RNC steals Paul's delegates

Honestly I was for Paul, liked his policies. However, just like last time he faded fast in the stretch.
The killer though was when Rand endorsed Romney. Something was not right there.
With that in mind, Ron Paul should have pulled out of the race sooner and endorsed Gary Johnson since his policies are almost identical.
Honestly I was for Paul, liked his policies. However, just like last time he faded fast in the stretch.
The killer though was when Rand endorsed Romney. Something was not right there.
With that in mind, Ron Paul should have pulled out of the race sooner and endorsed Gary Johnson since his policies are almost identical.

Since Ron Paul had vastly more support than Gary Johnson shouldn't Johnson have pulled out sooner and endorsed Paul? Not that it would have mattered.
I'm not buying all the hearsay that Romney did something wrong to take away Paul's delegates. But I'll say this; it troubles me that a man (RP) who resonates with so many Republicans and independents; is not allowed to speak at the convention. It's this type of BS that empowers the McCains of the world. The GOP had better not be so gun shy if they want to keep their base. There's a lot of us that are on the brink of just saying f' it; I'm voting libertarian forever and I'll prepare for the imminent hell when my vote is still futile.
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.

Quit weeping.

Libertariantards will get your 1/2 of 1% vote, just like always.
Ron Paul was an awful candidate and his political views are a fucking joke. It's good that America rejected him. I don't understand why we are letting crazy people run for the POTUS anyway.
If the GOP steals Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

If the GOP doesn't steal Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

This is a tempest in a teaspoon.
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.

Exactly! Voting for Obama is the best way to get limited government. :cuckoo:
If the GOP steals Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

If the GOP doesn't steal Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

This is a tempest in a teaspoon.

So then there's no reason for them to have gone to the trouble of stealing them.
Ron Paul was an awful candidate and his political views are a fucking joke. It's good that America rejected him. I don't understand why we are letting crazy people run for the POTUS anyway.

I know why the caged bird sings.
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.

Quit weeping.

Libertariantards will get your 1/2 of 1% vote, just like always.

Keep it up ya worthless piece of shit...we will see how much of a bad ass you think you are...Oh yeah I hope the "anarchists" destroy the convention...enjoy losing in november bitch.

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