"Roaring" Obamaconomy has millions more on food stamps then under Bush

although I cant say I have any kind of respect for somebody deep in denial, I'm grateful you're keeping the thread alive!!! thanks!!! ;)
So you don't have any proof?

this is why I make fun of left-wingers; put proof in their face and they just look stupid wallowing in denial
i'm going to ignore you now; but i'll stop by to ridicule from time to time ok??
Probably your best bet, unless you enjoy being pwned repeatedly

really, prove you pwned them?
Really, you are a conservatard too? Who knew?

you're making a fool of yourself. you were shown proof. you choose to keep staring at your colon instead of being a man and "pwning" it
comical how the Left rushes to defend their failed agenda

there are more on food stamps more than halfway through Obama's SEVENTH YEAR; MILLIONS MORE, then there were under Bush
That is the thing with trends, they continue. You do understand what a trend is right?
record numbers also on some kind of federal disability; not military related

must be a coincidence

idiots and hypocrites
The obvious solution is amnesty and an open border. Apparently obvious to Obama.
Weird, the little uneducated make pretend conservative people whining about benefits going to low income people while Charles Koch warns about Wall Street welfare being the greatest economic danger to our economy.
The obvious solution is amnesty and an open border. Apparently obvious to Obama.
Actually, papers for the worthy and a good SS/ID card, ending the problem, dupe. But Pubs wll never allow a good SS ID card- they love cheap, easily bullied labor. And messing with your thick skull. lol argh.
Weird, the little uncaring make pretend liberals whining about wall street meanwhile low educated low skilled workers are being displaced by democrat voters flooding the border. I wonder if they realize that bring down wall street would only hurt more the people that they say they want to protect, but they do everything to hurt.
The obvious solution is amnesty and an open border. Apparently obvious to Obama.
Actually, papers for the worthy and a good SS/ID card, ending the problem, dupe. But Pubs wll never allow a good SS ID card- they love cheap, easily bullied labor. And messing with your thick skull. lol argh.

OMG, OMG are you talking about people having to have ids? OMG OMG you want to disenfranchise more people. Have you not been listening to your own liberal left? Poor people are way too stupid to get ids, they are so stupid they need liberals to tell them what to do. WTF is wrong with liberals that they can't make up their minds? First they SAY they are for the poor then they fight to import more poor. The liberal left makes absolutely no sense unless looked upon as those who are only interested in one thing, POWER.
In the Obots world that would be a Roaring Success.

I agree; hard not to conclude making as many Americans as possible POORER AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT is the Left'a idea of "forward progress"

although I cant say I have any kind of respect for somebody deep in denial, I'm grateful you're keeping the thread alive!!! thanks!!! ;)
So you don't have any proof?

The proof is all around you. Maybe if you'd stop taking your talking points from George Soros...
I agree; hard not to conclude making as many Americans as possible POORER AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT is the Left'a idea of "forward progress"

although I cant say I have any kind of respect for somebody deep in denial, I'm grateful you're keeping the thread alive!!! thanks!!! ;)
So you don't have any proof?

this is why I make fun of left-wingers; put proof in their face and they just look stupid wallowing in denial
i'm going to ignore you now; but i'll stop by to ridicule from time to time ok??
Probably your best bet, unless you enjoy being pwned repeatedly

Pwned? Seriously?
Cant decide if you're a geeky kid behind the times,or an adult who is sorely out of touch with current internet slang.
comical how the Left rushes to defend their failed agenda

there are more on food stamps more than halfway through Obama's SEVENTH YEAR; MILLIONS MORE, then there were under Bush
That is the thing with trends, they continue. You do understand what a trend is right?

I'd have to ask you the same....if you think pwned is still trendy.
self-deceiving left-wing o-bots still blaming Bush more than halfway through Obama YEAR SEVEN


Unemployment compared with food stamp usage.

You can see that food stamp usage didn't go up as fast as unemployment, there's a kind of a lag. The peak for food stamps was 2013, the peak for unemployment was October 2009. That's 4 years from the peak of unemployment to the peak of food stamps.

In the 1990s the peak for food stamps was 1994. The peak for unemployment was June 1992. A lag of 2 years. The recession was much shorter.

In the recessions in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s the peaks were 1981 and 1983. The unemployment peak was 1982. However there was no real going down of food stamps at that time, people went on, and stayed on, even though employment rose.

So what kind of employment were people getting under REAGAN that meant that food stamp rates hardly went down?

Also the last recession saw a lag, and the rate of food stamps is starting to drop as people start getting jobs.
comical how the Left rushes to defend their failed agenda

there are more on food stamps more than halfway through Obama's SEVENTH YEAR; MILLIONS MORE, then there were under Bush
That is the thing with trends, they continue. You do understand what a trend is right?


I UNDERSTAND the "trend" got worse under obama
i understand you idiots call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

nothing "continued", it got WORSE under obama. and stayed worse

you look stupid

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