"Roaring" Obamaconomy has millions more on food stamps then under Bush

All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.

you left-wing nutjobs have failed at everything you do moron; from your blood-soaked cities full of racial and ethnic strife
misogyny, materialism, red meat-eating, wasteful, corrupt cesspools

to the crumbling blue states that are bleeding people and jobs to blue states

just STFU and stop acting smug; cuz you look like the idiot you are
If you hate this nation so much, get the fuck out. Pricks like you have nothing to add. You are hateful, arrogant and stupid; a truly nasty combination.

i'm married to a beautiful Black woman; newlywed in fact. i live in a large BLUE city in a BLUE state

losers like you hate me cuz i'm real and unafraid of you and unafraid of the truth

make me leave loser
Give her time. When she sees the real you, you will, once again, be a lonely loser ranting on message board. "Make me" Really? Are you old enough to marry? Did your mom have to sign a permission slip?

stupidity like this is all you have

i actually pity you
my wife is from HAITI; she knows what REAL HARDSHIP IS.
she has no time for the victims and victimhood pimps; or the silly, sanctimonious White sellouts that kiss the victimhood pimps asses every day
All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.

you left-wing nutjobs have failed at everything you do moron; from your blood-soaked cities full of racial and ethnic strife
misogyny, materialism, red meat-eating, wasteful, corrupt cesspools

to the crumbling blue states that are bleeding people and jobs to blue states

just STFU and stop acting smug; cuz you look like the idiot you are
So racism is dead? Pubs don't obstruct reform? Infrastructure is great? Plenty of cheap college and programs for training for 3-4 million tech jobs going begging? 55% of giant corps paying no tax and 95%+ of new wealth going to the 1% for 20 years is good? Blue states paying for red ones? see sig, especially last line.
POSTER PADDYMURPHY, particularly is the one who said the increase in SNAP benefits is the result of the "bush recession". moonglow also said it, so has rdean. Paddymurphy said it is still high in obama year SEVEN because of a "lag" in economic factors..
nobody is deflecting but YOU. it's all right here in previous posts if you want to review it

so yea dummy, it really "is what it is", but it isnt what you're saying

what a clown
We'll see how many there are in a year, since the full recovery only started up AGAIN a year and a half ago, when Pubs stopped shutdown threats, etc they'd been pulling since Scott Brown gave them the filibuster 4/4/2010. The number has been going down slightly since 2012.
POSTER PADDYMURPHY, particularly is the one who said the increase in SNAP benefits is the result of the "bush recession". moonglow also said it, so has rdean. Paddymurphy said it is still high in obama year SEVEN because of a "lag" in economic factors..
nobody is deflecting but YOU. it's all right here in previous posts if you want to review it

so yea dummy, it really "is what it is", but it isnt what you're saying

what a clown
We'll see how many there are in a year, since the full recovery only started up AGAIN a year and a half ago, when Pubs stopped shutdown threats, etc they'd been pulling since Scott Brown gave them the filibuster 4/4/2010. The number has been going down slightly since 2012.

you are a completely brainwashed idiot. anybody reading your posts can see that.
but thanks for admitting we only started recovering when Democrats lost their grip on all three parts of the lawmaking process, idiot
All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.

you left-wing nutjobs have failed at everything you do moron; from your blood-soaked cities full of racial and ethnic strife
misogyny, materialism, red meat-eating, wasteful, corrupt cesspools

to the crumbling blue states that are bleeding people and jobs to blue states

just STFU and stop acting smug; cuz you look like the idiot you are
So racism is dead? Pubs don't obstruct reform? Infrastructure is great? Plenty of cheap college and programs for training for 3-4 million tech jobs going begging? 55% of giant corps paying no tax and 95%+ of new wealth going to the 1% for 20 years is good? Blue states paying for red ones? see sig, especially last line.

