “to ensure your convention experience is both enjoyable and beneficial”.

Top-tier sponsors, making a tax-deductible donation of $1m or more, will get VIP access at the convention as well as seats at an “exclusive campaign briefing with 2020 campaign leadership”.

The Democratic National Convention, where the party’s presidential candidate will be nominated, will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from 13 to 16 July. Its host committee has also set itself a target of $70m, though that would be further supplemented by $20m from the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC).

Donald Trump is the "people's choice." He was presented to us as an alternative to the career bureaucrats who could easily be bought and sold. He was an independently-wealthy outsider who could not be bought off, and offered the voters a Reaganesque vision of America being restored to its rightful place on the world state.

Joe Biden on the other was merely foisted on the Democrats because he was "not Trump." Nobody will ever convince me that the majority of American people actually preferred him over Trump.
People's choice?

There was a reason the founding fathers wanted just people with skin in the game (landowners) to vote.
Nobody has EVER tried to buy MY vote!!!!!

There was a reason the founding fathers wanted just people with skin in the game (landowners) to vote.

Aaron Burr found a loophole in that, which is how he got Jefferson elected. lol He rounded up bums, drunks, and aliens, made them 'property owners' of a house or several in NYC at 5 New York Pounds each a week before elections, and herded them to the polls. A house worth 2,000 Pounds was 400 votes. Or maybe it was 50 Pounds each, or 20 votes; anyway it was the same idea. The city had a population of around 60,000 to 70,000 in those days, so it didn't take much, but even NYC wasn't as corrupt as many other cities, particularly in New Jersey.

Sometimes large landowners would grant temporary freeholds to landless men who then handed the deeds back after voting. Individuals were paid to vote a certain way or paid not to vote at all. Corrupt voting officials would allow unqualified persons to vote while denying legitimate voters the right to cast their ballots. Intimidation and threats, even violence, were used to persuade people how to vote. Ballots were faked, purposely miscounted, "lost," and destroyed.


Newark, with 1,600 qualified voters, counted over 5,000 votes; Elizabeth, with 1,000 legal voters, counted more than 2,200 votes. Although Newark claimed victory, the voting was so blatantly fraudulent that the state legislature canceled the election.

Sounds like Democrats, doesn't it? lol
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Not only will companies have the chance to project their brands in front of up to 50,000 participants at the convention, including 15,000 members of the global media, but they can also customise packages to their corporate needs “to ensure your convention experience is both enjoyable and beneficial”.

Top-tier sponsors, making a tax-deductible donation of $1m or more, will get VIP access at the convention as well as seats at an “exclusive campaign briefing with 2020 campaign leadership”.

The Democratic National Convention, where the party’s presidential candidate will be nominated, will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from 13 to 16 July. Its host committee has also set itself a target of $70m, though that would be further supplemented by $20m from the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC).
let's not pretend that the rnc and DNC are not corrupt......
Thread closed, there was no personal content in the OP.
Non compliant in both zones 1&2
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