RNC steals Paul's delegates

Ron Paul was an awful candidate and his political views are a fucking joke. It's good that America rejected him. I don't understand why we are letting crazy people run for the POTUS anyway.

If the GOP steals Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

If the GOP doesn't steal Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

This is a tempest in a teaspoon.
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.

Exactly! Voting for Obama is the best way to get limited government. :cuckoo:
Nah. But just making sure romney loses will be worth every damn second of it and I will make sure I rub it in every piece of shit romney supporters face to.
Romney lawyers took away Ron Paul's win in Maine making Paul ineligible - Wilmington Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

I will never vote Republican again. This pathetic thievery is just sickening.

Just for this I am seriously considering voting for Obama. You want to fuck with us. You done pissed off a hornets nest.

oh goody another McCrist.

I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.

Quit weeping.

Libertariantards will get your 1/2 of 1% vote, just like always.

Keep it up ya worthless piece of shit...we will see how much of a bad ass you think you are...Oh yeah I hope the "anarchists" destroy the convention...enjoy losing in november bitch.

well at last you've finished yer masquarade as a conservative. you go boy!
If the GOP steals Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

If the GOP doesn't steal Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

This is a tempest in a teaspoon.

So then there's no reason for them to have gone to the trouble of stealing them.

But then again, it still doesn't matter.
If the GOP steals Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

If the GOP doesn't steal Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

This is a tempest in a teaspoon.

So then there's no reason for them to have gone to the trouble of stealing them.

Watching libertardians cry about it is all the reason we need. We did it for some cheap laughs.
Another reason why a two-party system is a sham..... errr..... shame.
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.
I believe that is going to happen. After Tampa of course.
Another reason why a two-party system is a sham..... errr..... shame.

Except, there really isn't a two party system.

Paul didn't have to run in the Republican primary.

Then again, Libertards always pretend to be Republicans for the attention.
If the GOP steals Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

If the GOP doesn't steal Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

This is a tempest in a teaspoon.

So then there's no reason for them to have gone to the trouble of stealing them.

But then again, it still doesn't matter.

Then why go to so much trouble alienating an entire constituency? Because it does matter in the sense that they don't want any dissent at Romney's coronation.
If the GOP steals Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

If the GOP doesn't steal Pauls' convention delegates, then Romney will be nominated at the Republican National Convention.

This is a tempest in a teaspoon.

So then there's no reason for them to have gone to the trouble of stealing them.

Watching libertardians cry about it is all the reason we need. We did it for some cheap laughs.

It'll be fun to see whether or not you're still laughing in November after Romney loses.
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.
I believe that is going to happen. After Tampa of course.

Johnson is already the nominee of the Libertarian Party, and has a running mate. Ron Paul will not be running in the general election.
Lol it will be fun to watch..I can't wait I am like a kid at christmas time...hell I might just donate some money to Obama as well. Gonna be fun to watch the republitard parties last grasp at winning a presidency. Oh and yeah in November we get to watch the romneytards cry over boo hoo you libertarians cost us the election boo hoo...:D
Romney lawyers took away Ron Paul's win in Maine making Paul ineligible - Wilmington Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

I will never vote Republican again. This pathetic thievery is just sickening.

Just for this I am seriously considering voting for Obama. You want to fuck with us. You done pissed off a hornets nest.

You do realize your article is pure nonsense, right? You are seriously going to say that an article that claims that Ron Paul got a plurality of the delegates in Massachusetts when Romney won the state all 38 Delegates. Paul didn't even beat Santorum in Mass.

He doesn't have a plurality in Lousiana either. Paul only has 17 of the 46 delegates, the Rest are Romney's delegates. Nor is there a plurality in Oklahoma where Santorum has a plurality. Nor did he get a plurality in Oregon where Romney clearly has the majority of the delegates.

The articulate is an outright fabrication. Ron Paul has a plurality in ZERO states.

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