"Roaring" Obamaconomy has millions more on food stamps then under Bush

View attachment 46948
when something GROWS, not slows, and not only grows but EXPLODES under somebody, and is still HIGHER BY MILLIONS ALMOST 7 YEARS LATER, you cant say that is "forward progress" you idiot
It is progress. It helps millions of people who need it. It is a tiny portion of what this nation spends. You want more people off SNAP? Raise the minimum wage. Get the CEO's to earn only 200 times what their average worker makes instead of 300. Most who receive this tiny bit of help are children, disabled, single mothers at home with their children.View attachment 46947

one more time; it isnt progress when it's moving in the other direction

keep trying
And you claim that Boosh was not president when the economy tanked?

no leftard; i'm claiming idiots (like you) that want to cry about "destructive bush policies" or say bush tanked the economy ought to at a minimum show where dems didnt WILLINGLY VOTE FOR and even CONTINUE the very policies you blame for tanking the economy

try again
I never said that Boosh tanked the economy, stupid bitch..

stop crying, you implied it leftard
View attachment 46948 It is progress. It helps millions of people who need it. It is a tiny portion of what this nation spends. You want more people off SNAP? Raise the minimum wage. Get the CEO's to earn only 200 times what their average worker makes instead of 300. Most who receive this tiny bit of help are children, disabled, single mothers at home with their children.View attachment 46947

one more time; it isnt progress when it's moving in the other direction

keep trying
And you claim that Boosh was not president when the economy tanked?

no leftard; i'm claiming idiots (like you) that want to cry about "destructive bush policies" or say bush tanked the economy ought to at a minimum show where dems didnt WILLINGLY VOTE FOR and even CONTINUE the very policies you blame for tanking the economy

try again
I never said that Boosh tanked the economy, stupid bitch..

stop crying, you implied it leftard
Hardy, you have problems with reading comprehension like your grammatical skills...I bet you have a great job at Sonic....
YOU'RE INCAPABLE of intellectual honesty. you show me a graph saying almost 13 million jobs have been "created" under obama. but lose your intellectual curiosity when the question that begs to be asked is how come food stamps is up by 13 million almost seven years into this "recovery"?
Job creation has nothing to do with qualifications for SNAP. People who get new jobs that are low paying or part time still may qualify for food assistance. The question should be how many of those new jobs pay enough to disqualify a persons family from collecting SNAP.
One of the major reasons for increasing minimum wage.

right idiot; if you're willing to admit obama's "job creation" is mostly jobs that pay low enough for you to be eligible for SNAP benefits well then i'm all ears leftard

but you cant have it both ways
No one is asking for anything to be "both ways". I was giving an example of why your concept to recession being the causation of increased SNAP benefits is a bullshit concept. You are changing the subject to create a basic Obama bashing thread.

That isnt my theory, or "causation" you mindless moron; it is the EXCUSE OF YOU IDIOTS; that food stamps are at the levels they are almost SEVEN YEARS LATER because of the "Bush recession". i'm the one saying it isnt caused by the recession but by obama's expansion of the welfare state

you are all a comical bunch of losers who lie to yourselves

keep trying though~! ;)
one more time; it isnt progress when it's moving in the other direction

keep trying
And you claim that Boosh was not president when the economy tanked?

no leftard; i'm claiming idiots (like you) that want to cry about "destructive bush policies" or say bush tanked the economy ought to at a minimum show where dems didnt WILLINGLY VOTE FOR and even CONTINUE the very policies you blame for tanking the economy

try again
I never said that Boosh tanked the economy, stupid bitch..

stop crying, you implied it leftard
Hardy, you have problems with reading comprehension like your grammatical skills...I bet you have a great job at Sonic....

i bet you have to correct my grammar because you dont have a point to make dummy

try again
View attachment 46948 It is progress. It helps millions of people who need it. It is a tiny portion of what this nation spends. You want more people off SNAP? Raise the minimum wage. Get the CEO's to earn only 200 times what their average worker makes instead of 300. Most who receive this tiny bit of help are children, disabled, single mothers at home with their children.View attachment 46947

one more time; it isnt progress when it's moving in the other direction

keep trying
And you claim that Boosh was not president when the economy tanked?