YAWN; blue states dont pay for red states you idiot. IF tht was true whose job is it to see that your blue states gets treated fairly, and not taken advantage of by mean ol Red states, you mindless moron??
remarks at a DCCC dinner, May 7, 2014
In addressing a dinner of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Los Angeles, President Obama made a rather striking claim — that Senate Republicans have filibustered “500 pieces of legislation that would help the middle class.”
Regular readers knows that The Fact Checker has objected to the way that Senate Democrats tally these figures, but the president’s claim makes little sense no matter how you do the numbers.
The Facts
First, some definitions: A filibuster generally refers to extended debate that delays a vote on a pending matter, while cloture is a device to end debate. Filibusters are used by opponents of a nominee or legislation, while cloture is filed by supporters.
Since 2007, there have been 527 cloture motions that have been filed, according to Senate statistics. This is apparently where Obama got his figure. But this tells only part of the story, as many of those cloture motions were simply dropped, never actually voted on, or “vitiated” in the senatorial nomenclature.
Obama is assuming every cloture motion can be counted as a filibuster. Political scientist Sarah Binder of the Brookings Institution, in 2002 co-wrote a paper that concluded there was 94 percent correlation between cloture motions and documented filibusters between 1917 and 1996. But the Congressional Research Service, using newer data, warned in a 2013 report that “it would be erroneous, however, to treat this table as a list of filibusters on nominations.”
Indeed, when you go through the numbers, there have just been 133 successful filibusters — meaning a final vote could not take place — since 2007.

here's the skinny on those "filibusters" you talking point regurgitating left-wing clown
fun with numbers:

Binder declined to comment on Obama’s claim but said: “I would certainly agree with you that if I were counting cloture votes aimed at ‘legislation that would help the middle class,’ I would not count cloture votes aimed at confirmation votes.”
Even then, while Obama referred to “500 pieces of legislation,” the same bill can be subject to as many as three cloture motions, further inflating the numbers. For instance, there may be cloture to get on the bill, cloture on the substitute bill (if lawmakers are simply using an unrelated bill as a vehicle for passage), and cloture on the underlying bill. All of these votes might take place on the same day, but it creates the illusion of the same bill being “filibustered” three times. It certainly does not mean there were three pieces of legislation. So far in the 113th Congress, 36 pieces of legislation were subject to a cloture motion — and 12 were actually filibustered. That’s a far cry from the 136 that Obama is counting in order to tally up 500.

from a Washington Post article by Glen Kessler
Obama’s count also includes at least a half-dozen instances when Republicans were blocked by Democrats through use of the filibuster. In fact, in the biggest oddity, the president reached back to 2007 in making his claim, so he includes two years when he was still a senator. On eight occasions, he voted against ending debate — the very thing he decried in his remarks. Here’s a list of those votes:
2/12/08 – Roll Call Vote #19, S. 2248 (FISA Amendments Act of 2007)
1/28/08 – Roll Call Vote # 3, S.Amdt. 3911 to S. 2248
11/16/07 – Roll Call Vote # 410, S. 2340
10/24/07 – Roll Call Vote #392, Nomination of Leslie Southwick To 5th Circuit Court
5/16/07 – Roll Call Vote #168, S.Admt. 1134 to H.R. 1495
3/9/07 – Roll Call Vote # 68, S.Amdt. 312 to S.Amdt. 275 to S. 4
2/1/07 – Roll Call Vote #43, Motion to Proceed To S.Con.Res. 2
1/24/07 – Roll Call Vote #22, S.Amdt. 101 to S.Amdt. 100 to H.R. 2

how many times do you liberfools need to be reminded of this ???????

how many times do you liberfools need to be reminded of this ???????
RECORD 157 MILLION IN THE LABOR FORCE. Why do you fail to mention that?

because this number is irrelelvant and the other number IS relevant. the percentage of WORKING-AGE and ABLE-BODIED American workers not participating in the Labor Market under obama hasnt been this high in about FORTY YEARS; since guess who? yea Jimmy carter

how many times do you liberfools need to be reminded of this ???????
RECORD 157 MILLION IN THE LABOR FORCE. Why do you fail to mention that?

because this number is irrelelvant and the other number IS relevant. the percentage of WORKING-AGE and ABLE-BODIED American workers not participating in the Labor Market under obama hasnt been this high in about FORTY YEARS; since guess who? yea Jimmy carter

But he wasn't talking about percentage. He was talking about level. Don't change subjects.

And where are you getting "working age and able bodied" from? 23,884,000 (25.6%) of the 92,349,000 not in the labor force are disabled. 24,729,000 are age 65 and older and not disabled (26.8%)
Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
Oh, and throw in about 7.3 million full time students age 16-24. (A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment age sex race Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and educational attainment

There are no available numbers for stay home spouses, but I can roughly estimate based on last year.

