"Roaring" Obamaconomy has millions more on food stamps then under Bush

self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
And what would be your solution to reduce food stamp use? It is 2% of our budget. The average length of stay on food stamps is nine months. 96% of people who sign up for food stamps worked in the year they signed up. Food stamps provide $1.50 per person per day for food. The rise in food stamp eligibility took place between 2007 and 2011, when the recession hit. You have offered one economic stat. What about the others? Increased employment; little to no inflation; housing starts up; health care coverage for tens of millions. Congress controls spending. What portion of the blame for too many people getting $1.50 a day for about nine months while they work and get back on their feet is shared by Congress?

the other economic stats you cite are mainly smoke and mirrors, and you're a joke
So, when the government agency reports the number of food stamp recipients, that is honest data, but anything that shows positive movement in the economy is smoke and mirrors. You are an awful lot like the Donald. You have to keep telling the world how smart you are and how stupid everyone else is, mostly because you know the opposite to be true. And, like most dumbasses, you are not capable of offering any facts to support your claims.
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
must be that new Common Core math. a very simple, very quick Google search reveals numbers that say you're a liar. the everage monthly benefit is $125/per person, more than twice your number..
that number is also made lower than it really is by the fact that obama opened up food stamp benefits to single people without children, which was pretty much non-existant after the clinton -era welfare reform

try again
My mistake. $1.36 per person per meal. Does that really make it that much more generous?
Conservatives, who abhor the thought of low income Americans making more money, should be thrilled that so many Americans qualify for food stamps.

That must mean that union busting, exporting jobs, holding down the minimum wage - all those pet conservative projects are working.
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
And what would be your solution to reduce food stamp use? It is 2% of our budget. The average length of stay on food stamps is nine months. 96% of people who sign up for food stamps worked in the year they signed up. Food stamps provide $1.50 per person per day for food. The rise in food stamp eligibility took place between 2007 and 2011, when the recession hit. You have offered one economic stat. What about the others? Increased employment; little to no inflation; housing starts up; health care coverage for tens of millions. Congress controls spending. What portion of the blame for too many people getting $1.50 a day for about nine months while they work and get back on their feet is shared by Congress?

the other economic stats you cite are mainly smoke and mirrors, and you're a joke
So, when the government agency reports the number of food stamp recipients, that is honest data, but anything that shows positive movement in the economy is smoke and mirrors. You are an awful lot like the Donald. You have to keep telling the world how smart you are and how stupid everyone else is, mostly because you know the opposite to be true. And, like most dumbasses, you are not capable of offering any facts to support your claims.
View attachment 46944 View attachment 46944

you're citing a think-tank. i cited the government's own numbers

try again
Conservatives, who abhor the thought of low income Americans making more money, should be thrilled that so many Americans qualify for food stamps.

That must mean that union busting, exporting jobs, holding down the minimum wage - all those pet conservative projects are working.


all you idiots have left is pandering and demonnization of people rightly criticizing your failed Progressive policies
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
And by "ended", the economy stopped shrinking. Because of the Bush Recession, it shrunk at an annual rate of over 6% , the highest since the Great Depression. All that "ending" meant was that the decrease stopped and there was positive growth. It took several years to get out of that hole. But, you would have to have something you don't have, a basic understanding of economics.
must be that new Common Core math. a very simple, very quick Google search reveals numbers that say you're a liar. the everage monthly benefit is $125/per person, more than twice your number..
that number is also made lower than it really is by the fact that obama opened up food stamp benefits to single people without children, which was pretty much non-existant after the clinton -era welfare reform

try again
My mistake. $1.36 per person per meal. Does that really make it that much more generous?

it's a straw man anyway genius. if you recall my point was that it is up by 13 MILLION OVER BUSH YEARS
it's so nice of you to help, however meagerly YOU ADMIT it is, all the poor people YOU CREATED with failed Progressive policies

try again
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
And by "ended", the economy stopped shrinking. Because of the Bush Recession, it shrunk at an annual rate of over 6% , the highest since the Great Depression. All that "ending" meant was that the decrease stopped and there was positive growth. It took several years to get out of that hole. But, you would have to have something you don't have, a basic understanding of economics.

