"Roaring" Obamaconomy has millions more on food stamps then under Bush

self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN


Unemployment compared with food stamp usage.

You can see that food stamp usage didn't go up as fast as unemployment, there's a kind of a lag. The peak for food stamps was 2013, the peak for unemployment was October 2009. That's 4 years from the peak of unemployment to the peak of food stamps.

In the 1990s the peak for food stamps was 1994. The peak for unemployment was June 1992. A lag of 2 years. The recession was much shorter.

In the recessions in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s the peaks were 1981 and 1983. The unemployment peak was 1982. However there was no real going down of food stamps at that time, people went on, and stayed on, even though employment rose.

So what kind of employment were people getting under REAGAN that meant that food stamp rates hardly went down?

Also the last recession saw a lag, and the rate of food stamps is starting to drop as people start getting jobs.

there is no SEVEN YEAR LAG
on anything

you are simply a clown
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN


Unemployment compared with food stamp usage.

You can see that food stamp usage didn't go up as fast as unemployment, there's a kind of a lag. The peak for food stamps was 2013, the peak for unemployment was October 2009. That's 4 years from the peak of unemployment to the peak of food stamps.

In the 1990s the peak for food stamps was 1994. The peak for unemployment was June 1992. A lag of 2 years. The recession was much shorter.

In the recessions in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s the peaks were 1981 and 1983. The unemployment peak was 1982. However there was no real going down of food stamps at that time, people went on, and stayed on, even though employment rose.

So what kind of employment were people getting under REAGAN that meant that food stamp rates hardly went down?

Also the last recession saw a lag, and the rate of food stamps is starting to drop as people start getting jobs.

you're actually trying to say people made unable to support their food needs by virtue of being unemployed waited four years for food stamps

you are an idiot

your own numbers prove unemployment peaked in 2009 and started to fall but food stamps kept rising until 2013.

that's because obama expanded the welfare state

in the 1990s what happened?
you're simply a tool trying to regurgitate something that was clearly spoon-fed to you; making an apples and oranges comparison. and your lag is still DOUBLE under obama than the lag you cited from the 1990s
Thanks for the corrupt Booosh world depression, the 6 years of mindless obstruction, and now moaning about taking care of your victims. Raise the min wage and lose lots of these, btw.
There has been no recovery for the Average American. PERIOD.

Since 2009 - the top 7% of earners have basked in a record 33% earnings increase. The remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% decline in wages.
The recovery is a myth.
Under Obama the rich are doing EXCEPTIONALLY well...everyone else are not. Go Obama!
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN


Unemployment compared with food stamp usage.

You can see that food stamp usage didn't go up as fast as unemployment, there's a kind of a lag. The peak for food stamps was 2013, the peak for unemployment was October 2009. That's 4 years from the peak of unemployment to the peak of food stamps.

In the 1990s the peak for food stamps was 1994. The peak for unemployment was June 1992. A lag of 2 years. The recession was much shorter.

In the recessions in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s the peaks were 1981 and 1983. The unemployment peak was 1982. However there was no real going down of food stamps at that time, people went on, and stayed on, even though employment rose.

So what kind of employment were people getting under REAGAN that meant that food stamp rates hardly went down?

Also the last recession saw a lag, and the rate of food stamps is starting to drop as people start getting jobs.

there is no SEVEN YEAR LAG
on anything

you are simply a clown

So your argument is just an insult then? Well done for a productive come back to my point..... NOT.
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN


Unemployment compared with food stamp usage.

You can see that food stamp usage didn't go up as fast as unemployment, there's a kind of a lag. The peak for food stamps was 2013, the peak for unemployment was October 2009. That's 4 years from the peak of unemployment to the peak of food stamps.

In the 1990s the peak for food stamps was 1994. The peak for unemployment was June 1992. A lag of 2 years. The recession was much shorter.

In the recessions in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s the peaks were 1981 and 1983. The unemployment peak was 1982. However there was no real going down of food stamps at that time, people went on, and stayed on, even though employment rose.

So what kind of employment were people getting under REAGAN that meant that food stamp rates hardly went down?

Also the last recession saw a lag, and the rate of food stamps is starting to drop as people start getting jobs.

you're actually trying to say people made unable to support their food needs by virtue of being unemployed waited four years for food stamps

you are an idiot

your own numbers prove unemployment peaked in 2009 and started to fall but food stamps kept rising until 2013.

that's because obama expanded the welfare state

in the 1990s what happened?
you're simply a tool trying to regurgitate something that was clearly spoon-fed to you; making an apples and oranges comparison. and your lag is still DOUBLE under obama than the lag you cited from the 1990s

Again, using insults. I think this can be my last post to you. I really don't see what you think you'll achieve by insulting people.

However, I did not say what you're claiming. You're just making stuff up in order to be able to call someone an idiot.

I'm just going to say that you should probably take a better look at yourself before you start on the insults.

Maybe you have a point to make, I have no idea, and I don't really care any more with people who insult. So... you've just wasted your time and mine.
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN


Unemployment compared with food stamp usage.

You can see that food stamp usage didn't go up as fast as unemployment, there's a kind of a lag. The peak for food stamps was 2013, the peak for unemployment was October 2009. That's 4 years from the peak of unemployment to the peak of food stamps.