no leftard; i'm claiming idiots (like you) that want to cry about "destructive bush policies" or say bush tanked the economy ought to at a minimum show where dems didnt WILLINGLY VOTE FOR and even CONTINUE the very policies you blame for tanking the economy

try again

you mean the
YOU'RE INCAPABLE of intellectual honesty. you show me a graph saying almost 13 million jobs have been "created" under obama. but lose your intellectual curiosity when the question that begs to be asked is how come food stamps is up by 13 million almost seven years into this "recovery"?
Job creation has nothing to do with qualifications for SNAP. People who get new jobs that are low paying or part time still may qualify for food assistance. The question should be how many of those new jobs pay enough to disqualify a persons family from collecting SNAP.
One of the major reasons for increasing minimum wage.

right idiot; if you're willing to admit obama's "job creation" is mostly jobs that pay low enough for you to be eligible for SNAP benefits well then i'm all ears leftard

but you cant have it both ways
Oblama does not create the jobs, companies do...
"job creators" that the left says havent created jobs but instead "hide their money in the cayman islands" actually created the jobs the Left gives obama credit for?

can i get an Amen??
The largest employers are the self employed.....and small business owners, corporations do not create that much..

do republican own those businesses too leftard?
one more time; it isnt progress when it's moving in the other direction

keep trying
And you claim that Boosh was not president when the economy tanked?

no leftard; i'm claiming idiots (like you) that want to cry about "destructive bush policies" or say bush tanked the economy ought to at a minimum show where dems didnt WILLINGLY VOTE FOR and even CONTINUE the very policies you blame for tanking the economy

try again

you mean the
Job creation has nothing to do with qualifications for SNAP. People who get new jobs that are low paying or part time still may qualify for food assistance. The question should be how many of those new jobs pay enough to disqualify a persons family from collecting SNAP.
One of the major reasons for increasing minimum wage.

right idiot; if you're willing to admit obama's "job creation" is mostly jobs that pay low enough for you to be eligible for SNAP benefits well then i'm all ears leftard

but you cant have it both ways
Oblama does not create the jobs, companies do...
"job creators" that the left says havent created jobs but instead "hide their money in the cayman islands" actually created the jobs the Left gives obama credit for?

can i get an Amen??
The largest employers are the self employed.....and small business owners, corporations do not create that much..

do republican own those businesses too leftard?
They are owned and operated by all types of people...But yes...right-turd...
YOU'RE INCAPABLE of intellectual honesty. you show me a graph saying almost 13 million jobs have been "created" under obama. but lose your intellectual curiosity when the question that begs to be asked is how come food stamps is up by 13 million almost seven years into this "recovery"?
Job creation has nothing to do with qualifications for SNAP. People who get new jobs that are low paying or part time still may qualify for food assistance. The question should be how many of those new jobs pay enough to disqualify a persons family from collecting SNAP.
One of the major reasons for increasing minimum wage.

right idiot; if you're willing to admit obama's "job creation" is mostly jobs that pay low enough for you to be eligible for SNAP benefits well then i'm all ears leftard

but you cant have it both ways
No one is asking for anything to be "both ways". I was giving an example of why your concept to recession being the causation of increased SNAP benefits is a bullshit concept. You are changing the subject to create a basic Obama bashing thread.

you poor idiot. do i need to hide or obfuscate the fact i'm "obama-bashing"??????

i said food stamps are still up by 13 MILLION IN OBAMA YEAR SEVEN, and they are.
i said that isnt "forward progress", and it isnt
YOU made the moronic excuses, and your loser friends here

dont blame me because thin-skinned left-wing sissies are butthurt by reality
YOU'RE INCAPABLE of intellectual honesty. you show me a graph saying almost 13 million jobs have been "created" under obama. but lose your intellectual curiosity when the question that begs to be asked is how come food stamps is up by 13 million almost seven years into this "recovery"?
Job creation has nothing to do with qualifications for SNAP. People who get new jobs that are low paying or part time still may qualify for food assistance. The question should be how many of those new jobs pay enough to disqualify a persons family from collecting SNAP.
One of the major reasons for increasing minimum wage.

right idiot; if you're willing to admit obama's "job creation" is mostly jobs that pay low enough for you to be eligible for SNAP benefits well then i'm all ears leftard

but you cant have it both ways
No one is asking for anything to be "both ways". I was giving an example of why your concept to recession being the causation of increased SNAP benefits is a bullshit concept. You are changing the subject to create a basic Obama bashing thread.

