"Roaring" Obamaconomy has millions more on food stamps then under Bush

In the Obots world that would be a Roaring Success.

I agree; hard not to conclude making as many Americans as possible POORER AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT is the Left'a idea of "forward progress"

that's their major plan of the Democrat party. why do you think they are shipping in 1000,s of Illegal immigrants? they need them for that TRANSFORMATION Obama promised the idiots who voted for him
And it's got nothing to do with Congress and John Boehner not voting on jobs bills and nothing to do with increasing the minimum wage. Republicans have done everything possible to keep the economy stagnant - even though they failed - in an effort to put a Republican in the Oval Office in 2017. (If Chris Christie is elected he won't fit in the Oval Office, he'd have to move into The Rotund-a).

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Progs are such boring lemmings. "jobs bills" what is that?
arent you left-wing idiots running around saying Obama created all these jobs?
well then if republicans "obstructed" your "jobs bills" and jobs were created then you didn't need them leftard right?
and so you didn't waste countless billions of other people's money; and and that allowed you idiots to pretend you are responsible for deficits that are down from RECORD HIGHS SET BY YOU DEMOCRATS
What's a jobs bill?? Lmao, you're fucking joking, right? President Obama lowered the unemployment rate by improving the economy, you do know what the economy is, right, dickface? If you paid any attention whatsoever to politics you would know that a couple years ago during the SOTU address, President Obama requested Congress to pass a jobs bill to help fix our crumbling infrastructure, something Republicans don't give a shit about. But they didn't of course because their desire to get President Obama to fail was their top priority. The deficit, and God help me, I can't fucking believe I'm having to explain this AGAIN, was caused by many things, but the recent major contributions to it are two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, put on the Chinese credit card, huge tax cuts (never in our history have we gone to war without raising taxes!!), and Medicare part D. Now get your head out of your buddies ass and learn about the country you supposedly love. Punks like you shouldn't be allowed to vote or have kids, either way America is absolutely fucked. Got that dickface?? FDH.

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love sending you silly, angry Prog losers right off the deep end!! obma's unemployment rate is GARBAGE, you're a lemming, and libs r losers who lie to to themselves lol
I agree; hard not to conclude making as many Americans as possible POORER AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT is the Left'a idea of "forward progress"

that's their major plan of the Democrat party. why do you think they are shipping in 1000,s of Illegal immigrants? they need them for that TRANSFORMATION Obama promised the idiots who voted for him
And it's got nothing to do with Congress and John Boehner not voting on jobs bills and nothing to do with increasing the minimum wage. Republicans have done everything possible to keep the economy stagnant - even though they failed - in an effort to put a Republican in the Oval Office in 2017. (If Chris Christie is elected he won't fit in the Oval Office, he'd have to move into The Rotund-a).

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Progs are such boring lemmings. "jobs bills" what is that?
arent you left-wing idiots running around saying Obama created all these jobs?
well then if republicans "obstructed" your "jobs bills" and jobs were created then you didn't need them leftard right?
and so you didn't waste countless billions of other people's money; and and that allowed you idiots to pretend you are responsible for deficits that are down from RECORD HIGHS SET BY YOU DEMOCRATS
What's a jobs bill?? Lmao, you're fucking joking, right? President Obama lowered the unemployment rate by improving the economy, you do know what the economy is, right, dickface? If you paid any attention whatsoever to politics you would know that a couple years ago during the SOTU address, President Obama requested Congress to pass a jobs bill to help fix our crumbling infrastructure, something Republicans don't give a shit about. But they didn't of course because their desire to get President Obama to fail was their top priority. The deficit, and God help me, I can't fucking believe I'm having to explain this AGAIN, was caused by many things, but the recent major contributions to it are two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, put on the Chinese credit card, huge tax cuts (never in our history have we gone to war without raising taxes!!), and Medicare part D. Now get your head out of your buddies ass and learn about the country you supposedly love. Punks like you shouldn't be allowed to vote or have kids, either way America is absolutely fucked. Got that dickface?? FDH.

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love sending you silly, angry Prog losers right off the deep end!! obma's unemployment rate is GARBAGE, you're a lemming, and libs r losers who lie to to themselves lol

No need to have a meltdown. Stay calm, use your indoor voice...
The costs of the SNAP program peaked 4 years ago.

YAWN. libs are such dummies i swear. the "record 157,180,000 in Labor Force" is a raw number and is meaningless. population has increased in the USA. IT ISNT A RATE; as the 38-YEAR LOW IN LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION is under obama

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The costs of the SNAP program peaked 4 years ago.


memo to left-wing loser

in obama's SEVENTH YEAR there are still 13 MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS then there were when Bush was President

now dont have a meltdown Carbin-tard; it's just reality. you'll be ok! ;)
that's their major plan of the Democrat party. why do you think they are shipping in 1000,s of Illegal immigrants? they need them for that TRANSFORMATION Obama promised the idiots who voted for him
And it's got nothing to do with Congress and John Boehner not voting on jobs bills and nothing to do with increasing the minimum wage. Republicans have done everything possible to keep the economy stagnant - even though they failed - in an effort to put a Republican in the Oval Office in 2017. (If Chris Christie is elected he won't fit in the Oval Office, he'd have to move into The Rotund-a).

