RNC chair condemns "Barack the Magic Negro" song

Oh, well then this is okay. I am sure Rush and others had the best interest of Barack in heart when they continued to spread the song...
doesn't matter

it was political satire
and its ancient history

As I pointed out earlier, it's mildly amusing if it's done by some yutz on youtube. When it's done by the RNC and defended by repubs, then it's an endemic problem...and it's one of the reasons the RNC is the party of old white men.
As I pointed out earlier, it's mildly amusing if it's done by some yutz on youtube. When it's done by the RNC and defended by repubs, then it's an endemic problem...and it's one of the reasons the RNC is the party of old white men.
it wasnt done by the RNC


its a year old Rush parody song

done by Paul Shanklin, i think
it wasnt done by the RNC


its a year old Rush parody song

done by Paul Shanklin, i think

No, it wasn't "done" by the RNC, it was repeated and spread by the RNC. You know, sort of like the old Lion's Club shows from years gone by that used racist jokes and acts to spread hate.

Most of those jokes weren't "done" by the Lion's Club but they were repeated by the Lion's Club, similar to the mailing by the RNC.

The days of the "old white man's party" are numbered if they continue to narrow thier definition of who they want to associate with and who they want in their party.
No, it wasn't "done" by the RNC, it was repeated and spread by the RNC. You know, sort of like the old Lion's Club shows from years gone by that used racist jokes and acts to spread hate.

Most of those jokes weren't "done" by the Lion's Club but they were repeated by the Lion's Club, similar to the mailing by the RNC.

The days of the "old white man's party" are numbered if they continue to narrow thier definition of who they want to associate with and who they want in their party.
there was nothing racist about it

unless you're also calling the LA Times writer that coined the term a racist
This is the 21st century and one of the leading political parties in the United States of America is calling a Senator a negro. There's something wrong with that. It's like joking about calling a Chinese guy a gook, or a Spanish guy a ****. It's disgusting. You don't fucking use the word negro in the 21st century.
This is the 21st century and one of the leading political parties in the United States of America is calling a Senator a negro. There's something wrong with that. It's like joking about calling a Chinese guy a gook, or a Spanish guy a ****. It's disgusting. You don't fucking use the word negro in the 21st century.
so, the LA Times is racist?
Oh, well then this is okay. I am sure Rush and others had the best interest of Barack in heart when they continued to spread the song...

It really bugs you when we make fun of Democrat racists doesnt it?
This is the 21st century and one of the leading political parties in the United States of America is calling a Senator a negro. There's something wrong with that. It's like joking about calling a Chinese guy a gook, or a Spanish guy a ****. It's disgusting. You don't fucking use the word negro in the 21st century.

Yeah the Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. Especially when they are trying to pretend they are the innocent ones here.
I thought the song was supposed to be a joke and took it that way. I do think the RNC needs to broaden it's appeal and this is maybe not the best way to do that, but I think getting up in arms about something that seemed to clearly be a joke - and based on something written in the pretty liberal LA Times - is making a problem where one doesn't exist.

Personally, I am waiting to see what Obama does before I judge him. I think that is the only sensible thing to do. I am not swayed by some silly song and I can't imagine that anyone else would be either so I guess I just don't see the huge problem that other people see.

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