In the 1990s the peak for food stamps was 1994. The peak for unemployment was June 1992. A lag of 2 years. The recession was much shorter.

In the recessions in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s the peaks were 1981 and 1983. The unemployment peak was 1982. However there was no real going down of food stamps at that time, people went on, and stayed on, even though employment rose.

So what kind of employment were people getting under REAGAN that meant that food stamp rates hardly went down?

Also the last recession saw a lag, and the rate of food stamps is starting to drop as people start getting jobs.

there is no SEVEN YEAR LAG
on anything

you are simply a clown

So your argument is just an insult then? Well done for a productive come back to my point..... NOT.

my argument is facts. you will never, and yes that is a challenge, be able to show me from MY reputable source, that a four year lag in the economic factors you cited, between unemployment and food stamps, is anything close to normal under any circumstances now matter how severe the recession

ok GO
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN


Unemployment compared with food stamp usage.

You can see that food stamp usage didn't go up as fast as unemployment, there's a kind of a lag. The peak for food stamps was 2013, the peak for unemployment was October 2009. That's 4 years from the peak of unemployment to the peak of food stamps.

In the 1990s the peak for food stamps was 1994. The peak for unemployment was June 1992. A lag of 2 years. The recession was much shorter.

In the recessions in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s the peaks were 1981 and 1983. The unemployment peak was 1982. However there was no real going down of food stamps at that time, people went on, and stayed on, even though employment rose.

So what kind of employment were people getting under REAGAN that meant that food stamp rates hardly went down?

Also the last recession saw a lag, and the rate of food stamps is starting to drop as people start getting jobs.

you're actually trying to say people made unable to support their food needs by virtue of being unemployed waited four years for food stamps

you are an idiot

your own numbers prove unemployment peaked in 2009 and started to fall but food stamps kept rising until 2013.

that's because obama expanded the welfare state

in the 1990s what happened?
you're simply a tool trying to regurgitate something that was clearly spoon-fed to you; making an apples and oranges comparison. and your lag is still DOUBLE under obama than the lag you cited from the 1990s

Again, using insults. I think this can be my last post to you. I really don't see what you think you'll achieve by insulting people.

However, I did not say what you're claiming. You're just making stuff up in order to be able to call someone an idiot.

I'm just going to say that you should probably take a better look at yourself before you start on the insults.

Maybe you have a point to make, I have no idea, and I don't really care any more with people who insult. So... you've just wasted your time and mine.

just stop crying and put together something that isnt ridiculous
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
it is hard to imagine

but there is a president that has done

worse then bush
Change the channel, you're a brainwashed functional moron.

At the very most only 3% of the American population gets even a small portion of news from FOX News. This fact gets explained on a regular and almost routine schedule here at USMB, yet folks like you persist in making those false claims about how the nation gets it news from the number one cable news network without ever challenging the data that proves that ridiculous claim is false. NBC, ABC, CBS get ten or even twenty times the viewership of FOX cable and those networks are seen on cable also. The three networks get over 22 million views every night for their nightly news broadcast. FOX is lucky to get out of the hundreds of thousands and only occasionally reaches the one million viewers mark. FOX beats MSNBC and CNN, the other cable news networks. None of those even beat Jon Stewart on the Comedy Network. His reruns will probably still beat them all.
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
And what would be your solution to reduce food stamp use? It is 2% of our budget. The average length of stay on food stamps is nine months. 96% of people who sign up for food stamps worked in the year they signed up. Food stamps provide $1.50 per person per day for food. The rise in food stamp eligibility took place between 2007 and 2011, when the recession hit. You have offered one economic stat. What about the others? Increased employment; little to no inflation; housing starts up; health care coverage for tens of millions. Congress controls spending. What portion of the blame for too many people getting $1.50 a day for about nine months while they work and get back on their feet is shared by Congress?
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN
It's a lot easier to destroy something than fix it. Republicans destroyed the middle east, the economy, dropped restrictions on pollution. So easy.

But their ideas on how to fix their mess? Who knows, we haven't heard any.

once again you embarrass yourself

when you accuse others of destroying things you ought to, at a minimum, be able to show the other Party didnt not only go along with the policies you say destroyed things, but continued them long after that other party took power
And what would be your solution to reduce food stamp use? It is 2% of our budget. The average length of stay on food stamps is nine months. 96% of people who sign up for food stamps worked in the year they signed up. Food stamps provide $1.50 per person per day for food. The rise in food stamp eligibility took place between 2007 and 2011, when the recession hit. You have offered one economic stat. What about the others? Increased employment; little to no inflation; housing starts up; health care coverage for tens of millions. Congress controls spending. What portion of the blame for too many people getting $1.50 a day for about nine months while they work and get back on their feet is shared by Congress?

the other economic stats you cite are mainly smoke and mirrors, and you're a joke
must be that new Common Core math. a very simple, very quick Google search reveals numbers that say you're a liar. the everage monthly benefit is $125/per person, more than twice your number..
that number is also made lower than it really is by the fact that obama opened up food stamp benefits to single people without children, which was pretty much non-existant after the clinton -era welfare reform

try again

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