there is no 'bush recession" leftard, only policies both parties voted for and continued by democrats nearly every single one, long after bush was gone and republicans became the minority party

try again
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
And what would be your solution to reduce food stamp use? It is 2% of our budget. The average length of stay on food stamps is nine months. 96% of people who sign up for food stamps worked in the year they signed up. Food stamps provide $1.50 per person per day for food. The rise in food stamp eligibility took place between 2007 and 2011, when the recession hit. You have offered one economic stat. What about the others? Increased employment; little to no inflation; housing starts up; health care coverage for tens of millions. Congress controls spending. What portion of the blame for too many people getting $1.50 a day for about nine months while they work and get back on their feet is shared by Congress?

the other economic stats you cite are mainly smoke and mirrors, and you're a joke
So, when the government agency reports the number of food stamp recipients, that is honest data, but anything that shows positive movement in the economy is smoke and mirrors. You are an awful lot like the Donald. You have to keep telling the world how smart you are and how stupid everyone else is, mostly because you know the opposite to be true. And, like most dumbasses, you are not capable of offering any facts to support your claims.
View attachment 46944 View attachment 46944

you're citing a think-tank. i cited the government's own numbers

try again
You cited no numbers. You cited to nothing. And it is true that food stamp eligibility is high, though it is slowly shrinking. What you are not capable of is understanding why; offering a solution to stop it and understanding that that food stamp use is one tiny part of the picture of the economy. According to the government that you trust for your food stamp numbers.


See the Source?
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
And by "ended", the economy stopped shrinking. Because of the Bush Recession, it shrunk at an annual rate of over 6% , the highest since the Great Depression. All that "ending" meant was that the decrease stopped and there was positive growth. It took several years to get out of that hole. But, you would have to have something you don't have, a basic understanding of economics.
He sees a correlation between the recession and SNAP benefits. We are dealing with a person who is using economic indicators that have no relationship to how SNAP and other benefits are distributed.
Conservatives, who abhor the thought of low income Americans making more money, should be thrilled that so many Americans qualify for food stamps.

That must mean that union busting, exporting jobs, holding down the minimum wage - all those pet conservative projects are working.

exporting jobs..............

because only republicans own corporations

you idiots are a laugh riot. come onto the boards trying to spit truth as you see it; trying to ridicule others intelligence, and all you really do is make fools of yourselves ignorantly wallowing in false narratives, straw men, red herrings and talking points
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
And what would be your solution to reduce food stamp use? It is 2% of our budget. The average length of stay on food stamps is nine months. 96% of people who sign up for food stamps worked in the year they signed up. Food stamps provide $1.50 per person per day for food. The rise in food stamp eligibility took place between 2007 and 2011, when the recession hit. You have offered one economic stat. What about the others? Increased employment; little to no inflation; housing starts up; health care coverage for tens of millions. Congress controls spending. What portion of the blame for too many people getting $1.50 a day for about nine months while they work and get back on their feet is shared by Congress?

the other economic stats you cite are mainly smoke and mirrors, and you're a joke
So, when the government agency reports the number of food stamp recipients, that is honest data, but anything that shows positive movement in the economy is smoke and mirrors. You are an awful lot like the Donald. You have to keep telling the world how smart you are and how stupid everyone else is, mostly because you know the opposite to be true. And, like most dumbasses, you are not capable of offering any facts to support your claims.
View attachment 46944 View attachment 46944

you're citing a think-tank. i cited the government's own numbers

try again
You cited no numbers. You cited to nothing. And it is true that food stamp eligibility is high, though it is slowly shrinking. What you are not capable of is understanding why; offering a solution to stop it and understanding that that food stamp use is one tiny part of the picture of the economy. According to the government that you trust for your food stamp numbers.

View attachment 46946

See the Source?

[PDF]Average monthly benefit per person
government website dummy

try again

Food and Nutrition Service
State/Territory. FY 2010. FY 2011. FY 2012. FY 2013. FY 2014. Alabama. 126.90. 135.18. 127.26. 128.82. 121.77. Alaska. 173.78. 170.83. 170.07. 172.90.
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
And by "ended", the economy stopped shrinking. Because of the Bush Recession, it shrunk at an annual rate of over 6% , the highest since the Great Depression. All that "ending" meant was that the decrease stopped and there was positive growth. It took several years to get out of that hole. But, you would have to have something you don't have, a basic understanding of economics.
He sees a correlation between the recession and SNAP benefits. We are dealing with a person who is using economic indicators that have no relationship to how SNAP and other benefits are distributed.
We are dealing with a very stupid person, that is clear. You think it might be Trump? Seems to have the same willingness to lie.
paddy; your own "government source" reveals more have been added to the food stamps rolls than jobs were added under obama