you poor idiot. do i need to hide or obfuscate the fact i'm "obama-bashing"??????

i said food stamps are still up by 13 MILLION IN OBAMA YEAR SEVEN, and they are.
i said that isnt "forward progress", and it isnt
YOU made the moronic excuses, and your loser friends here

dont blame me because thin-skinned left-wing sissies are butthurt by reality
Why are you getting all flabbergasted and incoherent? You come out calling everyone names and insinuating how dumb everyone else is compared to how smart you are as you get made a fool of page after page. My debate with you was concentrated on my disagreement that a recession was a causation or correlated to increased SNAP benefits. You could not argue or debate on an academic or intellectual level so you revert to your normal SOP of blathering deflections, name calling and whining. It is what it is.
YOU'RE INCAPABLE of intellectual honesty. you show me a graph saying almost 13 million jobs have been "created" under obama. but lose your intellectual curiosity when the question that begs to be asked is how come food stamps is up by 13 million almost seven years into this "recovery"?
Job creation has nothing to do with qualifications for SNAP. People who get new jobs that are low paying or part time still may qualify for food assistance. The question should be how many of those new jobs pay enough to disqualify a persons family from collecting SNAP.
One of the major reasons for increasing minimum wage.

right idiot; if you're willing to admit obama's "job creation" is mostly jobs that pay low enough for you to be eligible for SNAP benefits well then i'm all ears leftard

but you cant have it both ways
No one is asking for anything to be "both ways". I was giving an example of why your concept to recession being the causation of increased SNAP benefits is a bullshit concept. You are changing the subject to create a basic Obama bashing thread.

you poor idiot. do i need to hide or obfuscate the fact i'm "obama-bashing"??????

i said food stamps are still up by 13 MILLION IN OBAMA YEAR SEVEN, and they are.
i said that isnt "forward progress", and it isnt
YOU made the moronic excuses, and your loser friends here

dont blame me because thin-skinned left-wing sissies are butthurt by reality
Why are you getting all flabbergasted and incoherent? You come out calling everyone names and insinuating how dumb everyone else is compared to how smart you are as you get made a fool of page after page. My debate with you was concentrated on my disagreement that a recession was a causation or correlated to increased SNAP benefits. You could not argue or debate on an academic or intellectual level so you revert to your normal SOP of blathering deflections, name calling and whining. It is what it is.

i made fools of every one of you; but actually you did most of the work. you are simply a joke. as i already noted the "causation" of the increase in SNAP benefits related to the recession is the theory coming from your friends here. i dont have to argue it on an academic level since it's not my theory genius. you just are in intellectual coward. now show me, show anybody here, "make a fool of me" one more time, and show me where that "causation" is something I ENDORSED OK?
POSTER PADDYMURPHY, particularly is the one who said the increase in SNAP benefits is the result of the "bush recession". moonglow also said it, so has rdean. Paddymurphy said it is still high in obama year SEVEN because of a "lag" in economic factors..
nobody is deflecting but YOU. it's all right here in previous posts if you want to review it

so yea dummy, it really "is what it is", but it isnt what you're saying

what a clown
YOU'RE INCAPABLE of intellectual honesty. you show me a graph saying almost 13 million jobs have been "created" under obama. but lose your intellectual curiosity when the question that begs to be asked is how come food stamps is up by 13 million almost seven years into this "recovery"?
Because wages have not increased.
Job creation has nothing to do with qualifications for SNAP. People who get new jobs that are low paying or part time still may qualify for food assistance. The question should be how many of those new jobs pay enough to disqualify a persons family from collecting SNAP.
One of the major reasons for increasing minimum wage.

right idiot; if you're willing to admit obama's "job creation" is mostly jobs that pay low enough for you to be eligible for SNAP benefits well then i'm all ears leftard

but you cant have it both ways
No one is asking for anything to be "both ways". I was giving an example of why your concept to recession being the causation of increased SNAP benefits is a bullshit concept. You are changing the subject to create a basic Obama bashing thread.

you poor idiot. do i need to hide or obfuscate the fact i'm "obama-bashing"??????