And if you paid attention, you would see the labor force participation rate went up from teh 1940's (when the data were first recorded) until 2000 and have fallen since then. It's actually steadid out in the last year or so.
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
Had Mitt Romney been elected (God forbid), he'd be the food stamp king too. I'm going to say it even though you don't want to hear it and even though most of probably won't understand it. The great Republican recession naturally forced more people to apply for food stamps, and it's got little to do with President Obama since the Republicans have said no to everything he's tried to do to increase jobs (infrastructure), and to increase the minimum wage. The economy has improved dramatically, but not for the middle class and the poor. Even though the jobless rate has decreased (lower than the percentage Mitt said he would have it down to if (God forbid), he'd been elected. The economy has improved mostly for the corporate world because they pretty much write their own laws that our representatives in Washington D.C. gladly permit. There's a lot more to the increase in food stamp usage than just saying since President Obama is in office it's his fault. This is typical of rightists however, they don't have the brain capacity to take everything into account, it's too confusing for them.

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In the Obots world that would be a Roaring Success.

I agree; hard not to conclude making as many Americans as possible POORER AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT is the Left'a idea of "forward progress"

that's their major plan of the Democrat party. why do you think they are shipping in 1000,s of Illegal immigrants? they need them for that TRANSFORMATION Obama promised the idiots who voted for him
And it's got nothing to do with Congress and John Boehner not voting on jobs bills and nothing to do with increasing the minimum wage. Republicans have done everything possible to keep the economy stagnant - even though they failed - in an effort to put a Republican in the Oval Office in 2017. (If Chris Christie is elected he won't fit in the Oval Office, he'd have to move into The Rotund-a).

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
In the Obots world that would be a Roaring Success.

I agree; hard not to conclude making as many Americans as possible POORER AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT is the Left'a idea of "forward progress"

that's their major plan of the Democrat party. why do you think they are shipping in 1000,s of Illegal immigrants? they need them for that TRANSFORMATION Obama promised the idiots who voted for him
And it's got nothing to do with Congress and John Boehner not voting on jobs bills and nothing to do with increasing the minimum wage. Republicans have done everything possible to keep the economy stagnant - even though they failed - in an effort to put a Republican in the Oval Office in 2017. (If Chris Christie is elected he won't fit in the Oval Office, he'd have to move into The Rotund-a).

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Progs are such boring lemmings. "jobs bills" what is that?
arent you left-wing idiots running around saying Obama created all these jobs?
well then if republicans "obstructed" your "jobs bills" and jobs were created then you didn't need them leftard right?
and so you didn't waste countless billions of other people's money; and and that allowed you idiots to pretend you are responsible for deficits that are down from RECORD HIGHS SET BY YOU DEMOCRATS
In the Obots world that would be a Roaring Success.

I agree; hard not to conclude making as many Americans as possible POORER AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT is the Left'a idea of "forward progress"

that's their major plan of the Democrat party. why do you think they are shipping in 1000,s of Illegal immigrants? they need them for that TRANSFORMATION Obama promised the idiots who voted for him
And it's got nothing to do with Congress and John Boehner not voting on jobs bills and nothing to do with increasing the minimum wage. Republicans have done everything possible to keep the economy stagnant - even though they failed - in an effort to put a Republican in the Oval Office in 2017. (If Chris Christie is elected he won't fit in the Oval Office, he'd have to move into The Rotund-a).

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Progs are such boring lemmings. "jobs bills" what is that?
arent you left-wing idiots running around saying Obama created all these jobs?
well then if republicans "obstructed" your "jobs bills" and jobs were created then you didn't need them leftard right?
and so you didn't waste countless billions of other people's money; and and that allowed you idiots to pretend you are responsible for deficits that are down from RECORD HIGHS SET BY YOU DEMOCRATS
What's a jobs bill?? Lmao, you're fucking joking, right? President Obama lowered the unemployment rate by improving the economy, you do know what the economy is, right, dickface? If you paid any attention whatsoever to politics you would know that a couple years ago during the SOTU address, President Obama requested Congress to pass a jobs bill to help fix our crumbling infrastructure, something Republicans don't give a shit about. But they didn't of course because their desire to get President Obama to fail was their top priority. The deficit, and God help me, I can't fucking believe I'm having to explain this AGAIN, was caused by many things, but the recent major contributions to it are two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, put on the Chinese credit card, huge tax cuts (never in our history have we gone to war without raising taxes!!), and Medicare part D. Now get your head out of your buddies ass and learn about the country you supposedly love. Punks like you shouldn't be allowed to vote or have kids, either way America is absolutely fucked. Got that dickface?? FDH.

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'"Roaring" Obamaconomy has millions more on food stamps then [sic] under Bush'

This fails as a confusion of correlation and causation fallacy:

More people are on food stamps so the economy must be 'bad.'

When in fact one has nothing to do with the other.

Indeed, USDA has been promoting the SNAP program for years now, where more people are participating in the program because they're aware of the program, not because the economy is 'failing.'

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