you might want to actually look at what you post
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
And by "ended", the economy stopped shrinking. Because of the Bush Recession, it shrunk at an annual rate of over 6% , the highest since the Great Depression. All that "ending" meant was that the decrease stopped and there was positive growth. It took several years to get out of that hole. But, you would have to have something you don't have, a basic understanding of economics.
He sees a correlation between the recession and SNAP benefits. We are dealing with a person who is using economic indicators that have no relationship to how SNAP and other benefits are distributed.
We are dealing with a very stupid person, that is clear. You think it might be Trump? Seems to have the same willingness to lie.

you are dealing with a person smarter than you; but petty insults aside; you got nothing

keep trying
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
And by "ended", the economy stopped shrinking. Because of the Bush Recession, it shrunk at an annual rate of over 6% , the highest since the Great Depression. All that "ending" meant was that the decrease stopped and there was positive growth. It took several years to get out of that hole. But, you would have to have something you don't have, a basic understanding of economics.

hard to "get out of a hole" when numbers are INCREASING. if they showed a slight, ever so slight decrease in the numbers getting food stamps, or even an increased in the first year or so after 2009, that would be one thing, but we're talking almost seven years later and there are MILLION MORE on food stamps

Conservatives, who abhor the thought of low income Americans making more money, should be thrilled that so many Americans qualify for food stamps.

That must mean that union busting, exporting jobs, holding down the minimum wage - all those pet conservative projects are working.


all you idiots have left is pandering and demonnization of people rightly criticizing your failed Progressive policies

What progressive policy is failing so as to put more Americans on food stamps?
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
And what would be your solution to reduce food stamp use? It is 2% of our budget. The average length of stay on food stamps is nine months. 96% of people who sign up for food stamps worked in the year they signed up. Food stamps provide $1.50 per person per day for food. The rise in food stamp eligibility took place between 2007 and 2011, when the recession hit. You have offered one economic stat. What about the others? Increased employment; little to no inflation; housing starts up; health care coverage for tens of millions. Congress controls spending. What portion of the blame for too many people getting $1.50 a day for about nine months while they work and get back on their feet is shared by Congress?

the other economic stats you cite are mainly smoke and mirrors, and you're a joke
So, when the government agency reports the number of food stamp recipients, that is honest data, but anything that shows positive movement in the economy is smoke and mirrors. You are an awful lot like the Donald. You have to keep telling the world how smart you are and how stupid everyone else is, mostly because you know the opposite to be true. And, like most dumbasses, you are not capable of offering any facts to support your claims.
View attachment 46944 View attachment 46944

you're citing a think-tank. i cited the government's own numbers

try again
You cited no numbers. You cited to nothing. And it is true that food stamp eligibility is high, though it is slowly shrinking. What you are not capable of is understanding why; offering a solution to stop it and understanding that that food stamp use is one tiny part of the picture of the economy. According to the government that you trust for your food stamp numbers.

View attachment 46946

See the Source?

[PDF]Average monthly benefit per person
government website dummy

try again

Food and Nutrition Service
State/Territory. FY 2010. FY 2011. FY 2012. FY 2013. FY 2014. Alabama. 126.90. 135.18. 127.26. 128.82. 121.77. Alaska. 173.78. 170.83. 170.07. 172.90.
ALready addressed that, asshole. $1.35 per MEAL per person.
the recession ended in 2009. food stamps usage has increased enormously under obama
And by "ended", the economy stopped shrinking. Because of the Bush Recession, it shrunk at an annual rate of over 6% , the highest since the Great Depression. All that "ending" meant was that the decrease stopped and there was positive growth. It took several years to get out of that hole. But, you would have to have something you don't have, a basic understanding of economics.

hard to "get out of a hole" when numbers are INCREASING. if they showed a slight, ever so slight decrease in the numbers getting food stamps, or even an increased in the first year or so after 2009, that would be one thing, but we're talking almost seven years later and there are MILLION MORE on food stamps

The recession ended at the end of 2009. The economy did not get back to where it was for several years after that. It took time to clean up the mess conservative economic mismanagement caused.

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