i said food stamps are still up by 13 MILLION IN OBAMA YEAR SEVEN, and they are.
i said that isnt "forward progress", and it isnt
YOU made the moronic excuses, and your loser friends here

dont blame me because thin-skinned left-wing sissies are butthurt by reality
Why are you getting all flabbergasted and incoherent? You come out calling everyone names and insinuating how dumb everyone else is compared to how smart you are as you get made a fool of page after page. My debate with you was concentrated on my disagreement that a recession was a causation or correlated to increased SNAP benefits. You could not argue or debate on an academic or intellectual level so you revert to your normal SOP of blathering deflections, name calling and whining. It is what it is.

i made fools of every one of you; but actually you did most of the work. you are simply a joke. as i already noted the "causation" of the increase in SNAP benefits related to the recession is the theory coming from your friends here. i dont have to argue it on an academic level since it's not my theory genius. you just are in intellectual coward. now show me, show anybody here, "make a fool of me" one more time, and show me where that "causation" is something I ENDORSED OK?
It is Donald!!!
POSTER PADDYMURPHY, particularly is the one who said the increase in SNAP benefits is the result of the "bush recession". moonglow also said it, so has rdean. Paddymurphy said it is still high in obama year SEVEN because of a "lag" in economic factors..
nobody is deflecting but YOU. it's all right here in previous posts if you want to review it

so yea dummy, it really "is what it is", but it isnt what you're saying

what a clown
Tell us what your theory is as to why there are so many people on food stamps. And try to do so without being such an asshole.
All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.
All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.

you left-wing nutjobs have failed at everything you do moron; from your blood-soaked cities full of racial and ethnic strife
misogyny, materialism, red meat-eating, wasteful, corrupt cesspools

to the crumbling blue states that are bleeding people and jobs to blue states

just STFU and stop acting smug; cuz you look like the idiot you are
All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.

you left-wing nutjobs have failed at everything you do moron; from your blood-soaked cities full of racial and ethnic strife
misogyny, materialism, red meat-eating, wasteful, corrupt cesspools

to the crumbling blue states that are bleeding people and jobs to blue states

just STFU and stop acting smug; cuz you look like the idiot you are
If you hate this nation so much, get the fuck out. Pricks like you have nothing to add. You are hateful, arrogant and stupid; a truly nasty combination.
you step over the dead bodies of young Black males, about 2 DOZEN KILLED EVERY DAY; to rush on down to the BLM demonstration/riot for the one that wasnt killed by another Black person, for the one killed by a cop and/or white person
All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.

you left-wing nutjobs have failed at everything you do moron; from your blood-soaked cities full of racial and ethnic strife
misogyny, materialism, red meat-eating, wasteful, corrupt cesspools

to the crumbling blue states that are bleeding people and jobs to blue states

just STFU and stop acting smug; cuz you look like the idiot you are
If you hate this nation so much, get the fuck out. Pricks like you have nothing to add. You are hateful, arrogant and stupid; a truly nasty combination.

i'm married to a beautiful Black woman; newlywed in fact. i live in a large BLUE city in a BLUE state

losers like you hate me cuz i'm real and unafraid of you and unafraid of the truth

make me leave loser
stop equating your pandering, divisive Progressive selves with "this nation"

it's old and tired, as old and tires as your asinine racism and hate charges
All of the above, plus under Dems fewer people get turned down for bs and technicalities. Raise the gd min wage and get the feq out of the way of reform, Foxbots or whatever of the same total bs.

you left-wing nutjobs have failed at everything you do moron; from your blood-soaked cities full of racial and ethnic strife
misogyny, materialism, red meat-eating, wasteful, corrupt cesspools

to the crumbling blue states that are bleeding people and jobs to blue states

just STFU and stop acting smug; cuz you look like the idiot you are
If you hate this nation so much, get the fuck out. Pricks like you have nothing to add. You are hateful, arrogant and stupid; a truly nasty combination.

i'm married to a beautiful Black woman; newlywed in fact. i live in a large BLUE city in a BLUE state

losers like you hate me cuz i'm real and unafraid of you and unafraid of the truth

make me leave loser
Give her time. When she sees the real you, you will, once again, be a lonely loser ranting on message board. "Make me" Really? Are you old enough to marry? Did your mom have to sign a permission slip?

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