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Progs are such boring lemmings. "jobs bills" what is that?
arent you left-wing idiots running around saying Obama created all these jobs?
well then if republicans "obstructed" your "jobs bills" and jobs were created then you didn't need them leftard right?
and so you didn't waste countless billions of other people's money; and and that allowed you idiots to pretend you are responsible for deficits that are down from RECORD HIGHS SET BY YOU DEMOCRATS
What's a jobs bill?? Lmao, you're fucking joking, right? President Obama lowered the unemployment rate by improving the economy, you do know what the economy is, right, dickface? If you paid any attention whatsoever to politics you would know that a couple years ago during the SOTU address, President Obama requested Congress to pass a jobs bill to help fix our crumbling infrastructure, something Republicans don't give a shit about. But they didn't of course because their desire to get President Obama to fail was their top priority. The deficit, and God help me, I can't fucking believe I'm having to explain this AGAIN, was caused by many things, but the recent major contributions to it are two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, put on the Chinese credit card, huge tax cuts (never in our history have we gone to war without raising taxes!!), and Medicare part D. Now get your head out of your buddies ass and learn about the country you supposedly love. Punks like you shouldn't be allowed to vote or have kids, either way America is absolutely fucked. Got that dickface?? FDH.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk


love sending you silly, angry Prog losers right off the deep end!! obma's unemployment rate is GARBAGE, you're a lemming, and libs r losers who lie to to themselves lol

No need to have a meltdown. Stay calm, use your indoor voice...
Wait, that's all you could respond with after all the factual information I hooked on your rack? If I was wrong you would've been all over it, but nope, not a single rebuttal, you're like a deer in headlights. Typical rightist bullshit. Move on.

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self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
Been a great year for the stock market though.

Oh, wait, the rich are giving up some of what Obama gave them.

Too bad.

"obama gave them"?

seriously who believes this?
What has virtually interest free money been but a gift to the rich?

you are correct sir if you put it that way. too bad the Left thinks the stock market is "roaring" because of obama's endless regulations and brilliant economic strategy, try to get one to admit it is corporate welfare to Wall Street banks propping up the stock market though. oh and many on the c onservative side are against that. keeping interest rates that low has robbed Americans of trillions in interest
YAWN. libs are such dummies i swear. the "record 157,180,000 in Labor Force" is a raw number and is meaningless. population has increased in the USA. IT ISNT A RATE; as the 38-YEAR LOW IN LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION is under obama
So we can agree that "RECORD 93,770,000 AMERICANS NOT IN LABOR FORCE" is meaningless because population has increased?

As for the "38 year low" for the rate, it's higher than any month before 1978. The rate went up until 2000 and has been going down since then. The Participation rate has as much to do with demographics as anything else. A third of the drop is due to those age 55 and older. Another third comes from students aged 16-24..larger percent of kids going to school, lower percent in the labor force.
YAWN. libs are such dummies i swear. the "record 157,180,000 in Labor Force" is a raw number and is meaningless. population has increased in the USA. IT ISNT A RATE; as the 38-YEAR LOW IN LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION is under obama
So we can agree that "RECORD 93,770,000 AMERICANS NOT IN LABOR FORCE" is meaningless because population has increased?

As for the "38 year low" for the rate, it's higher than any month before 1978. The rate went up until 2000 and has been going down since then. The Participation rate has as much to do with demographics as anything else. A third of the drop is due to those age 55 and older. Another third comes from students aged 16-24..larger percent of kids going to school, lower percent in the labor force.

no we cant agree on it; why leftard?


oh and those 55 and over workers are STAYING IN THE LABOR FORCE more than ever. so that makes the case for the other side idiot. those people are ADDED BACK into the equation, so the low rate of participation is worse than you are saying
YAWN. libs are such dummies i swear. the "record 157,180,000 in Labor Force" is a raw number and is meaningless. population has increased in the USA. IT ISNT A RATE; as the 38-YEAR LOW IN LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION is under obama
So we can agree that "RECORD 93,770,000 AMERICANS NOT IN LABOR FORCE" is meaningless because population has increased?

As for the "38 year low" for the rate, it's higher than any month before 1978. The rate went up until 2000 and has been going down since then. The Participation rate has as much to do with demographics as anything else. A third of the drop is due to those age 55 and older. Another third comes from students aged 16-24..larger percent of kids going to school, lower percent in the labor force.

your theory falls apart upon scrutiny; at both the younger end and the upper age brackets
By far the biggest chunk of people not in the labor force are people who simply don’t want to be, according to data from the monthly Current Population Survey (which the BLS uses to, among other things, calculate the unemployment rate). Last month, according to BLS, 85.9 million adults didn’t want a job now, or 93.3% of all adults not in the labor force. (All of the figures we’re using in this post are unadjusted for seasonal variations.)
But let’s look in particular at the youngest part of the eligible workforce. The share of 16- to 24-year-olds saying they didn’t want a job rose from an average 29.5% in 2000 to an average 39.4% over the first 10 months of this year. There was a much smaller increase among prime working-age adults (ages 25 to 54) over that period. And among people aged 55 and up, the share saying they didn’t want a job actually fell, to an average 58.2% this year.
why would people just not want to work leftard?

because the WELFARE STATE has expanded under obama maybe?

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